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So 2v2 is cool but

Shadow Dragon.1469

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Let me add some more context to this aswell.

This is 10 years of what premades are in a competitive game mode.https://www.dotabuff.com/players/37778079/matches

Almost 4 thousand games 46.3% win rate you can check all my games i'm always in no lower then a 3stack u can look at my stack by looking at who im bracketed with dota2 has open queues premades can make up with solo's duos triples or quads. Again i have a 46.3% win rate over a decade. This clear proof that a premade isnt a carry skill is.

Also these would be the same people i'd be bring to gw2 or not based on the removal or retention of team queues, again proving my point is all your going to do is reduce the playerbase because you can't get your win.

Incase its bugged my usual partners are Proph3t, Arcadian, Azure Zakuro.

We had troubles finding a 5th so our 5th will be inbetween Mojo Priest, another 2 ppl who kept changing there names so i can't remember. I would like to play with these same people in GW2 they are currently playing ff14 and dota2 they are interested in pvp but not interest in not being able to play together, this is what i means im sure im not the only one with friends who play video games together.

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No, finding a duo partner is not easy. Its about as hard as finding a good raid group in lfg while you have no kp. So possible ofc, but not easy as some claim it to be.

I dont really think due q has to be removed, but it would be good if matching duo-teams against each other and randoms against each other has a higher priority for the matchmaker.

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@Jojo.6140 said:No, finding a duo partner is not easy. Its about as hard as finding a good raid group in lfg while you have no kp. So possible ofc, but not easy as some claim it to be.

I dont really think due q has to be removed, but it would be good if matching duo-teams against each other and randoms against each other has a higher priority for the matchmaker.

I believe this is already how it is set up. Your more likely to queue against another duo, if there are no duos you go into open queue.

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@Genesis.5169 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:You can just find a Duo if you think they have that much of an advantage. Thats what i did last night and today, but even so when i solo queue i have beaten duo queues many times its really a matter of skill to few people are involved to call it coordination you can do that with just "attack my target" targeting.

Your losing because of you and no one else learn to pvp man.

That's anecdotal and doesn't really address the issue, which is pretty clear. Having a duo of classes that compliment each other is a much greater advantage in 2v2 than it is in 5v5, even if all other factors are equal. They really shouldn't allow duo and solo queue to mix in 2v2.

There's no issue to address thats the point of my post.

That it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You tacitly admit that it does, in fact. I guess my question would be why would you be against improving the competitiveness of 2v2 matchmaking?

It does not exist because it doesn't coordination between 2 people on a small map which only objective is to kill the enemy can be done easily with "Attack my Target". This is a fact if your being beaten its because they are better then you not because they are in a duo.

Yeah, right. You just focus target and the other team loses. Flawless logic!

And synergy? What's that? Choosing classes at random will totally be the 2v2 meta. Just wait and see!

Seriously, guy?

Synergy is a different matter altogether thats on you if you would rather be with a specific class you have the option to do so. Your argument is about unbalanced gameplay not match ups they will ever be equal unless its a mirror and even then its not equal because player skill is involved. As i said this is a non issue.

And out of curiosity if you care enough to come to the forums and complain about duos and how strong they are why have you not looked for a partner its not very hard to find one, and you only need one unlike 5 in a regular mode. The barrier to entry to make your own overpowered (sarcasm, premades are not overpowered) premade is quite small whats stopping you?

I didn't come to the forums to complain about anything. You have me confused with someone else. I simply observed that the OP has a point and that duo queue is an advantage over solo queue. You don't seem to want to address that point directly. I don't blame you. It's a losing argument. I think the better reason to keep it the way it is is that splitting the pool of players in queue isn't feasible with a population that is too small to begin with.

Otherwise, it's sort of a no-brainer, isn't it? A level playing field is better for competition than an un-level one. Wouldn't you agree? Or are you just going to barf up this same tired response that basically amounts to "git gud" as if I were complaining about anything? Based on recent history, I think I already know the answer...

Thats what you have done and you are currently doing. There's no such thing as a leveled playing field in pvp. Your attempt to make one will destroy pvp as people like you did before after 7 years you still haven't learned your lesson you would rather come here and complain and remove features out of the game then rather learn it and adapt. And you've ignored my second question.

So your advocating to remove duos out of the regular queue because you don't want to duo even tho you think its OP even if its not, so instead of making your own duo you and people like you come and and complain that you lost to better players and make excuses for you loss. Its a no Brainer, you think duos are that OP make one if you issue is with specficly being with one class find a guy who plays it and play it.

Your silver BECAUSE OF YOU no one is forcing you to play a solo no one is forcing you to play a trash class, they killed mirage you know what i did? I played it for 3 days tried to make it work and left the class. What you should do is try making your own duo instead of coming here to ruin pvp again. Then you will realize having a duo doesnt get your wins having good players does.

just because you get a duo doesn't mean you will move up in rank.

And here a hypothetical for you you think 2 plat randoms on the same team can beat 2 duo silvers?

So, I went back through the thread because I just can't figure out who you think you're talking to here. Who said they were stuck in silver? Who complained about their class being disadvantaged? Who advocated removing duo queue? I don't see that anywhere in this thread. It's pretty incredible, but as far as I can tell you fabricated all of that out of nowhere and then started railing against it! That's pretty special...

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:You can just find a Duo if you think they have that much of an advantage. Thats what i did last night and today, but even so when i solo queue i have beaten duo queues many times its really a matter of skill to few people are involved to call it coordination you can do that with just "attack my target" targeting.

Your losing because of you and no one else learn to pvp man.

That's anecdotal and doesn't really address the issue, which is pretty clear. Having a duo of classes that compliment each other is a much greater advantage in 2v2 than it is in 5v5, even if all other factors are equal. They really shouldn't allow duo and solo queue to mix in 2v2.

There's no issue to address thats the point of my post.

That it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You tacitly admit that it does, in fact. I guess my question would be why would you be against improving the competitiveness of 2v2 matchmaking?

It does not exist because it doesn't coordination between 2 people on a small map which only objective is to kill the enemy can be done easily with "Attack my Target". This is a fact if your being beaten its because they are better then you not because they are in a duo.

Yeah, right. You just focus target and the other team loses. Flawless logic!

And synergy? What's that? Choosing classes at random will totally be the 2v2 meta. Just wait and see!

Seriously, guy?

Synergy is a different matter altogether thats on you if you would rather be with a specific class you have the option to do so. Your argument is about unbalanced gameplay not match ups they will ever be equal unless its a mirror and even then its not equal because player skill is involved. As i said this is a non issue.

And out of curiosity if you care enough to come to the forums and complain about duos and how strong they are why have you not looked for a partner its not very hard to find one, and you only need one unlike 5 in a regular mode. The barrier to entry to make your own overpowered (sarcasm, premades are not overpowered) premade is quite small whats stopping you?

I didn't come to the forums to complain about anything. You have me confused with someone else. I simply observed that the OP has a point and that duo queue is an advantage over solo queue. You don't seem to want to address that point directly. I don't blame you. It's a losing argument. I think the better reason to keep it the way it is is that splitting the pool of players in queue isn't feasible with a population that is too small to begin with.

Otherwise, it's sort of a no-brainer, isn't it? A level playing field is better for competition than an un-level one. Wouldn't you agree? Or are you just going to barf up this same tired response that basically amounts to "git gud" as if I were complaining about anything? Based on recent history, I think I already know the answer...

Thats what you have done and you are currently doing. There's no such thing as a leveled playing field in pvp. Your attempt to make one will destroy pvp as people like you did before after 7 years you still haven't learned your lesson you would rather come here and complain and remove features out of the game then rather learn it and adapt. And you've ignored my second question.

So your advocating to remove duos out of the regular queue because you don't want to duo even tho you think its OP even if its not, so instead of making your own duo you and people like you come and and complain that you lost to better players and make excuses for you loss. Its a no Brainer, you think duos are that OP make one if you issue is with specficly being with one class find a guy who plays it and play it.

Your silver BECAUSE OF YOU no one is forcing you to play a solo no one is forcing you to play a trash class, they killed mirage you know what i did? I played it for 3 days tried to make it work and left the class. What you should do is try making your own duo instead of coming here to ruin pvp again. Then you will realize having a duo doesnt get your wins having good players does.

just because you get a duo doesn't mean you will move up in rank.

And here a hypothetical for you you think 2 plat randoms on the same team can beat 2 duo silvers?

So, I went back through the thread because I just can't figure out who you think you're talking to here. Who said they were stuck in silver? Who complained about their class being disadvantaged? Who advocated removing duo queue? I don't see that anywhere in this thread. It's pretty incredible, but as far as I can tell you fabricated all of that out of nowhere and then started railing against it! That's pretty special...

@Genesis.5169 said:You can just find a Duo if you think they have that much of an advantage. Thats what i did last night and today, but even so when i solo queue i have beaten duo queues many times its really a matter of skill to few people are involved to call it coordination you can do that with just "attack my target" targeting.

Your losing because of you and no one else learn to pvp man.

That's anecdotal and doesn't really address the issue, which is pretty clear. Having a duo of classes that compliment each other is a much greater advantage in 2v2 than it is in 5v5, even if all other factors are equal. They really shouldn't allow duo and solo queue to mix in 2v2.

There's no issue to address thats the point of my post.

That it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You tacitly admit that it does, in fact. I guess my question would be why would you be against improving the competitiveness of 2v2 matchmaking?

It does not exist because it doesn't coordination between 2 people on a small map which only objective is to kill the enemy can be done easily with "Attack my Target". This is a fact if your being beaten its because they are better then you not because they are in a duo.

Yeah, right. You just focus target and the other team loses. Flawless logic!

And synergy? What's that? Choosing classes at random will totally be the 2v2 meta. Just wait and see!

Seriously, guy?

Synergy is a different matter altogether thats on you if you would rather be with a specific class you have the option to do so. Your argument is about unbalanced gameplay not match ups they will ever be equal unless its a mirror and even then its not equal because player skill is involved. As i said this is a non issue.

And out of curiosity if you care enough to come to the forums and complain about duos and how strong they are why have you not looked for a partner its not very hard to find one, and you only need one unlike 5 in a regular mode. The barrier to entry to make your own overpowered (sarcasm, premades are not overpowered) premade is quite small whats stopping you?

I didn't come to the forums to complain about anything. You have me confused with someone else. I simply observed that the OP has a point and that duo queue is an advantage over solo queue. You don't seem to want to address that point directly. I don't blame you. It's a losing argument. I think the better reason to keep it the way it is is that splitting the pool of players in queue isn't feasible with a population that is too small to begin with.

Otherwise, it's sort of a no-brainer, isn't it? A level playing field is better for competition than an un-level one. Wouldn't you agree? Or are you just going to barf up this same tired response that basically amounts to "git gud" as if I were complaining about anything? Based on recent history, I think I already know the answer...

Nah you said it here duo has an advantage over everyone by alot.

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@Genesis.5169 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:You can just find a Duo if you think they have that much of an advantage. Thats what i did last night and today, but even so when i solo queue i have beaten duo queues many times its really a matter of skill to few people are involved to call it coordination you can do that with just "attack my target" targeting.

Your losing because of you and no one else learn to pvp man.

That's anecdotal and doesn't really address the issue, which is pretty clear. Having a duo of classes that compliment each other is a much greater advantage in 2v2 than it is in 5v5, even if all other factors are equal. They really shouldn't allow duo and solo queue to mix in 2v2.

There's no issue to address thats the point of my post.

That it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You tacitly admit that it does, in fact. I guess my question would be why would you be against improving the competitiveness of 2v2 matchmaking?

It does not exist because it doesn't coordination between 2 people on a small map which only objective is to kill the enemy can be done easily with "Attack my Target". This is a fact if your being beaten its because they are better then you not because they are in a duo.

Yeah, right. You just focus target and the other team loses. Flawless logic!

And synergy? What's that? Choosing classes at random will totally be the 2v2 meta. Just wait and see!

Seriously, guy?

Synergy is a different matter altogether thats on you if you would rather be with a specific class you have the option to do so. Your argument is about unbalanced gameplay not match ups they will ever be equal unless its a mirror and even then its not equal because player skill is involved. As i said this is a non issue.

And out of curiosity if you care enough to come to the forums and complain about duos and how strong they are why have you not looked for a partner its not very hard to find one, and you only need one unlike 5 in a regular mode. The barrier to entry to make your own overpowered (sarcasm, premades are not overpowered) premade is quite small whats stopping you?

I didn't come to the forums to complain about anything. You have me confused with someone else. I simply observed that the OP has a point and that duo queue is an advantage over solo queue. You don't seem to want to address that point directly. I don't blame you. It's a losing argument. I think the better reason to keep it the way it is is that splitting the pool of players in queue isn't feasible with a population that is too small to begin with.

Otherwise, it's sort of a no-brainer, isn't it? A level playing field is better for competition than an un-level one. Wouldn't you agree? Or are you just going to barf up this same tired response that basically amounts to "git gud" as if I were complaining about anything? Based on recent history, I think I already know the answer...

Thats what you have done and you are currently doing. There's no such thing as a leveled playing field in pvp. Your attempt to make one will destroy pvp as people like you did before after 7 years you still haven't learned your lesson you would rather come here and complain and remove features out of the game then rather learn it and adapt. And you've ignored my second question.

So your advocating to remove duos out of the regular queue because you don't want to duo even tho you think its OP even if its not, so instead of making your own duo you and people like you come and and complain that you lost to better players and make excuses for you loss. Its a no Brainer, you think duos are that OP make one if you issue is with specficly being with one class find a guy who plays it and play it.

Your silver BECAUSE OF YOU no one is forcing you to play a solo no one is forcing you to play a trash class, they killed mirage you know what i did? I played it for 3 days tried to make it work and left the class. What you should do is try making your own duo instead of coming here to ruin pvp again. Then you will realize having a duo doesnt get your wins having good players does.

just because you get a duo doesn't mean you will move up in rank.

And here a hypothetical for you you think 2 plat randoms on the same team can beat 2 duo silvers?

So, I went back through the thread because I just can't figure out who you think you're talking to here. Who said they were stuck in silver? Who complained about their class being disadvantaged? Who advocated removing duo queue? I don't see that anywhere in this thread. It's pretty incredible, but as far as I can tell you fabricated all of that out of nowhere and then started railing against it! That's pretty special...

OP is advocating for removing solo's from DUO, because people are advocating removing DUO's from queue's in general i assume this was a thread posting was in satire, sorry if its not, i find it odd that some one is advocating for only team based content on these forums.

Well, these people you refer to don't seem to have participated in this thread and you aren't replying to the OP. You're replying to me. So how about you try to get all that sorted out in your head and reply to what I'm saying and not all this other stuff that you attribute to me so you can continue your straw man rant?

Moot point now. I think we've said what needed to be said. But you'd save yourself a lot of pointless argument in the future if you'd be more concise and stop allowing all of your little pet peeves to invade the conversation when they bear no relevance to the subject matter.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:You can just find a Duo if you think they have that much of an advantage. Thats what i did last night and today, but even so when i solo queue i have beaten duo queues many times its really a matter of skill to few people are involved to call it coordination you can do that with just "attack my target" targeting.

Your losing because of you and no one else learn to pvp man.

That's anecdotal and doesn't really address the issue, which is pretty clear. Having a duo of classes that compliment each other is a much greater advantage in 2v2 than it is in 5v5, even if all other factors are equal. They really shouldn't allow duo and solo queue to mix in 2v2.

There's no issue to address thats the point of my post.

That it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You tacitly admit that it does, in fact. I guess my question would be why would you be against improving the competitiveness of 2v2 matchmaking?

It does not exist because it doesn't coordination between 2 people on a small map which only objective is to kill the enemy can be done easily with "Attack my Target". This is a fact if your being beaten its because they are better then you not because they are in a duo.

Yeah, right. You just focus target and the other team loses. Flawless logic!

And synergy? What's that? Choosing classes at random will totally be the 2v2 meta. Just wait and see!

Seriously, guy?

Synergy is a different matter altogether thats on you if you would rather be with a specific class you have the option to do so. Your argument is about unbalanced gameplay not match ups they will ever be equal unless its a mirror and even then its not equal because player skill is involved. As i said this is a non issue.

And out of curiosity if you care enough to come to the forums and complain about duos and how strong they are why have you not looked for a partner its not very hard to find one, and you only need one unlike 5 in a regular mode. The barrier to entry to make your own overpowered (sarcasm, premades are not overpowered) premade is quite small whats stopping you?

I didn't come to the forums to complain about anything. You have me confused with someone else. I simply observed that the OP has a point and that duo queue is an advantage over solo queue. You don't seem to want to address that point directly. I don't blame you. It's a losing argument. I think the better reason to keep it the way it is is that splitting the pool of players in queue isn't feasible with a population that is too small to begin with.

Otherwise, it's sort of a no-brainer, isn't it? A level playing field is better for competition than an un-level one. Wouldn't you agree? Or are you just going to barf up this same tired response that basically amounts to "git gud" as if I were complaining about anything? Based on recent history, I think I already know the answer...

Thats what you have done and you are currently doing. There's no such thing as a leveled playing field in pvp. Your attempt to make one will destroy pvp as people like you did before after 7 years you still haven't learned your lesson you would rather come here and complain and remove features out of the game then rather learn it and adapt. And you've ignored my second question.

So your advocating to remove duos out of the regular queue because you don't want to duo even tho you think its OP even if its not, so instead of making your own duo you and people like you come and and complain that you lost to better players and make excuses for you loss. Its a no Brainer, you think duos are that OP make one if you issue is with specficly being with one class find a guy who plays it and play it.

Your silver BECAUSE OF YOU no one is forcing you to play a solo no one is forcing you to play a trash class, they killed mirage you know what i did? I played it for 3 days tried to make it work and left the class. What you should do is try making your own duo instead of coming here to ruin pvp again. Then you will realize having a duo doesnt get your wins having good players does.

just because you get a duo doesn't mean you will move up in rank.

And here a hypothetical for you you think 2 plat randoms on the same team can beat 2 duo silvers?

So, I went back through the thread because I just can't figure out who you think you're talking to here. Who said they were stuck in silver? Who complained about their class being disadvantaged? Who advocated removing duo queue? I don't see that anywhere in this thread. It's pretty incredible, but as far as I can tell you fabricated all of that out of nowhere and then started railing against it! That's pretty special...

OP is advocating for removing solo's from DUO, because people are advocating removing DUO's from queue's in general i assume this was a thread posting was in satire, sorry if its not, i find it odd that some one is advocating for only team based content on these forums.

Well, these people you refer to don't seem to have participated in this thread and you aren't replying to the OP. You're replying to me. So how about you try to get all that sorted out in your head and reply to what I'm saying and not all this other stuff that you attribute to me so you can continue your straw man rant?

Moot point now. I think we've said what needed to be said. But you'd save yourself a lot of pointless argument in the future if you'd be more concise and stop allowing all of your little pet peeves to invade the conversation when they bear no relevance to the subject matter.

Sorry no i edited my post i thought i was in another thread my comments were well pointed towards you.You also ignored my 4k win 46% win rate with a premade for 10 years.

You almost got me and moved the goal post im at work trying to pay attention to these two threads. You clearly said duos have a huge advantage you said I said just to get good with no explainations Ignored why you don't want a party and ignored my 4k games @ 46% win rate as not imperical evidence that premades do not carry and went out of you way to ignore it and try to back peddal out of your statements.

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@Genesis.5169 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:You can just find a Duo if you think they have that much of an advantage. Thats what i did last night and today, but even so when i solo queue i have beaten duo queues many times its really a matter of skill to few people are involved to call it coordination you can do that with just "attack my target" targeting.

Your losing because of you and no one else learn to pvp man.

That's anecdotal and doesn't really address the issue, which is pretty clear. Having a duo of classes that compliment each other is a much greater advantage in 2v2 than it is in 5v5, even if all other factors are equal. They really shouldn't allow duo and solo queue to mix in 2v2.

There's no issue to address thats the point of my post.

That it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You tacitly admit that it does, in fact. I guess my question would be why would you be against improving the competitiveness of 2v2 matchmaking?

It does not exist because it doesn't coordination between 2 people on a small map which only objective is to kill the enemy can be done easily with "Attack my Target". This is a fact if your being beaten its because they are better then you not because they are in a duo.

Yeah, right. You just focus target and the other team loses. Flawless logic!

And synergy? What's that? Choosing classes at random will totally be the 2v2 meta. Just wait and see!

Seriously, guy?

Synergy is a different matter altogether thats on you if you would rather be with a specific class you have the option to do so. Your argument is about unbalanced gameplay not match ups they will ever be equal unless its a mirror and even then its not equal because player skill is involved. As i said this is a non issue.

And out of curiosity if you care enough to come to the forums and complain about duos and how strong they are why have you not looked for a partner its not very hard to find one, and you only need one unlike 5 in a regular mode. The barrier to entry to make your own overpowered (sarcasm, premades are not overpowered) premade is quite small whats stopping you?

I didn't come to the forums to complain about anything. You have me confused with someone else. I simply observed that the OP has a point and that duo queue is an advantage over solo queue. You don't seem to want to address that point directly. I don't blame you. It's a losing argument. I think the better reason to keep it the way it is is that splitting the pool of players in queue isn't feasible with a population that is too small to begin with.

Otherwise, it's sort of a no-brainer, isn't it? A level playing field is better for competition than an un-level one. Wouldn't you agree? Or are you just going to barf up this same tired response that basically amounts to "git gud" as if I were complaining about anything? Based on recent history, I think I already know the answer...

Thats what you have done and you are currently doing. There's no such thing as a leveled playing field in pvp. Your attempt to make one will destroy pvp as people like you did before after 7 years you still haven't learned your lesson you would rather come here and complain and remove features out of the game then rather learn it and adapt. And you've ignored my second question.

So your advocating to remove duos out of the regular queue because you don't want to duo even tho you think its OP even if its not, so instead of making your own duo you and people like you come and and complain that you lost to better players and make excuses for you loss. Its a no Brainer, you think duos are that OP make one if you issue is with specficly being with one class find a guy who plays it and play it.

Your silver BECAUSE OF YOU no one is forcing you to play a solo no one is forcing you to play a trash class, they killed mirage you know what i did? I played it for 3 days tried to make it work and left the class. What you should do is try making your own duo instead of coming here to ruin pvp again. Then you will realize having a duo doesnt get your wins having good players does.

just because you get a duo doesn't mean you will move up in rank.

And here a hypothetical for you you think 2 plat randoms on the same team can beat 2 duo silvers?

So, I went back through the thread because I just can't figure out who you think you're talking to here. Who said they were stuck in silver? Who complained about their class being disadvantaged? Who advocated removing duo queue? I don't see that anywhere in this thread. It's pretty incredible, but as far as I can tell you fabricated all of that out of nowhere and then started railing against it! That's pretty special...

OP is advocating for removing solo's from DUO, because people are advocating removing DUO's from queue's in general i assume this was a thread posting was in satire, sorry if its not, i find it odd that some one is advocating for only team based content on these forums.

Well, these people you refer to don't seem to have participated in this thread and you aren't replying to the OP. You're replying to me. So how about you try to get all that sorted out in your head and reply to what I'm saying and not all this other stuff that you attribute to me so you can continue your straw man rant?

Moot point now. I think we've said what needed to be said. But you'd save yourself a lot of pointless argument in the future if you'd be more concise and stop allowing all of your little pet peeves to invade the conversation when they bear no relevance to the subject matter.

Sorry no i edited my post i thought i was in another thread my comments well well pointed towards you.

Thanks! Glad we sorted that out at last! I figured it must be something like that.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:You can just find a Duo if you think they have that much of an advantage. Thats what i did last night and today, but even so when i solo queue i have beaten duo queues many times its really a matter of skill to few people are involved to call it coordination you can do that with just "attack my target" targeting.

Your losing because of you and no one else learn to pvp man.

That's anecdotal and doesn't really address the issue, which is pretty clear. Having a duo of classes that compliment each other is a much greater advantage in 2v2 than it is in 5v5, even if all other factors are equal. They really shouldn't allow duo and solo queue to mix in 2v2.

There's no issue to address thats the point of my post.

That it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You tacitly admit that it does, in fact. I guess my question would be why would you be against improving the competitiveness of 2v2 matchmaking?

It does not exist because it doesn't coordination between 2 people on a small map which only objective is to kill the enemy can be done easily with "Attack my Target". This is a fact if your being beaten its because they are better then you not because they are in a duo.

Yeah, right. You just focus target and the other team loses. Flawless logic!

And synergy? What's that? Choosing classes at random will totally be the 2v2 meta. Just wait and see!

Seriously, guy?

Synergy is a different matter altogether thats on you if you would rather be with a specific class you have the option to do so. Your argument is about unbalanced gameplay not match ups they will ever be equal unless its a mirror and even then its not equal because player skill is involved. As i said this is a non issue.

And out of curiosity if you care enough to come to the forums and complain about duos and how strong they are why have you not looked for a partner its not very hard to find one, and you only need one unlike 5 in a regular mode. The barrier to entry to make your own overpowered (sarcasm, premades are not overpowered) premade is quite small whats stopping you?

I didn't come to the forums to complain about anything. You have me confused with someone else. I simply observed that the OP has a point and that duo queue is an advantage over solo queue. You don't seem to want to address that point directly. I don't blame you. It's a losing argument. I think the better reason to keep it the way it is is that splitting the pool of players in queue isn't feasible with a population that is too small to begin with.

Otherwise, it's sort of a no-brainer, isn't it? A level playing field is better for competition than an un-level one. Wouldn't you agree? Or are you just going to barf up this same tired response that basically amounts to "git gud" as if I were complaining about anything? Based on recent history, I think I already know the answer...

Thats what you have done and you are currently doing. There's no such thing as a leveled playing field in pvp. Your attempt to make one will destroy pvp as people like you did before after 7 years you still haven't learned your lesson you would rather come here and complain and remove features out of the game then rather learn it and adapt. And you've ignored my second question.

So your advocating to remove duos out of the regular queue because you don't want to duo even tho you think its OP even if its not, so instead of making your own duo you and people like you come and and complain that you lost to better players and make excuses for you loss. Its a no Brainer, you think duos are that OP make one if you issue is with specficly being with one class find a guy who plays it and play it.

Your silver BECAUSE OF YOU no one is forcing you to play a solo no one is forcing you to play a trash class, they killed mirage you know what i did? I played it for 3 days tried to make it work and left the class. What you should do is try making your own duo instead of coming here to ruin pvp again. Then you will realize having a duo doesnt get your wins having good players does.

just because you get a duo doesn't mean you will move up in rank.

And here a hypothetical for you you think 2 plat randoms on the same team can beat 2 duo silvers?

So, I went back through the thread because I just can't figure out who you think you're talking to here. Who said they were stuck in silver? Who complained about their class being disadvantaged? Who advocated removing duo queue? I don't see that anywhere in this thread. It's pretty incredible, but as far as I can tell you fabricated all of that out of nowhere and then started railing against it! That's pretty special...

OP is advocating for removing solo's from DUO, because people are advocating removing DUO's from queue's in general i assume this was a thread posting was in satire, sorry if its not, i find it odd that some one is advocating for only team based content on these forums.

Well, these people you refer to don't seem to have participated in this thread and you aren't replying to the OP. You're replying to me. So how about you try to get all that sorted out in your head and reply to what I'm saying and not all this other stuff that you attribute to me so you can continue your straw man rant?

Moot point now. I think we've said what needed to be said. But you'd save yourself a lot of pointless argument in the future if you'd be more concise and stop allowing all of your little pet peeves to invade the conversation when they bear no relevance to the subject matter.

Sorry no i edited my post i thought i was in another thread my comments well well pointed towards you.

Thanks! Glad we sorted that out at last! I figured it must be something like that.

Sorry it wasn't read the re edit.

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Imagine jumping into a 2v2 and insisting that you fight two people who did not specifically choose to work together.

Hard pass on that. Find one friend. If you find out they're a weak link, try another pairup. If you find out -you're- the weak link, go lab.

I'm totally on board with clearing the obfuscation of 5 people in a team. when it comes to deathmatch.

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