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Which player character voice is your favourite?

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Fan of the asura race, have several characters of them.One is a necromancer with several demonic traits, so I'd wish for a more gritty voice.But other than that, all voices seem fine.I kinda dislike the sylvari, but that's more caused by their dialogue than their voice.

I'm also very used to the human female voice. I made one as a gig when i started, but then it became my most developed character and never replaced it with a male character. So that one human female (elonian) is my main now, even keep her in gear fit whichever expansion she's in.(Started wearing the Travellers Mask to mimic a large burn scar since the scene Balthazar 'killed' me)

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I voted sylvari female, but for me it's really a tie between the sylvari female & the asura female voices, with asura male and norn female a close second. Although, I will admit that a large portion of my love of the norn female voice is knowing that is Claudia Christian's voice. Claudia Christian and Jennifer Hale could read a phone book and I'd be willing to listen to them all day.

EDIT: Also, Felicia Day. She could read unfavorable court verdicts to me in Zojja's voice, & I'd still smile.

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