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This is the worst meta Ive played

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@Klypto.1703 said:I mean the term condi spam itself should have been enough of a deterrent to bringing it back again but no they weren't happy with the power being scaled way too high so lets bring back something they hate even more. Except this time lets completely nuke thief and warrior out of being playable that will really make them happy.

everything is coming back...the patch was just a reset....'a slap on the wrist'

Yeah everything that is condi lol power builds are obsolete again.

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@Klypto.1703 said:

@Klypto.1703 said:I mean the term condi spam itself should have been enough of a deterrent to bringing it back again but no they weren't happy with the power being scaled way too high so lets bring back something they hate even more. Except this time lets completely nuke thief and warrior out of being playable that will really make them happy.

everything is coming back...the patch was just a reset....'a slap on the wrist'

Yeah everything that is condi lol power builds are obsolete again.

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So you go into a restaurant and order a dish, after half an hour they bring you an uncooked dish, completely raw, you're surprised and asked why, it is said to you that if you wait long enough they will cook it later.That is what some people are defending on this thread.

That's not how you balance, you don't release a patch that will break the game while saying "this is not a balance patch, we will do one of these later", at least on a semi-competent game developer.

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@"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:So you go into a restaurant and order a dish, after half an hour they bring you an uncooked dish, completely raw, you're surprised and asked why, it is said to you that if you wait long enough they will cook it later.That is what some people are defending on this thread.

That's not how you balance, you don't release a patch that will break the game while saying "this is not a balance patch, we will do one of these later", at least on a semi-competent game developer.

Agreed! This is not how you balance a game at all. Want a good example? They didn’t even touch reflected damage. I hit myself with a 6k engi rifle auto reflect. That is blatant oversight.

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How dare you! This is objectively the best balance patch we've ever had!

What did you expect? Being able to outplay someone on any class in a 1v1 and win? Haha, silly you. That wouldn't be fair. Just learn to pick among the playable 3 classes.

I could play ~10 PvP games in a row on a good day, before. Now I can just barely muster enough motivation to play one .

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@Klypto.1703 said:I mean the term condi spam itself should have been enough of a deterrent to bringing it back again but no they weren't happy with the power being scaled way too high so lets bring back something they hate even more. Except this time lets completely nuke thief and warrior out of being playable that will really make them happy.

everything is coming back...the patch was just a reset....'a slap on the wrist'

Yeah everything that is condi lol power builds are obsolete again.

Yep like I said plus that vid is just a map queue running over a small amount of players who just keep running back to feed kills. Now a more balanced population of the enemy and throw condi into the mix and then that power build would be instantly destroyed.

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@"Arkantos.7460" said:sounds like "i cant win with my yolo build anymore" meh pvp

This was inevitable. In fact, it happens to any game that goes from insane oneshot power creep to a more balanced and varied meta. I have yet to see the changes myself but from a glance at the forums it's 50/50. So I assume it's the nuke classes that are complaining the most.

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@"Aria Lliane.8693" said:OP probably plays a broken class then complains noone can kill him, even complains "the other team had healer tempest"... yes, agree. Why not down-grade your class into tempest levels? should do the trick.If that Tempest managed not to get killed, gg hats of to him.

That is silliest argument so far, you are basically saying there are op classes who cant be killed. So that means balance is off.

People here are doing all kinds of assumptions anyway already. I only said I think this balance has too much potential to be too tanky. I dont think it is about my or other peoples playing skills in this matter. You can all talk how ever much how trash I am and thats why im crying here but Im not, it is just a game and Im not gonna feel bad over it.

I didnt say I hate the game, Im not talking against or for some specific profession, Im saying over all there is too much potential to be tanky and that makes game much slower and theres too often endles duels. Personally I think it is the worst balance Ive played in this game, thats my opinion and I still think so. And no I dont play just one profession or build

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@Jopettaja.7451 said:I didnt say I hate the game, Im not talking against or for some specific profession, Im saying over all there is too much potential to be tanky and that makes game much slower and theres too often endles duels. Personally I think it is the worst balance Ive played in this game, thats my opinion and I still think so. And no I dont play just one profession or build

Everyone will agree the game is unbalanced. I do debate that the Tankiness as a whole is the issue, cause as a Tempest I never felt it on my part. A squishy class is still squishy if you power against it. And broken Skills will still hit you with 9k damage taking in 1 hit more than half of your health.Is there more room for survivability? Maybe, I think that was one of the goals of this, but healing also decreased so either the foe really escaped for good or it will end up dead anyway.I never played other class besides the squishy ele\tempest so i cant speak from the other point of view.That's why I stated that maybe your class is a broken one (might be a poor choice of words but i'm actually agreeing with you partially), cause I'm pretty sure some classes can Tank like you stated (I cant kill anyone anyway, I'm usually spec-ed for healing\protection).

I just disagreed that all classes are Tanky now. And I also disagree that having a Tempest in the other Team made that much of the difference.

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