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Up to 20 stacks in 1 hit

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:So you have no idea what even hit you, but you are here posting about it? Where is the combat log? Where is the screen cap or video? All you state is "something" hit you and gave you "20 stacks".I dont think you will get an answer since afaik, there is no skill that does 20 stacks of bleeding.

On its own, no, but there are ways to stack enough bleed procs for one skill to apply 20 stacks of bleeding.Do you have an example? Because I'm not sure there is. If you combo it requires at least 2 skills and most channels that could trigger such stacking are only 4-8x.The reaper could do it once with 5+4, but that was nerfed (and is still 2 skills). I know ranger can maintain 25+ bleeds as well, but it requires constant rotation of many skills on a stationary target.

Split Blade with active Sharpening Stone, Sharpen Spines, and Sharpened Edges can hit 20 stacks of bleeding. Its not particularly realistic or effective, but its possible.Most of those stacks will vanish in a few seconds on their own and only the splitblade bleeding itself last. But granted, with alot of setup, luck and idiotic enemies I suppose that could theoretically happen.
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@UNOwen.7132 said:

Split Blade with active Sharpening Stone, Sharpen Spines, and Sharpened Edges can hit 20 stacks of bleeding. Its not particularly realistic or effective, but its possible.

Mesmer Pistol can also rack up near 15 stacks of Bleeding as well with 1 skill and no set up.

Not impossible to rack up 20 stacks of Bleed on Mesmer at all.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

Split Blade with active Sharpening Stone, Sharpen Spines, and Sharpened Edges can hit 20 stacks of bleeding. Its not particularly realistic or effective, but its possible.

Mesmer Pistol can also rack up near 15 stacks of Bleeding as well with 1 skill and no set up.

Not impossible to rack up 20 stacks of Bleed on Mesmer at all.

I guess churning earth (dagger earth 5 on ele) can stack 12 bleeds, and maybe if you get some crit procs you could get it to 20 (with elemental power glyph, and arcane traited with the earth trait that gives bleed on immob). You'd do more damage burning though...


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@hayabusafmw.9370 said:Who said the 224 thing is incorrect. On paper it says that. But i was dropping like a fly with maximum bunker stats. Toughness thru the roof ect. So not accurate. This patch is a lot of improvisation not ''fixes'' . Meaning what you see is not really what you get. I've seen skills saying 1 or 2 dmg and i killed a guy with it. It's as broken as matt hardy. Example also stun breaks.... those are removed from the game. I don't care what anyone says. Currently something is not right in wvw with them. On paper they remove a stun or immobilize or what ever they do. In reality they do not work or rarely work depending on the skills someone used.

Sorry dude, but you seem to be not even knowing what exactly a stunbreak does. How can you say they are not working when you have no idea what you are talking about?What i have experienced so far is that stunbreaks still work as usual (except ofc lag delays your use of stunbreak, but thats just like before).

You get cc'ed and still cant move after a stunbreak? Check your debuffs, there is most likely a immobalize on you, which is a condition, and not something you can get rid of with a mere stunbreak.Or you use a stunbreak and dont dodge immediately without stab and immediately eat another stuff.

Also, siege condis are laughable, they scale off of nothing. 20 stacks bleed? Those tickle without condi scaling.

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@VydoLL.8714 said:Humm not sur you serious

Deadly serious my condi renegade/Mallyx is actually way weaker now...

I’ve achieve 8k torment ticks on some players after burn their cleanses, could hold and kill 2-3 weavers, had one 1-vs 3 to 5 situations where some even had the white spvp crystal after the guild tag, note this was before patch.

It’s was my full R3t4rd and lamer build, was playing with marshal stats, plaguedoctor, or carrion if i recall right, those were the sets i had for diferent results

Played once with a 2nd condi mallyx.... everything melted, and on lord 2 players could reach quite a funny number on the number of stacks...players that melted under 5 seconds can now handle with my condi rev and fight back, that’s the difference between actual and before patch condi mallyx...

Still there were some gimmicks that could kill me in less than the 5 seconds, tdlr mallyx was always super strong we just had a lot more and better builds to carry, now that tho low floor combat builds are killed people complain from something that was shadowed by unskilled gimmicks..torment and fire ticks....

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@VydoLL.8714 said:this is confirm the conditions builds are totally broken, specially the rev i think

Torment needs to be observed, burn stacks are to strong instead of mow down target... at the end it’s easier now to fight against condi rev.

Imo the boon-condi thing need hard changes and we need hexes back, shouts need to be shouts and not more of the same boooons...game needs stuff more like gw1 rather than treat every as 1 or 0, stacking is the real culprit of how balance went out ofncontrol.

Burn guard could always apply very stron burn ticks specially to imob targets, people are noticing and dying more due stability nerf.

Vulnerability also enters in the condindamage pseudo-drama 20 stacks it’s 20% more damage in both types of damage.

It’s all super strong... but so it is resistance...

Like i said, conditions were always viable to burst, players just had better performance that was easier to execute nownthat CD are bigger and it’s easier to burn condi cleanses people are noting these builds cause the low effort damage is harder to come by...

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