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Passive ranger pet CCs need to be removed

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You guys have this psychological syndrome, where "because it is a separate vector from the ranger player, that it makes you feel like it is OP, because there are two targets instead of only one, so it feels like you're being ganked."

The truth behind all of this, is that Ranger without the pet having some CC and some damage, has a bad kit compared to other classes.

Now consider this:

  • A Spellbreaker suddenly has a pet. The normal burst skills stay on the Spellbreaker, but the Full Counter is removed from the Spellbreaker and put onto the pet and it is the only thing that the pet does outside of small damage autos.
  • I will guarantee you that the syndrome will kick in, which most of you have already noticed is true after reading the aforementioned example. You probably felt to yourself, as your brain's neurons fired that, "Oh man that's OP" when in reality, it is providing the exact same utility as a normal Spellbreaker + small auto damage. On the other hand, it is providing largely exploitable weaknesses vs. a normal Spellbreaker. 1) the pet can be easily killed, leaving the Spellbreaker with no FC. 2) The pet's AI is bad and a player could run up & down elevations so that the Spellbreaker could not chase unless he wanted to overextend out of the pet's radius in which it could use FC. The Spellbreaker could also be force off or up or down elevations so that his pet could not follow, leaving him out of range of his FC. 3) The short damage absorption from the FC is on the pet instead of the Spellbreaker.

But without seriously stopping to consider any of that, I'm sure everyone when first reading the example, thought to themselves: "Oh man it would so over powered if the Spellbreaker had a pet."

The same theory applies to Ranger. As much as the syndrome has you thinking that you're being ganked so hard by pets, the truth is that the Ranger with its pet possesses no more or less CC/damage output than the Spellbreaker, and in fact, being able to kill the pet so that the Ranger has important skills completely disabled, is extremely exploitable. But as usual, people tunnel vision and never ever stop to consider that killing the pet is a extremely easy way to remove just enough potency from the Ranger's kit, that it won't have the kill power to seal the deal in a 1v1 against you, forcing the Ranger to retreat, or stay and eventually die.

You guys need to get over this Ranger pet stuff. If you're getting pepega'd by Ranger pets still, you need to l2p. No comment in this forum could be more true right now.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:snipsYou guys need to get over this Ranger pet stuff. If you're getting pepega'd by Ranger pets still, you need to l2pVery interesting to notice. Pepegasir doesnt know about pet damage coofs because he is too bad to notice that pet solo killing other players.@Trevor Boyer.6524Anyone defending this stuff is clutching hard to maintain class dominanceFits like a glove. Once again.

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@Atronach.8520 said:The stuff people are complaining about is actually Marksmanship traitline, and not pets. Pets themselves do mediocre damage and those that actually deal some are squishy as hell( except smokescale which is the only actually good ranger pet atm). And the damage/cc is not random at all. Ranger can put pet on 'stay away' mode and f1 to actually proc pet stuff semi reliably when it's needed. Not just the F2 ability.The biggest problem remains pet pathing/behaviour in some cases, which was complained about since release.

people are complnaning about getting randomly cced without the ranger doing anything, has nothing to do with pet dmg

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People are getting outplayed by mediocre AI with stationary autoattacks. Not much else to be said.

I'm fine with nerfs to Marksmanship modifiers but that won't stop people from complaining about them. Even before Gazelle even existed, people would cry about our class mechanic because they're too lazy to learn how to kite them.

These threads are like a person completely ignoring a Phantasmal Berserker before they made it so they despawn after one attack and go "Wow that hit me so hard out of nowhere! Nerf it!" Like no, just use your eyes and look at what's around you lol. Like do these people auto lose the second they're 1vX? 2 things are too hard to pay attention to at once even though 1 of them is a scripted robot that follows an attack pattern?

Funnily enough, some of the people crying about how 1 single pet AI is too hard to pay attention to were defending perma-every boon phantasm chrono that would summon like 8 things on the screen at once that either stripped all of your boons or did 10k damage in an AoE.

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@"shadowpass.4236" said:People are getting outplayed by mediocre AI with stationary autoattacks. Not much else to be said.

I'm fine with nerfs to Marksmanship modifiers but that won't stop people from complaining about them. Even before Gazelle even existed, people would cry about our class mechanic because they're too lazy to learn how to kite them.

These threads are like a person completely ignoring a Phantasmal Berserker before they made it so they despawn after one attack and go "Wow that hit me so hard out of nowhere! Nerf it!" Like no, just use your eyes and look at what's around you lol. Like do these people auto lose the second they're 1vX? 2 things are too hard to pay attention to at once even though 1 of them is a scripted robot that follows an attack pattern?

Funnily enough, some of the people crying about how 1 single pet AI is too hard to pay attention to were defending perma-every boon phantasm chrono that would summon like 8 things on the screen at once that either stripped all of your boons or did 10k damage in an AoE.

This is a good example of people simply qqing due to having issues with the class in question whether due to it being a hard counter or build issues on the qq'ers part. Every mmo has multiple classes with strengths and weaknesses and if a class counters urs u make a this class is OP thread lol. Most melee or short ranged players qq about rangers and DE. classes that are countered by condis and boon corrupt qq about guards and necro's, mesmers qq about thieves and so on.I do agree cc pets like gazelle are hitting to hard but as for the ranger and traits themselves are completely fine. All u can do is hope the dev's know how to differentiate legitimate qq's and the I just got beat by a ranger whaaaaa lol

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Passive should definitely remain but be balanced appropriately. No one wants a pet running around doing absolutely nothing especially if by design the ranger has given up stats for said pet but all hard cc's and any higher dps pet attack should be the manual attack and not part of its standard ai skill rotation. And nerf gazelle as it's the root cause of all these qq's.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Gwaihir.1745 said:Yeah the passive has to go. And to be clear, no ranger puts their pet on stay away mode. Lol.

That's literally the #1 tip I tell to people trying to learn ranger. Pet on Guard 100% of the time.

No it's better for it to charge whomever ur pew pewing and just get annihilated in the cc,condi aoe damage lol.

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