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Soulbeast 'swap' needs fixing.


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ranger is about the pet.I don't want to lose my pet every time I demount. I shouldn't have to unmerge/merge to 'sort' an issue. It's worst because if I demount to fight I have no pet till what i'm killing is killed.How is this helping game play? How is having your pet locked improving my class? Who thought 1 pet with no swop was ok?At the very most the changes shouldn't of happened at PvE, at all. If you wanna nef, nerf the god dammed skills not the mechanics.Not only do Anet listen to a 'certain group' of Pvers and wvw'er, they also listen to a bunch of non ranger player trolls.Yeah i'm not overly happy.

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I can confirm that this is an issue - Dismounting when already in combat or when using the dismount skill to initiate combat. The previously present pet does not spawn on dismount, 100% of the dozen times I have tested this. Merging and quickly un-merging is a clumsy but viable workaround, that seems to work in 100% of those dozen or so tests. I don't feel the need to test more than that, especially with the behavior of the issue and workaround being so consistent. Besides, it's ANet's job to do testing, especially now that players have pointed out this issue which has already gotten by ANet's QA and into a live release.

And should this thread possibly be moved to the bugs forum? Also, the thread title should be changed to reflect that it is a "pet activation" issue, rather than a possible misunderstanding of the new Soul Beast pet swap mechanic change.

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This change to soulbeast swap was unnecessary. What the community (especially the pvp and the wvw) were complaining about was the mobility the swoop skill granted to the ranger. This was obviously a pet skill problem as the soulbeast class is not designed to grant more mobility. Even now the reasoning behind this change was that the soulbeast had too much mobility. I think this change dumbs down the class. The druid elite for the ranger plays a certain way. It is designed to be a healer class. The soulbeast on the other hand opened up a variety of playstyles for the ranger. So please please please do not make soulbeast something that is monotonous to play. Bring back the active pet swap. The change has not improved the class, neither did it have the intended effect of "choosing a pet" because the predominant pets are still the gazette, the boon pig, the owl and the smokescale. If anything, this change reinforces the current meta pets as we have no other option than to pick the best pets. What needs changes are the are the pet skills and not the soulbeast class.

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@Dami.5046 said:ranger is about the pet.I don't want to lose my pet every time I demount. I shouldn't have to unmerge/merge to 'sort' an issue. It's worst because if I demount to fight I have no pet till what i'm killing is killed.How is this helping game play? How is having your pet locked improving my class? Who thought 1 pet with no swop was ok?At the very most the changes shouldn't of happened at PvE, at all. If you wanna nef, nerf the god dammed skills not the mechanics.Not only do Anet listen to a 'certain group' of Pvers and wvw'er, they also listen to a bunch of non ranger player trolls.Yeah i'm not overly happy.

I don't WvW or PvP and this affects my game play and enjoyment in OWPvE greatly. :(

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@"Elden Arnaas.4870" said:

And should this thread possibly be moved to the bugs forum? Also, the thread title should be changed to reflect that it is a "pet activation" issue, rather than a possible misunderstanding of the new Soul Beast pet swap mechanic change.Threads in the Bug forum already exist:






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This change was made because Anet has changed their stance on especs over time.

At the very beginning, all elite specs have been flat out upgrades of their core classes. They just got additional stuff slapped on mostly. Some, like Reaper for example, were trading something from their core for the new mechanic (base shroud given up to get the reaper shroud). And Anet applies that philosophy to every espec now, every elite has to give up something for their new mechanics.

Soulbeast was outdated in that sense, since it wasn't giving up anything to get the pet fuse mechanic. It was just an add on slapped on top of the same mechanics ranger has available as well. Soulbeast just got the same treatment most other especs already have, they have to give up something to get their new mechanic now. And what they have to give up is the ability to swap pets in combat.

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@Kodama.6453 said:This change was made because Anet has changed their stance on especs over time.

At the very beginning, all elite specs have been flat out upgrades of their core classes. They just got additional stuff slapped on mostly. Some, like Reaper for example, were trading something from their core for the new mechanic (base shroud given up to get the reaper shroud). And Anet applies that philosophy to every espec now, every elite has to give up something for their new mechanics.

Soulbeast was outdated in that sense, since it wasn't giving up anything to get the pet fuse mechanic. It was just an add on slapped on top of the same mechanics ranger has available as well. Soulbeast just got the same treatment most other especs already have, they have to give up something to get their new mechanic now. And what they have to give up is the ability to swap pets in combat.

Great response! Never thought of it like this but makes perfect sense

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@Kodama.6453 said:This change was made because Anet has changed their stance on especs over time.

At the very beginning, all elite specs have been flat out upgrades of their core classes. They just got additional stuff slapped on mostly. Some, like Reaper for example, were trading something from their core for the new mechanic (base shroud given up to get the reaper shroud). And Anet applies that philosophy to every espec now, every elite has to give up something for their new mechanics.

Soulbeast was outdated in that sense, since it wasn't giving up anything to get the pet fuse mechanic. It was just an add on slapped on top of the same mechanics ranger has available as well. Soulbeast just got the same treatment most other especs already have, they have to give up something to get their new mechanic now. And what they have to give up is the ability to swap pets in combat.

If every elite spec gets a tradeoff what tradeoff does druid get? They can swap pets and they get the astral form. Also the tradeoff the soulbeast receives on being merged is the reduction in damage done by the pet. This is a big tradeoff for the merged skills imo.

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@Tazer.2157 said:

@Kodama.6453 said:This change was made because Anet has changed their stance on especs over time.

At the very beginning, all elite specs have been flat out upgrades of their core classes. They just got additional stuff slapped on mostly. Some, like Reaper for example, were trading something from their core for the new mechanic (base shroud given up to get the reaper shroud). And Anet applies that philosophy to every espec now, every elite has to give up something for their new mechanics.

Soulbeast was outdated in that sense, since it wasn't giving up anything to get the pet fuse mechanic. It was just an add on slapped on top of the same mechanics ranger has available as well. Soulbeast just got the same treatment most other especs already have, they have to give up something to get their new mechanic now. And what they have to give up is the ability to swap pets in combat.

If every elite spec gets a tradeoff what tradeoff does druid get? They can swap pets and they get the astral form. Also the tradeoff the soulbeast receives on being merged is the reduction in damage done by the pet. This is a big tradeoff for the merged skills imo.

Druid : Gain access to glyphs. You can become a celestial avatar once you gain enough astral force. Generate astral force by healing allies and damaging foes.Your pet's attributes are weaker.

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@Tazer.2157 said:

@Kodama.6453 said:This change was made because Anet has changed their stance on especs over time.

At the very beginning, all elite specs have been flat out upgrades of their core classes. They just got additional stuff slapped on mostly. Some, like Reaper for example, were trading something from their core for the new mechanic (base shroud given up to get the reaper shroud). And Anet applies that philosophy to every espec now, every elite has to give up something for their new mechanics.

Soulbeast was outdated in that sense, since it wasn't giving up anything to get the pet fuse mechanic. It was just an add on slapped on top of the same mechanics ranger has available as well. Soulbeast just got the same treatment most other especs already have, they have to give up something to get their new mechanic now. And what they have to give up is the ability to swap pets in combat.

If every elite spec gets a tradeoff what tradeoff does druid get? They can swap pets and they get the astral form. Also the tradeoff the soulbeast receives on being merged is the reduction in damage done by the pet. This is a big tradeoff for the merged skills imo.

Like LughLongArm already pointed out, Druid gets reduced stats on their pets as a trade off. Which is a permanent effect and trade off.

Meanwhile what you described for Soulbeast is not a real trade off. A Soulbeast has the choice not to fuse with their pet and then they had exactly the same benefits and mechanics available as the base ranger. But additionally, the Soulbeast gets the choice to fuse with their pet. Having additional choices is always an advantage, no matter how you look at it. And the Soulbeast surely will just fuse with his pet if it grants him a benefit over not being fused with the pet. It was a simple add on. Soulbeast didn't have any permanent negative sides compared to the base ranger. Druid on the other hand had permanent disadvantage built in already: their pets are weaker than the pets of a base ranger.

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If the pet attributes are decreased for druid I think they should do the same for the soulbeast. Right now the class is such a bore to play both in pvp and pve. Not gaining a 2nd pet in combat is a much bigger nerf than just stat reduction. Comparing the druid and the soulbeast as they currently are, the druid has access to 2 pet skills along with 5 astral avatar skills, a total of 7 new skills. The current soulbeast has access to 1 pet skill and 3 additional skills while merged which adds up to just 4. I am all for balance but this change makes the class uninteresting to play. It makes it less versatile than a healer class! I feel that there must be another way to get the tradeoff while keeping the versatility of the class.

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I knew this before patch and many others aswell. Soulbeast is boring and very straight forward while lacking any kind of depth and utility. I suggested adding atleast autoattack from pet when merged so we can have 2 aa in same time and redisign of the pets overall. Adding autoattack from pet would make some nice synergy with condi build (cover condis or jacaranda autoattack for more dmg on each unique condi) and for power builds it would help if you are on malee set and pet aa is ranged or opposite can help vs projectile hate...

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@"Tazer.2157" said:If the pet attributes are decreased for druid I think they should do the same for the soulbeast. Right now the class is such a bore to play both in pvp and pve. Not gaining a 2nd pet in combat is a much bigger nerf than just stat reduction. Comparing the druid and the soulbeast as they currently are, the druid has access to 2 pet skills along with 5 astral avatar skills, a total of 7 new skills. The current soulbeast has access to 1 pet skill and 3 additional skills while merged which adds up to just 4. I am all for balance but this change makes the class uninteresting to play. It makes it less versatile than a healer class! I feel that there must be another way to get the tradeoff while keeping the versatility of the class.

I think you are underselling the Soulbeast a bit here. Don't forget the fact that while fused the Soulbeast benefits from every trait and skill that is actually aimed at your pet. A 40% damage increase for your ranger is way more valuable than 40% more damage for your pet. Yes, Druid has more active skills available. But Soulbeast gets alot of enhancements for his skills through trait lines and stuff like command skills.

Also this trade off makes alot of sense thematically, at least in my opinion. You are the Soulbeast, you have reached such a deep connection with your pet that you are able to fuse with them. That you can't just be like "hey, moa, was fun being soul buddies with you, but now it's bears turn" just feels right. A Soulbeast should focus on one single pet to reach this kind of understanding, not cycling through them like a teenager changing his girlfriend on a whim.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Dami.5046 said:ranger is about the pet.I don't want to lose my pet every time I demount. I shouldn't have to unmerge/merge to 'sort' an issue. It's worst because if I demount to fight I have no pet till what i'm killing is killed.How is this helping game play? How is having your pet locked improving my class? Who thought 1 pet with no swop was ok?At the very most the changes shouldn't of happened at PvE, at all. If you wanna nef, nerf the god dammed skills not the mechanics.Not only do Anet listen to a 'certain group' of Pvers and wvw'er, they also listen to a bunch of non ranger player trolls.Yeah i'm not overly happy.

I don't WvW or PvP and this affects my game play and enjoyment in OWPvE greatly. :(

I think instead of focusing why we are such a done deal in this community they decided to make the class unplayable so no one would want to play it. The non ranger players trying to say why this patch was such a great thing is the worst. For a SB who uses SB in open world this patch sucked, end of and but out!(not aimed at the post I PR BTW :))

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@"Kodama.6453" said:I think you are underselling the Soulbeast a bit here. Don't forget the fact that while fused the Soulbeast benefits from every trait and skill that is actually aimed at your pet. A 40% damage increase for your ranger is way more valuable than 40% more damage for your pet. Yes, Druid has more active skills available. But Soulbeast gets alot of enhancements for his skills through trait lines and stuff like command skills.

Also this trade off makes alot of sense thematically, at least in my opinion. You are the Soulbeast, you have reached such a deep connection with your pet that you are able to fuse with them. That you can't just be like "hey, moa, was fun being soul buddies with you, but now it's bears turn" just feels right. A Soulbeast should focus on one single pet to reach this kind of understanding, not cycling through them like a teenager changing his girlfriend on a whim.

Who cares about the damage? Nerfs and buffs are like playing whack a mole. I do not care if they make the pet do ZERO damage, but they should bring back the more active gameplay of soulbeast. Switching pets and merging with them in and out was fun. You could use the smoke field of the soulbeast go invisible, then merge with a black bear, YES A BLACK BEAR and go all in with the invul skill from the merge. Or how about using a wolf to fear, then merging with the Iboga and launching acid to the feared enemies. That was fun and beautiful. I used to experiment with all kinds of pets because of the previous mechanic. The change does not allow me to do that. What it does is make me pick one single pet each and every time, that being mostly the smokescale. So now the gameplay of the soulbeast is something like this, merge-get superspeed-use merge skills-unmerge, wait for cooldown-merge again and repeat. It is just boring, there is no thought to it just mashing the merge button repeatedly and after a day of it, you will find yourself actually moving back to core or changing the class altogether.

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