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WvW NPCs need nerf


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@acidic.4356 said:

@acidic.4356 said:can confirm condi rev can solo hills, was the the 1st oppurtunity since patch to try it.

I would bet even a cleric revenant would do it but would take bit longer

well i aint tryin cleric rev solo... feel free :)

It will take time :p to kill lords with it,,m but for tem support most will call it broken since can counter some stuff that people don’t want counters to.

What if I told i that I went from fb to a cleric herald??

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@lodjur.1284 said:Golems shouldn't count for contesting a camp, just like mounts

Agree. No risk, no reward. This shouldn't come down to who spent supply.

I think the opposite. If someone is willing to build a golem, hang around the camp, set up reveal traps and make an effort, they shouldn't have to rely solely on their skill (and usually the fact they're defending is an indication that they lack the twitchiness to perform well in combat, otherwise they'd be doing combat elsewhere), they should be rewarded.

BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. If you make it so crappy players can't play, you'll have no victims left.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@acidic.4356 said:can confirm condi rev can solo hills, was the the 1st oppurtunity since patch to try it.

I would bet even a cleric revenant would do it but would take bit longer

well i aint tryin cleric rev solo... feel free :)

It will take time :p to kill lords with it,,m but for tem support most will call it broken since can counter some stuff that people don’t want counters to.

What if I told i that I went from fb to a cleric herald??

i would say try running a condi support, you can still heal but do dmg too, like runnin apothacary ventari or sumthin, the build im runnin on my rev has 650 healin power or somethin, together with some traits gives you great sustain, and torment stacks can go 30+ stacks, with about 1500-1700 condi power, however id still say wasnt as good for solo as soulbeast.

i get your point tho, broken builds are usually in the eye of the beholder, so to speak, and as far as ppl asking for better balance, its a waste of time , id rather anet opened up more build variety, and stopped fiddling with numbers on some skills etc , when this approach just means the so called broken builds remain (in the eye of the beholder).to put it short gw2 should go in the direction of gw1 in terms of builds/specs/traits, whatever..... 100s of options per class... forget balance. think counters for all the diffrent builds. ( which means more fun for us, think of all the theorycrafting )

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@acidic.4356 said:

@acidic.4356 said:can confirm condi rev can solo hills, was the the 1st oppurtunity since patch to try it.

I would bet even a cleric revenant would do it but would take bit longer

well i aint tryin cleric rev solo... feel free :)

It will take time :p to kill lords with it,,m but for tem support most will call it broken since can counter some stuff that people don’t want counters to.

What if I told i that I went from fb to a cleric herald??

i would say try running a condi support, you can still heal but do dmg too, like runnin apothacary ventari or sumthin, the build im runnin on my rev has 650 healin power or somethin, together with some traits gives you great sustain, and torment stacks can go 30+ stacks, with about 1500-1700 condi power, however id still say wasnt as good for solo as soulbeast.

i get your point tho, broken builds are usually in the eye of the beholder, so to speak, and as far as ppl asking for better balance, its a waste of time , id rather anet opened up more build variety, and stopped fiddling with numbers on some skills etc , when this approach just means the so called broken builds remain (in the eye of the beholder).to put it short gw2 should go in the direction of gw1 in terms of builds/specs/traits, whatever..... 100s of options per class... forget balance. think counters for all the diffrent builds. ( which means more fun for us, think of all the theorycrafting )

Oh I’ve played and still have my condi renegade from before patch it’s actually weaker now.

I don’t want to end playing a alacrity bot that will pull condis and spread resistance, not my gametaste.. but we have several roles for different revenants in our group.

Support/ventari is still quite decent if one knows how to use it.

It works on small and large scale.

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Personally I don't mind, it's closer to how it used to be at launch. Back when I learned to take camps in exotic clerics and knights gear, with no wxp traits, no infusions etc, it took time, but that's ok as it was part of learning.

I mean, the sole reason those guards exists is to delay you and force you to spend time, so that other players can see it on the map and respond, in order to create dynamic PvP combat in an open world PvP mode. That's the only reason those NPC's are on these maps from a design perspective. So if like after HOT and until this patch, people could burn away the guards, and be halfway down on the capture circle before swords triggered, those NPC's really didn't server their one design purpose.

This is also another thing that tries to encourage players into trying to group up 2-5 players, and do things more efficiently/faster. It's just another way GW2 tries to encourage people to play together, since there is absolutely no mechanical drawback at all.

If anything, I think they should remove the WXP traits for increased/decreased guard damage, and the same from the infusions. To put the veterans on the same scale as new players.

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