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Resistance should not be Corruptable and be changed to a unique status effect like Superspeed


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I get that this post is maybe supposed to have a little bit of humor, but I hate posts like this because there are people out there that genuinely don’t understand how balance works and would actually want this in the game.

I keep saying this on the forums over and over but THIS is what powercreep is...adding mechanics with little to no regard for prior mechanics, skills and abilities that are balanced around an older system.

There is a way to balance conditions, but this isn’t one of those ways.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:I get that this post is maybe supposed to have a little bit of humor, but I hate posts like this because there are people that genuinely don’t understand how balance works and would actually want this in the game.

I keep saying this on the forums over and over but THIS is what powercreep is...adding mechanics with little to no regard for prior mechanics, skills and abilities that are balanced around an older system.

There is a way to balance conditions, but this isn’t one of those ways.

I just want people to talk bout it.Everyone knows Anet doesn't look at forum posts nor accept suggestions anyway ;D

Some may say - yes, Superspeed being an immune type effect is unique, Resistance being another similar immune type effect should probably be unique as well.Some may say - no, Condition damage would be hurt too much if there is somehow a class that can pulse Resistance and basically lock out their entire build (cough cough Firebrand cough cough)

I personally say, yes, and straight up nerf all sources of Resistance, or make it a non duration stackable effect.After all, Resistance is a pretty specific sort of Boon, exclusively countering Conditions of any sort.

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No. Remove food buffs, PvE items, cap gear at Exotic level of strength and, foremost, adjust the problematic abilities instead.

If anything, the latest patch showed that GW's PvP needs less of everything and not more. That is especially true for unremovable status effects.

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@Elmo Benchwarmer.3025 said:No. Remove food buffs, PvE items, cap gear at Exotic level of strength and, foremost, adjust the problematic abilities instead.

If anything, the latest patch showed that GW's PvP needs less of everything and not more. That is especially true for unremovable status effects.

I agree.We need less Boon spam for sure.I still see people swinging boons around frequently.

Honestly at this point, I wouldn't mind WvW having just amulets like PvP.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@"Voltekka.2375" said:No. Conditions can also be cleansed, resistance already does too much against condi builds (100% dmg immunity is not enough?).Rev is too weak, now?

I think it's fair.

Think about it... Power has to deal with Invulnerability and 100% damage reduced, and Pseudo-Invul like Endure Pain. You can't "Strip" invul. So it would be fair not to be able to strip resistance.

Please, tell me which invulns necro has, for starters.Endure pain still is susceptible to cc and condies.Engi and ele invuln renders all skill usage impossible.If the player who uses resistance is unable to use ANY skills, I'm game.

I think it's fair.

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Voted yes but it’s just 5 seconds w/o any way to improve its duration.

Also resistance will only reduce 50% for those 5 seconds

Armor will start to reduce condi damage by a very small factor.

Resistance will just soften the condi bomb if aplyed in time not avoid damage.

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They nerfed unblockable effects to reduce the ability for players to counter opponents who pop a block or reflect. Leading up to the nerf a lot of people complained that "counter to my counter" mechanics in general are toxic in some way. (Not sure why.)Well, corrupting resistance is just that. Someone is popping their counter to condition effects and damage and their opponent is countering that by corrupting it. The same applies to stability corruption, (as someone is popping stability to prevent being hard controlled -- which is still quite potent in all fights outside of solo roaming).

That said, if they change it to an effect rather than a boon, boon duration wouldn't improve it. It wouldn't be a strict buff.In the past I petitioned for quickness and alacrity (pre-nerf) to be effects rather than boons because they're really powerful and can be amplified by boon duration.

~ Kovu

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If it's availability, duration and cooldown was similar to the 100% less power dmg taken buffs (all 4 are personal, 1 is from warrior, 1 from ranger, and 2 very rarely used ones from soulbeast). Roughly 3 sec duration/40 sec cd. All of them personal, sure why not, current state is worse imo.

With current levels of availability, no. Tho corrupting/removing it is already rather meh because most sources are pulsing, cutting the duration by 40% (assuming 80% duration) isn't necessarily a buff

Overall I'd really rather see it reworked to like 33% less condi dmg and immunity to secondary effects (still very powerful).

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