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Should Arena Net Revisit Gliders with Back Items and make them Dyable?

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@Zaraki.5784 said:

@Zaraki.5784 said:They "should" but they won't, they wouldn't get any money from that action and we all know that's enough of a reason for them to not moving a finger.

Excuse me my good monsieur but they would totally get my money. The only thing that kept me from buying the Watchwork Wings Glider is the fact that the tandem backpeice couldn't be dyed, and that's definitely not the only glider in that case (looking at you Dragon Wings and Vine-Touched). Fix this and I'm buying them as soon as they reappear in the gemstore.

How could you pay them if you already own those items?.The only thing that kept me from buying the Watchwork Wings Glider is the fact that the tandem backpeice couldn't be dyed.kept me from buying
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@ROMANG.1903 said:

@Zaraki.5784 said:They "should" but they won't, they wouldn't get any money from that action and we all know that's enough of a reason for them to not moving a finger.

Excuse me my good monsieur but they would totally get my money. The only thing that kept me from buying the Watchwork Wings Glider is the fact that the tandem backpeice couldn't be dyed, and that's definitely not the only glider in that case (looking at you Dragon Wings and Vine-Touched). Fix this and I'm buying them as soon as they reappear in the gemstore.

How could you pay them if you already own those items?.The only thing that kept me from buying the Watchwork Wings Glider is the fact that the tandem backpeice couldn't be dyed.kept me from buying

Ok, but that's just your personal taste, there may be people who already bought those backpacks and others who would be satisfied just by having the ones available in-game (no gem store) if they make them dyable.What I mean is, which group would be more in numbers? Those who think like yourself or those in the two categories i said above? I think the latter, and thus it doesn't justify an effort from anet's point of view sadly...

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@Zaraki.5784 said:

@Zaraki.5784 said:They "should" but they won't, they wouldn't get any money from that action and we all know that's enough of a reason for them to not moving a finger.

Excuse me my good monsieur but they would totally get my money. The only thing that kept me from buying the Watchwork Wings Glider is the fact that the tandem backpeice couldn't be dyed, and that's definitely not the only glider in that case (looking at you Dragon Wings and Vine-Touched). Fix this and I'm buying them as soon as they reappear in the gemstore.

How could you pay them if you already own those items?.The only thing that kept me from buying the Watchwork Wings Glider is the fact that the tandem backpeice couldn't be dyed.kept me from buying

Ok, but that's just your personal taste, there may be people who already bought those backpacks and others who would be satisfied just by having the ones available in-game (no gem store) if they make them dyable.What I mean is, which group would be more in numbers? Those who think like yourself or those in the two categories i said above? I think the latter, and thus it doesn't justify an effort from anet's point of view sadly...

There is currently no backpack/glider combo in which only the glider is dyable, outside of gemstore. Those who are already satisfied with the ones available in-game won't change their habits if gemstore items become dyable. That leaves us with only those who already bought the backpeices vs those who would buy them only if they become dyable, and I'd say the later wins on the long term.

Let's be honnest, there is an advantage to having entirely non-dyable backpack/glider combos, in that the textures and effects are more intricate. But when your backpack is just a non-dyable version of a dyable glider, you get the worst of both world: lower-quality textures and effects, and no customization option.Where I'm going with this is that I don't want ANet to revisit every backpeice in the game, only those that are non-dyable version of a dyable item. They already have the model and it's already dyable, they don't need to remodel anything. They just need to let us exchange our non-dyable versions for dyable ones using the new code.

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Now the technology is out to make 4 dye channels gliders- Would it be possible to update the old ones to bring them on par in terms of customization?

Generally, separate the channels that currently dye two distinct elements at the same time, and let us dye these elements separately. And when there's a clear, plain pattern that currently doesn't have a dye channel, maybe add one for it too?

For exampe:White Mantle Glider- Make the mid section of the glider dyable separately from its wings. Make the White Mantle icon dyable (base dye: Permafrost). Boom, 4 dye channels, more customization.

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@ROMANG.1903 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:TldrThey said quite specifically no

They said they wouldn't revisit older back items to make them dyable. Here I am talking about things that already are dyable, just not as much as they could be

My bad, I didn't read thoroughly.

The same situation will still exist though and is the reason the other items you requested the other day wont be changed either. Once a dye channel is fixed for an item, it is fixed like that. They aren't going to go back messing around with older things for no real reason or gain. Yes it would be nice for a customisable POV I agree, but the best you can hope for is improvements on forthcoming items rather than existing ones.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:TldrThey said quite specifically no

They said they wouldn't revisit older back items to make them dyable. Here I am talking about things that already are dyable, just not as much as they could be

My bad, I didn't read thoroughly.

The same situation will still exist though and is the reason the other items you requested the other day wont be changed either. Once a dye channel is fixed for an item, it is fixed like that. They aren't going to go back messing around with older things for no real reason or gain. Yes it would be nice for a customisable POV I agree, but the best you can hope for is improvements on forthcoming items rather than existing ones.

Why not? On the long term, revisiting those items would fidelize players who like customization, and increase sales of these items to people who still didn't buy them. They don't have to update everything at the same time either. They can just update two or three gliders at each patch when they feel like it, and it would still be better than nothing.

On the glider list I can find 9, maybe 10 gliders that could really use more dye channels (counting all those that have a same dye channel for two distinct elements (like the Etherbound glider), and/or have non-dyable, but clearly plain colours paterns (like the White Mantle's icon)).With a pace of just 1 or 2 glider updates per patch, these could all be done in 4 or 5 patches.

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