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Ele is unviable again


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It's really the combination of all its losses that makes it difficult. Obsidian flesh got nerfed, TOF nearly doubled in recharge, 5/6 stances lost stability, sword evades got longer cool downs.

I wouldn't say Ele got hit the hardest with this patch, but they didn't hold any punches either. Add that to the fact that when an Ele commits to melee or range, that's it. You're all in. Something as simple as stability was a necessity.

Stability on dual skills might work, but it sounds very situational, whereas stances were on demand. Only playing it can tell.

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@Fearless.3569 said:On another note Sorcerer in ESO is extremely viable in PvP. In some cases META. As someone who plays both games just wanted to throw that out there.

Lol in eso sorc is the thief equivalent as far as broken op cries in the eso community. Nightblades aren't far behind but sorcs are definitely known as the de facto cheese class in that game lol

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@zoopop.5630 said:

@"bluri.2653" said:weaver still has massive potential to be meta regardless of the nerfsRemoving stability from ele ALONE is enough to make it unviable

Prot holo lost all source of stab beside from Elixir U or B. Losing out on Just stab does not mean it won't be "meta". Ele is going to still be solid IMO, Look at what happen to Rangers, Mesmers and Warriors overall. I don't see how you the lose of stability is the only issue you have with them at the moment when a majority of other side noders were hit pretty hard in some other ways.

Prot holo isn’t ele. If you need me to explain to you how being stun locked on a class with no burst heals (unlike holo) and with light armor and lowest health pool is more punishing then you have larger problems.

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@witcher.3197 said:

@Poelala.2830 said:It was a good 6 months but ele is back to being trash tier like it was from 2014-2019

Guess you forgot Tempest being the only viable support and consistently meta through 2015-2017.

Ele mains had it rough for like a year after PoF tho, true.

I should have been more specific. There hasn’t been a damage build for ele since 2014 outside of the past 6 or so months.

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@zoopop.5630 said:

@"bluri.2653" said:weaver still has massive potential to be meta regardless of the nerfsRemoving stability from ele ALONE is enough to make it unviable

Prot holo lost all source of stab beside from Elixir U or B. Losing out on Just stab does not mean it won't be "meta". Ele is going to still be solid IMO, Look at what happen to Rangers, Mesmers and Warriors overall. I don't see how you the lose of stability is the only issue you have with them at the moment when a majority of other side noders were hit pretty hard in some other ways.

Doesn't Crystal Configuration: Eclipse still give stability, or does prot holo not run that

Edit: WOW IT WON'T. O___O

Welp, I'm not complaining... You have my condolences

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@Poelala.2830 said:

@Poelala.2830 said:It was a good 6 months but ele is back to being trash tier like it was from 2014-2019

Guess you forgot Tempest being the only viable support and consistently meta through 2015-2017.

Ele mains had it rough for like a year after PoF tho, true.

I should have been more specific. There hasn’t been a damage build for ele since 2014 outside of the past 6 or so months.

I think most ppl were playing fresh air for awhile as tempest just wasn’t used and players wanted a damage build. My personal opinion is ele got a nice upgrade with weaver and sword especially. Bunker side node and a few more dps versions are bound to be viable and it just depends how strong it is compared to other side noders for it to be meta

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@"mrauls.6519" said:

@"bluri.2653" said:weaver still has massive potential to be meta regardless of the nerfsRemoving stability from ele ALONE is enough to make it unviable

Prot holo lost all source of stab beside from Elixir U or B. Losing out on Just stab does not mean it won't be "meta". Ele is going to still be solid IMO, Look at what happen to Rangers, Mesmers and Warriors overall. I don't see how you the lose of stability is the only issue you have with them at the moment when a majority of other side noders were hit pretty hard in some other ways.

Doesn't Crystal Configuration: Eclipse still give stability, or does prot holo not run that

Edit: WOW IT WON'T. O_

Welp, I'm not complaining... You have my condolences

ya lmao, Legit giving up on prot and moving onto scrapper possibly.

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As main Weaver, can't wait to test the new meta shift. I absolutely love the idea and want to test it.

The only think I dislike is the force of locking the bar when using Obsidian flash. That's unnecessary and tear down the game style of the Elementarists.

Others so called nerf are welcomed, because if they are well balanced and fit well in other classes nerf then all the players will enjoy their new power creep.

Remember: what you would in a savannah is not the be the fastest to survive but you would be faster then your beloved friend when the lion is upon you both :)

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