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Ranger and rev are too good - conquest balance


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@"shadowpass.4236" said:Ranger literally has no damage outside of the Marksmanship Sic Em builds atm on zerker amulet.

Our class cannot kill ANYTHING in the current meta without using gimmicks to buff our damage like interrupts from Moment of Clarity and Sic Em.

Learn to play. There's literally ONE skill called "Maul" on ranger gs that does damage and it relies on landing a 16s traited cd, stationary, non-stowable interrupt called "Hilt Bash" to proc Moment of Clarity. Btw, quick tip for anyone who enjoys facetanking a Soulbeast when they get Sic Em'd instead of line of sighting... don't.

Even then, our melee gets hard shut down by the blind, weakness, and aegis spam classes like FB are vomiting out and our longbow may as well shoot feathers at classes like core necro if the projectiles aren't already shut down by projectile denial/reflect.

Dont even try to help ppl on the forums .. everything is just op and all players would be in legendary if there wasn't xyz class/build

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Rev is probably on the chopping block after Firebrand+Necro.

My main impression with Ranger is that while they are hitting really hard, when ranked conquest comes back I think what's probably going to be a lot more problematic with them right now is that whether it's Ranger, Druid, or Soulbeast they are just way too slippery in their capacity to disengage from a fight at this point. Considering most things got nerfed in that regard, and I'm playing Sword Mirage which was previously alongside Thief as one of the fastest builds in the game and I can't even hope to keep up with any of these ranger specs. Granted they were just as fast and slippery before but it's a lot more noticeable now that for almost everything else mobility across the board has seen a lot of cuts;

Very high swiftness up time, greatsword 3 1,000 range leap, bird swoop if they're soulbeast and using that pet 1,200 range leap, if they're sword they have the sword 2+aboutface combo. Druid Staff 3 1200 range leap, they're able to use stealth with smoke scale and then use their mobility to cover huge distances, they have good access to a ton of stability stacks at once which can make it impossible to CC them while they disengage, and if they're running wilderness survival their cleanse capacity to shrug off things like Cripple, Chill, and Immobilization also very very high.

I don't think anything outside of a thief at this point can keep up with a ranger at all now.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:Rev is probably on the chopping block after Firebrand+Necro.

My main impression with Ranger is that while they are hitting really hard, when ranked conquest comes back I think what's probably going to be a lot more problematic with them right now is that whether it's Ranger, Druid, or Soulbeast they are just way too slippery in their capacity to disengage from a fight at this point. Considering most things got nerfed in that regard, and I'm playing Sword Mirage which was previously alongside Thief as one of the fastest builds in the game and I can't even hope to keep up with any of these ranger specs. Granted they were just as fast and slippery before but it's a lot more noticeable now that for almost everything else mobility across the board has seen a lot of cuts;

Very high swiftness up time, greatsword 3 1,000 range leap, bird swoop if they're soulbeast and using that pet 1,200 range leap, if they're sword they have the sword 2+aboutface combo. Druid Staff 3 1200 range leap, they're able to use stealth with smoke scale and then use their mobility to cover huge distances, they have good access to a ton of stability stacks at once which can make it impossible to CC them while they disengage, and if they're running wilderness survival their cleanse capacity to shrug off things like Cripple, Chill, and Immobilization also very very high.

I don't think anything outside of a thief at this point can keep up with a ranger at all now.

Spellbreaker, Shiro Rev and Holosmith to add some more.

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@Revolution.5409 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:Rev is probably on the chopping block after Firebrand+Necro.

My main impression with Ranger is that while they are hitting really hard, when ranked conquest comes back I think what's probably going to be a lot more problematic with them right now is that whether it's Ranger, Druid, or Soulbeast they are just way too slippery in their capacity to disengage from a fight at this point. Considering most things got nerfed in that regard, and I'm playing Sword Mirage which was previously alongside Thief as one of the fastest builds in the game and I can't even hope to keep up with any of these ranger specs. Granted they were just as fast and slippery before but it's a lot more noticeable now that for almost everything else mobility across the board has seen a lot of cuts;

Very high swiftness up time, greatsword 3 1,000 range leap, bird swoop if they're soulbeast and using that pet 1,200 range leap, if they're sword they have the sword 2+aboutface combo. Druid Staff 3 1200 range leap, they're able to use stealth with smoke scale and then use their mobility to cover huge distances, they have good access to a ton of stability stacks at once which can make it impossible to CC them while they disengage, and if they're running wilderness survival their cleanse capacity to shrug off things like Cripple, Chill, and Immobilization also very very high.

I don't think anything outside of a thief at this point can keep up with a ranger at all now.

Spellbreaker, Shiro Rev and Holosmith to add some more.

Honestly? I haven't been very impressed by those builds post patch.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:Warrior’s dps is definitely over performing as well as Berserker.I donno the devs definitely didn’t properly lower warrior dps to keep in line with other classes.

Ummm u joke but splb f1 is actually overperforming compared to the intended damage out put, seems they didnt realize it was coded separate but let's compare core warrior burst to even passive pet bursts lmao or better yet mauls and worldly impact. Sry but u know games in a ridulously bad balance state when ranger out melee's warrior. U for real? Lmao

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soulbeast can maul and wipe the floor with you in a short span of time using some arrow shit, can runaway like nothing and outruns even fast classes with high mobility.necro can soak anything lmao.firebrand does ridiculous damage based just in conditions.

cant remember more brokren stuff rn, but the ranger dps is really something out of balance

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@Rickster.8752 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Sorry, but with outliers like FB and Necro, it’s really hard to tell what is over performing, right now. Large portion of the available builds get completely negated by having one or both of the aforementioned.

I’m hesitant to point fingers at anything else, before those are looked at.

Not in conquest. Those need nerfing too. But ranger still does way too much damage, cc and mobility. And condi rev is the best spec with insane pressure and evasion.

Every class needs its sustain nerfed too. They didn't do it enough. All heals should be reduced again a little and regen should be less spammable.

You must be the only person, that’s played conquest since the patch hit. Share some of that insider information.

And no, unranked doesn’t count. Unless your goal is to meme.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:Rev is probably on the chopping block after Firebrand+Necro.

My main impression with Ranger is that while they are hitting really hard, when ranked conquest comes back I think what's probably going to be a lot more problematic with them right now is that whether it's Ranger, Druid, or Soulbeast they are just way too slippery in their capacity to disengage from a fight at this point. Considering most things got nerfed in that regard, and I'm playing Sword Mirage which was previously alongside Thief as one of the fastest builds in the game and I can't even hope to keep up with any of these ranger specs. Granted they were just as fast and slippery before but it's a lot more noticeable now that for almost everything else mobility across the board has seen a lot of cuts;

Very high swiftness up time, greatsword 3 1,000 range leap, bird swoop if they're soulbeast and using that pet 1,200 range leap, if they're sword they have the sword 2+aboutface combo. Druid Staff 3 1200 range leap, they're able to use stealth with smoke scale and then use their mobility to cover huge distances, they have good access to a ton of stability stacks at once which can make it impossible to CC them while they disengage, and if they're running wilderness survival their cleanse capacity to shrug off things like Cripple, Chill, and Immobilization also very very high.

I don't think anything outside of a thief at this point can keep up with a ranger at all now.

Spellbreaker, Shiro Rev and Holosmith to add some more.

Honestly? I haven't been very impressed by those builds post patch.

The fact is that they have enough mobility and damage to prevent a Slb from escaping, from the list I would not exclude even Mirage it is true that the mobility with the sword has been reduced but Slb has received Nerfs as well, swoop (birds) has a CD of 18 seconds now, and when you fight with a slb with a pet other than birds he will not be able to use the double swoop, he will not be able to escape forever under any circumstances.

I wanted to add one thing about the previous post, when Druid uses Ancestral Grace, he can be stuck and take damage.When Anet changed the sword they increased the CDs.

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I personally don't feel the damage from the ranger itself is a problem myself as most skills that do high burst are slow and highly telegraphed unless quickness is involved ofcourse or the burst is usually done from a combo of attacks which I think is appropriate. What I don't feel is justified is a passive pet skill hitting u for 4-5k. It's like same as splb maybe the team forgot to nerf the pet dps coefficient's.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I personally don't feel the damage from the ranger itself is a problem myself as most skills that do high burst are slow and highly telegraphed unless quickness is involved ofcourse or the burst is usually done from a combo of attacks which I think is appropriate. What I don't feel is justified is a passive pet skill hitting u for 4-5k. It's like same as splb maybe the team forgot to nerf the pet dps coefficient's.

honestly, i think they must have goofed and missed it. ranger pets can't be intended to hit that hard

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@choovanski.5462 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I personally don't feel the damage from the ranger itself is a problem myself as most skills that do high burst are slow and highly telegraphed unless quickness is involved ofcourse or the burst is usually done from a combo of attacks which I think is appropriate. What I don't feel is justified is a passive pet skill hitting u for 4-5k. It's like same as splb maybe the team forgot to nerf the pet dps coefficient's.

honestly, i think they must have goofed and missed it. ranger pets can't be intended to hit that hard

No I'm sure their not. I always understood rangers having higher damage % traits comparable to most classes due to having to give up base stats for the pet, both makes sense and getting those stats back via espec slb makes sense to being as u merged but that gazelle smoking a opponent for 5k is definitely not in line with balance lol. I do think some pets should do good dps due to AI not being great but damage pets should do dps and be lower sustain or low dps and hard cc and lastly low dps/cc's but good mobility/healing. There's some pets that are to loaded and to many under performing pets. Hopefully things will change in future. It's great to see more druids in pvp as they were basically removed from pvp modes prior.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I personally don't feel the damage from the ranger itself is a problem myself as most skills that do high burst are slow and highly telegraphed unless quickness is involved ofcourse or the burst is usually done from a combo of attacks which I think is appropriate. What I don't feel is justified is a passive pet skill hitting u for 4-5k. It's like same as splb maybe the team forgot to nerf the pet dps coefficient's.

honestly, i think they must have goofed and missed it. ranger pets can't be intended to hit that hard

No I'm sure their not. I always understood rangers having higher damage % traits comparable to most classes due to having to give up base stats for the pet, both makes sense and getting those stats back via espec slb makes sense to being as u merged but that gazelle smoking a opponent for 5k is definitely not in line with balance lol. I do think some pets should do good dps due to AI not being great but damage pets should do dps and be lower sustain or low dps and hard cc and lastly low dps/cc's but good mobility/healing. There's some pets that are to loaded and to many under performing pets. Hopefully things will change in future. It's great to see more druids in pvp as they were basically removed from pvp modes prior.

seeing druid again is dope. i love that class, even tho i dont play it. but yeah, as you say those 5k pet crits need to go. getting toasted for 1/3 HP on medi by a pet is such a bad feel

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@Rickster.8752 said:Greatsword/longbow is still easy mode. The pets do too much damage and in general this build has too much burst for how much mobility it has.

Condi rev is obviously the best spec in the game. Perma resistance is stupid.

ITs a condi rev.... i give ya a tip ... dont use condi, instead use power.... revs cant copy condi they dont get

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