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Speculations On E


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Hmm, drat, looks like it might be a less solid thing on ANet's part than I thought based on Head of the Snake. That is, they aren't executing a plan on revealing E. See https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/496020/#Comment_496020

Basically when asked "is E a forgotten plot thread" the answer isn't "of course not," it's "maybe, but it's complicated." So ANet people may or may not know exactly who E is? Or just aren't sure how to weave the reveal into the story? Guess I'll stop scouring story lore drops for E references :)

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:

@dusanyu.4057 said:I still think its Evon knashblade he has agents everywhere even in the commanders inventory

Agreed, but it seems so obvious it makes me think it might not be. Red herring and all. . . .

Edit: Man, it would be awesome of E was Lord Faren.

I guess it's possible. Faren may be a twit, but he seems loyal to Kryta.Lord Faren is also a very present figure in Krytan politics. Unlike the late Caudecus, who did his powerbrokering through backroom deals and extortion, Faren is usually at the center of the stage. And when everyone turns the head to observe you, you can in turn observe everyone else.Then there's his fighting prowess. Is he a thief, a warrior? He wields a sword. He actually survived the Maguuma Jungle in nothing but a loincloth.He must possess some skill, but can you be skilled and a bumbling fool at the same time? Like a drunken master, the dumb stuff he does may even be genuine, but when he sits down to get some work done he becomes scarily effective? How would such a mind even work?

Fortunately there's alternatives, because a Faren like that scares me.

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I think they have a strong idea who E is and have written E's stuff with that in mind (and also have written their planned person with E in mind), but possibly they want to leave it open until it fits their story purposes to do a reveal.

Not ever doing a reveal would be a cheesy move, though, they've spent enough years building E up that it would be narrativus interruptus to drop that story completely.

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After reading about their wildly flexible and creative writing process in the last AFC, I'm still doubting they have someone in charge of continuity, and I'm 99% sure they don't have 1 predetermined "E", but a bunch of possible candidates. The very nature of their process would impede them to stick to a single, rigid line from beginning to end.

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