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Passive ranger pet CCs need to be removed

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Passive CCs of ranger are a huge issue when it comes to balance , they have little to no animation and are activated passively without the ranger doing anything, after they added animations for things like staff 5 on rev and shroud 3 on necro, ranger pets need the same treatment, remove all pet ccs entirely that are passive and only keep the active ones for more counterplay, ranger has always been on of the best 1v1 classes mainly due to lack of counter play when it comes to passive ccs.

Getting randomly cced in a 1v1 or team fight can literally just make you lose the fight because of rng passives. If ranger mains think passive ccs are fair then add a passive cc to every class. every 15 seconds or so every classs should be able to knock you down passively without any tell, that sounds balanced to you? if it this then go ahead and add that to every class. if not please remove passive ranger CCs to make pvp more interactive and less passive rng.

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Sounds like a l2p issue. The pets that cc you are usually melee range and do less damage overall. They can be chilled and crippled and out kited. Rangers are meant to be strong at 1v1 by design. Anet literally said this. Only problem I see is soulbeast can just merge with a dead pet and then its alive again.

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Unfortunately, this would be too confusing for new/casual players - and therefore can/will never change.

That's been the official stance to giving ranger access to the ranger controlling the pet skills.

Do I think itd be better if ranger had control of their pet skills? Of course. So I cant really agree with the official stance... yet if you think ranger is busted now, just imagine if it could control pet CC skills too.

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From playing as and against rangers, the only pet CC which needs nerfed is Smokescale. For other pets, they need to be near you or have a very blatant animation (typically both). Smokescale just teleports on top of you - so keeping the pet at a distance no longer works - then stuns you with an animation with little tell. Smokescale also lives longer than other pets which posses an auto-attack CC, so killing it out dragging it though AoE isn't viable.

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It's not random cc. It's either an f2 or the first skill they cast when summoned. Then recast every 20+ seconds, with an animation.

Not being able to swap to a pet that has a cc to interrupt a key skill or action will just dumb down ranger even more. If you see a smokescale/wolf/gazelle, etc get swapped in, expect a lunge that will knock you down. A good ranger may keep his pet on passive to control the timer of the attack even better, but it's not random when you are playing as the ranger. Therefore it's not random when playing against it...

I wouldn't be completely opposed to a higher cooldown though, so it's less relevant to be cc'ed a second time by the same let during a fight.

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@Skyronight.6370 said:

@"Odik.4587" said:I think you spelled "insane damage coefficients" wrong. But yup xd

its really not the damage but the passive CC, i can deal with dmg i cant deal with my heal randomly getting interupted without the ranger doing anything and losing because of that.Interrupting heal passively is cancerous but no one in right mind would say that pet does OKAY damage now.Player coof <2 pet coof even on autos 3+, chilling slash is freaking 5.5 both x2. Good joke m8

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@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:This thread feels like:

"Godzilla & Ghidorah are going at it in downtown Tokyo, but some guy is concerned with his neighbor's dog and what it's doing."

Firebrand & Core Necro is happening, right now as I type in this thread. Can we please lay off the other classes for awhile? Really.

Don't leave condi rev out. It's something else....

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@Ashkew.6584 said:ranger main here, agree, pets should only have an active cc. the times that smokescale accidently interrupts a critical heal are numerous and super annoying

The smokescale does not accidentally interrupt with its stun. The stun is always on a cooldown after it is used. When encountering a smokescale for the first time in combat, it will always use the knockdown and then it goes on a cooldown. It is something to expect and can easily be countered.

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:Sounds like a l2p issue. The pets that cc you are usually melee range and do less damage overall. They can be chilled and crippled and out kited. Rangers are meant to be strong at 1v1 by design. Anet literally said this. Only problem I see is soulbeast can just merge with a dead pet and then its alive again.

They said the same thing about thief.....NERF TEEEEFFFYYYYY!!!!

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@Ashkew.6584 said:ranger main here, agree, pets should only have an active cc. the times that smokescale accidently interrupts a critical heal are numerous and super annoying

ummm...but didn't we already make up the fact that all pet CCs are on weak pets? And melee ones that stick to you for that matter? Now if ranger itself had any access to cc or immobe/lockdown skills, then that could seem a but op in light of all the recent nerfs...

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@Axl.8924 said:Can we improve the other pets? Its fine if you nerf the OP ones but don't want to see rangers get completely demolished

This^ sure down down some pets if u wish but as much focus should be given to give under performing pets a boost as well. Also keep in mind ranger gives up some base stats for its ability to have a pet in the first place.

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The stuff people are complaining about is actually Marksmanship traitline, and not pets. Pets themselves do mediocre damage and those that actually deal some are squishy as hell( except smokescale which is the only actually good ranger pet atm). And the damage/cc is not random at all. Ranger can put pet on 'stay away' mode and f1 to actually proc pet stuff semi reliably when it's needed. Not just the F2 ability.The biggest problem remains pet pathing/behaviour in some cases, which was complained about since release.

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@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:This thread feels like:

"Godzilla & Ghidorah are going at it in downtown Tokyo, but some guy is concerned with his neighbor's dog and what it's doing."

Firebrand & Core Necro is happening, right now as I type in this thread. Can we please lay off the other classes for awhile? Really.

Not really while its true firebrand and core Nec are covering other issues thats not a reason to say "ignore these other problems" passive pet cc's need to be slower with much more tell just like how a lot of other skills got slowed down with massive ring aoe warnings they should do the same thing for a lot of passive pet cc's at the very least. I should always know if im going to get hit by the deer's charge attack even if its not targeting me but someone who happens to be in a line with me.

I should always know when the smoke scale is going for take down as it does not always happen right after smoke assault.

Passive pet cc adjustments is a perfectly reasonable thing to ask for. Now im not gonna say they should be removed but they should certainly be looked into to be made much more easily visible and obvious. Its one thing to control and combo into an active cc but passive ones that usually happen at the worst of critical moments do make the AI's a bit boosted. If the are the only good pets to use then perhaps thats all the more reason to adjust them as that seems to be the goal. IF firebrands and necros told you well these builds are the only good builds to use you wouldn't accept that.

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