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If you rebalance warclaw in wvw..do so also in PvE

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@Arheundel.6451 said:The way people spend their own money it's not any of your business and in the same vein it's not my problem if you can't bother to spend couple of days in another mode to get a mount....afraid of seeing your character die, nobody asked to add new functionality, simply suggested to moderately increase the running speed to be at least more than on feet running.....you can keep your roleplay commodities with other mounts

Well, when you place this in your initial argument, you MADE it our business of what you spent your Money on. We don’t care that you spent real life money on skins for a WvW Mount.

@Arheundel.6451 said:(especially after I paid RL cash for the skins)

It’s a WvW Mount. You don’t have to like that.

Come to WvW to use all of its features. And the skins.

I mean, you aren’t afraid of seeing your character die are you?


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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Teratus.2859" said:If you want to duel do it in PvP where that 1v1 stuff belongs.This is not true tbh i see people dueling in WvW all the time you just need to know where to look and go so you wont get interrupted by zergs passing by. Even so most people recognize a duel and wont bother it. If someone does bother it they get promptly erased by the onlookers or other members participating in the duel.Isn't that exactly the point? Groups of people dissatisfied of what WvW is are trying to enforce different sets of rules for some parts of that mode on people that were fine with the base rules ("if it's red, it's dead"). And if someone tries to play the mode as intended, they get punished for that.

Not really people just like to duel its a game with pvp an anet has no dueling mode where as almost every other mmo game does so no... none of what you said here is really the point of why people duel in wvw.

IF you get punished for running into a group of people and attacking them on sight and they erase you then to them you were red and now dead technically the only thing being punished is the persons lack of common for running into a 1 vs x regardless whos side those players are on. You have full right to attack people dueling but dont be upset when they attack you back.

And all of that for no gain at all - SPvP is a far better environment for this kind of duels, there's no reason to disrupt WvW for that.

This is also not true, they want to duel without the restrictions that spvp has on stats, runes, and sigils. So they do it in WvW when situations allow it. This allows full freedom of builds and stats options you would never be able to get in spvp.

Yes people also use private Spvp rooms for dueling and 1v1 tournaments.In the same breath does this mean people are always dissatisfied with standard spvp? Not always no.... Would you still get (in your words) punished for interrupting those in that case... yes you certainly would.

Just anet does not offer a 1v1 mode or a dueling mode and and regardless of what game you look at people will find ways to 1v1 one another because its just a thing people like to do.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

(especially after I paid RL cash for the skins)

No one forced you to buy skins for a WvW mount.

The way people spend their own money it's not any of your business

I didn't say it was my business, I just stated that it's your own fault when you spend money on something that is useless in your preferred game mode. It's none of our nor of ANet's business, either, to then have to listen to such baseless complaints about it.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@"Astralporing.1957" said:Isn't that exactly the point? Groups of people dissatisfied of what WvW is are trying to enforce different sets of rules for some parts of that mode on people that were fine with the base rules ("if it's red, it's dead"). And if someone tries to play the mode as intended, they get punished for that.

Not really people just like to duel its a game with pvp an anet has no dueling mode where as almost every other mmo game does so no... none of what you said here is really the point of why people duel in wvw.Because i wasn't talking about
they do that. Only about the
of them doing so.

IF you get punished for running into a group of people and attacking them on sight and they erase you then to them you were red and now dead technically the only thing being punished is the persons lack of common for running into a 1 vs x regardless whos side those players are on. You have full right to attack people dueling but dont be upset when they attack you back.what about if i try to help someone i see fighting with an enemy and losing, and then the person i tried to help not only stops fighting and watches me getting killed, but then to top it tells me off, saying i "got what i deserved for trying to interfere"? Why do you think anyone going with such experience would want to continue helping other players in this mode in the future?

Yes, i do understand that some people feel they don't have a perfect mode for duels, and try to use other modes for that, but the point remains - they are not playing WvW as designed, they are playing their own minigame, not caring that they are disrupting the game for those that want to play WvW as intended, to the detriment of the whole mode.

At least in SPvP you can do it in 1v1 rooms, without being a kitten to other players and disrupting their play. But who cares about that, right ? /sarcasm

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Astralporing.1957 said:Isn't that exactly the point? Groups of people dissatisfied of what WvW is are trying to enforce different sets of rules for some parts of that mode on people that were fine with the base rules ("if it's red, it's dead"). And if someone tries to play the mode as intended, they get punished for that.

Not really people just like to duel its a game with pvp an anet has no dueling mode where as almost every other mmo game does so no... none of what you said here is really the point of why people duel in wvw.Because i wasn't talking about
they do that. Only about the
of them doing so.

IF you get punished for running into a group of people and attacking them on sight and they erase you then to them you were red and now dead technically the only thing being punished is the persons lack of common for running into a 1 vs x regardless whos side those players are on. You have full right to attack people dueling but dont be upset when they attack you back.what about if i try to help someone i see fighting with an enemy and losing, and then the person i tried to help not only stops fighting and watches me getting killed, but then to top it tells me off, saying i "got what i deserved for trying to interfere"? Why do you think anyone going with such experience would want to continue helping other players in this mode in the future?

Yes, i do understand that some people feel they don't have a perfect mode for duels, and try to use other modes for that, but the point remains - they are not playing WvW as designed, they are playing their own minigame, not caring that they are disrupting the game for those that want to play WvW as intended, to the detriment of the whole mode.

Going back to the "Game has no dueling mode option" statement here. This is a game problem at its core. People who stop fighting and tell you off are a symptom of the issue not the issue itself.

At least in SPvP you can do it in 1v1 rooms, without being a kitten to other players and disrupting their play. But who cares about that, right ? /sarcasm

I also covered why they dont use spvp rooms already. There is reasoning for that.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@"Astralporing.1957" said:Yes, i do understand that some people feel they don't have a perfect mode for duels, and try to use other modes for that, but the point remains - they are not playing WvW as designed, they are playing their own minigame, not caring that they are disrupting the game for those that want to play WvW as intended, to the detriment of the whole mode.

Going back to the "Game has no dueling mode option" statement here. This is a game problem at its core. People who stop fighting and tell you off are a symptom of the issue not the issue itself.Nope. Not having a duelling option is not a core game issue. It's a
issue. Specifically, an issue for people that want out of this game something this game has never had, and never said it will have. And by acting the way they do they create a completely separate issue - albeit one they personally do not care about.

At least in SPvP you can do it in 1v1 rooms, without being a kitten to other players and disrupting their play. But who cares about that, right ? /sarcasm

I also covered why they dont use spvp rooms already. There is reasoning for that.

And? Does all that make anything i said untrue? Yes, they have a reason for what they do. That doesn't make what they do reasonable.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Astralporing.1957 said:Yes, i do understand that some people feel they don't have a perfect mode for duels, and try to use other modes for that, but the point remains - they are not playing WvW as designed, they are playing their own minigame, not caring that they are disrupting the game for those that want to play WvW as intended, to the detriment of the whole mode.

Going back to the "Game has no dueling mode option" statement here. This is a game problem at its core. People who stop fighting and tell you off are a symptom of the issue not the issue itself.Nope. Not having a duelling option is not a core game issue. It's a
issue. Specifically, an issue for people that want out of this game something this game has never had, and never said it will have. And by acting the way they do they create a completely separate issue - albeit one they personally do not care about.

IF people go out of thire way to duel in areas that basically allow player vs player combat i would say it is a core game issue, but you can agree to disagree im not going to go back and for on this when i see people dueling all the time in both game modes. If you see enough duels you can generally tell when people are dueling and just leave them be or interrupt them and risk getting slapped to the floor.

At least in SPvP you can do it in 1v1 rooms, without being a kitten to other players and disrupting their play. But who cares about that, right ? /sarcasm

I also covered why they dont use spvp rooms already. There is reasoning for that.

And? Does all that make anything i said untrue? Yes, they have a reason for what they do. That doesn't make what they do

To be honest so long as these game modes and professions are so imbalanced Anet has way too many issues to sort out and people fighting in 1v1 in WvW means thats just another thing people might enjoy being added to the game even if the game is not directly balanced around 1v1 battles.

Most other games have duel request systems built into them at their core and gw2 does not so players find work arounds, its not a big issue imo.You wont ever be able to enforce people not to duel if they want to so this is a big waste of time going back and forth on if its right or wrong and who it hurts and who it does not hurt. If you want people to stop doing it in wvw then they need to add a core system that allows it in pve on a request system.All you need to do is make it so

  • it cant be spammed or request can be ignored / auto denied in the options (turned off by default so people cant bother pve mains and new or low level players with it.)
  • can only be done in some maps / areas, preferably not in towns (with few exceptions maybe black citadel has an arena for example)
  • make it so it cant be done in areas with metas, during the metas

And yes I know guild halls have arenas for this but that takes a lot more effort than its worth in most cases also not all guilds are happy with just lower members inviting random people into their halls it could be frowned upon and rude to do even more so if other members use the hall for other purposes.

This whole conversation has gotten off topic so ill be leaving this as my last statement.

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