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Dismounting Bugs: a list

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Please, everyone, list the bugs you have encountered after dismounting (they can be frequent, occasional, or rare ones).

Here are mine:

  • Frequently: Ranger pet suddenly disabled, Soulbeast pet-merging as well (you have to manually either re-activate your pet or to re-enter Soulbeast mode by pressing F5)
  • Rarely: Firebrand's mantras reset (you have to cast them all anew)
  • Occasionally: lag/delay in harvesting or whatever interaction caused you to dismount (sometimes no interaction at all, so you need to press the Use key/button again)
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@Ashantara.8731 said:Please, everyone, list the bugs you have encountered after dismounting (they can be frequent, occasional, or rare ones).

Here are mine:

  • Frequently: Ranger pet suddenly disabled, Soulbeast pet-merging as well (you have to manually either re-activate your pet or to re-enter Soulbeast mode by pressing F5)

I'd say nine times out of ten my pet does not appear when I dismount for combat. I did start a thread about it but I fear it has been buried somewhere in the bugs forum, so I will add my voice to your post. Granted it will probably be tapering off to a death gurgle as I once again die because my pet wasn't out to help for the fight, but hey, every little bit helps.

P.S. I don't play Soulbeast so that's not the issue.

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The player often is stuck looking in a certain direction when engaging combat using the mount as an opening strike. Only remedied by remounting/unmounting again. Cone AoEs point in the wrong direction but hits the target you're using the skill on. Same for missiles / ranged attacks while you're in this state.

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I haven't used mounts much on anything bar necro, but when you mount, dismount, then mount again and dismount, your minions die and the skills go on cooldown.

Just encountered a bug on my ranger (vanilla ranger, no elite spec) where when I engaged enemies with the raptor my pet didn't show up. Even after defeating the enemies, my pet is still "disabled". Was able to recreate the bug for a screenie. https://imgur.com/a/cw3Wo

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  • 1 month later...

This one isn't just dismounting, but sometimes when I use the raptor (I've only had this happen on raptor) and I use the raptor's springing forward skill, if it completely empties the endurance bar the endurance will not re-fill no matter how long I wait. I have to dismount and remount to get it to refill.

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  • 7 months later...

Frequent dismounting leading to inability to use skills

This is an old bug I have reported before, and it still hasn't been fixed to date:

When you frequently mount/dismount, it will eventually lead to your skills getting locked. Your skill bar will show normally, but pressing the skill icons or respective numbers won't do anything. The only solution is to log out and back into the game, which can be annoying during fights (especially bounties and metas, when you cannot re-enter your previous map instance).

This issue needs to be addressed as we have to switch mounts very often on the new map (and in general), triggering the bug eventually. Also, when you collect items for heart vendors or are on a farm run, mounting up in between nodes is a natural thing to do.

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Do we have these already?

  • Player audio like voice lines are stuck at dismounting position. E.g., player is talking, dismounts, walks away, but spatially, he can still hear his voice from the location he dismounted at.
  • Also there were some players being launched far away when dismounting, but I never had that, so you may better ask them for details.
  • Bowstrings disappear between mounting
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  • 1 year later...

@Ray Koopa.2354 said:Do we have these already?

  • Player audio like voice lines are stuck at dismounting position. E.g., player is talking, dismounts, walks away, but spatially, he can still hear his voice from the location he dismounted at.

That seems to be a general bug these days, like dialogue is no longer programmed to be fixed on the character but on the location the character was standing when their dialogue triggered.


Warclaw Bug: Skill no. 1 (mauling) often doesn't trigger - you stay mounted instead and nothing happens.

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Warclaw Bug: Skill no. 1 (mauling) often doesn't trigger - you stay mounted instead and nothing happens.I've had this happen a lot too.

Not entirely sure if this is caused by mounts but I heard this happens if you dismount with really high ping ~ You fall into the ground in wvw and become untargetable.

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