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Warrior's current state


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@Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:

@kiranslee.4829 said:From what i seen roamer war is really bad. I tested my own and fighting others and results are disappointing for warrior roamers (power). Did fought one condi s/s (SA guild), skilled player but again underwhelming, easy to kite or outdmg. If anyone seen or fought skilled roamer on war that managed to roam , post pls some vid.

Well Spellbreaker with Magebane Tether is performing rather well still, but that is because they forgot to nerf Spellbreaker F1s.

Are spellbreaker F1s still broken? When I played it roaming it didn't seem gamebreaking. Axe mainhand and greatsword both didn't seem to do ridiculous numbers.

Earthshaker on hammer was hotfixed February 26th , but I prefer dagger unless in squad.

There's a lot more rangers abusing rugged growth (bugged) in WvW so warrior has a harder time with rangers kiting since the health regen is busted ; sword thieves of all kinds apply weakness and can kite burst due to cripple , staff thieves can apply weakness ; sword weavers can still spam burning ; condi revs can basically tank warriors unless CCed.

Well T1 Burst numbers were never gamebreaking, but they nerfed those as well on Core. Right now they are doing pre patch damage values. Go take a camp on SpB and see what Eviscerate and Arcing Slice do, then roll Core and do the same. You'll see a difference. Anything that does the prepatch damage values will perform well in the current balance. On Necro for instance, Lich Form AA is hitting for +5k as it still has a 2.36 scaing. The balance team wanted a cap at 2.0, but forgot a bunch of stuff. OH Sword on warrior also did not see nerfs, Rip has the same scaling as T3 Eviserate now.

That all being said if people want a break from Warrior until the balance team fixes the mistakes they made I recommend Power Reaper and Burn DH. Burn DH in particular is melting things hard and fast at the moment.

I thought they said the norm cap was going to be 2.0 with some of the burstier skills going 2.1+ Up to 2.5 as a cap.

I seem to recall it being 2.0, but if its 2.5 then Eviscerate would like to have a word with the Dev team...

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@kiranslee.4829 said:From what i seen roamer war is really bad. I tested my own and fighting others and results are disappointing for warrior roamers (power). Did fought one condi s/s (SA guild), skilled player but again underwhelming, easy to kite or outdmg. If anyone seen or fought skilled roamer on war that managed to roam , post pls some vid.

Well Spellbreaker with Magebane Tether is performing rather well still, but that is because they forgot to nerf Spellbreaker F1s.

Are spellbreaker F1s still broken? When I played it roaming it didn't seem gamebreaking. Axe mainhand and greatsword both didn't seem to do ridiculous numbers.

Earthshaker on hammer was hotfixed February 26th , but I prefer dagger unless in squad.

There's a lot more rangers abusing rugged growth (bugged) in WvW so warrior has a harder time with rangers kiting since the health regen is busted ; sword thieves of all kinds apply weakness and can kite burst due to cripple , staff thieves can apply weakness ; sword weavers can still spam burning ; condi revs can basically tank warriors unless CCed.

Well T1 Burst numbers were never gamebreaking, but they nerfed those as well on Core. Right now they are doing pre patch damage values. Go take a camp on SpB and see what Eviscerate and Arcing Slice do, then roll Core and do the same. You'll see a difference. Anything that does the prepatch damage values will perform well in the current balance. On Necro for instance, Lich Form AA is hitting for +5k as it still has a 2.36 scaing. The balance team wanted a cap at 2.0, but forgot a bunch of stuff. OH Sword on warrior also did not see nerfs, Rip has the same scaling as T3 Eviserate now.

That all being said if people want a break from Warrior until the balance team fixes the mistakes they made I recommend Power Reaper and Burn DH. Burn DH in particular is melting things hard and fast at the moment.

I thought they said the norm cap was going to be 2.0 with some of the burstier skills going 2.1+ Up to 2.5 as a cap.

I seem to recall it being 2.0, but if its 2.5 then Eviscerate would like to have a word with the Dev team...

I just quickly looked over those old preview balance notes. Couldn’t find what I was talking about but did notes few skills had 2.25 for the co’s.

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@Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:

@kiranslee.4829 said:From what i seen roamer war is really bad. I tested my own and fighting others and results are disappointing for warrior roamers (power). Did fought one condi s/s (SA guild), skilled player but again underwhelming, easy to kite or outdmg. If anyone seen or fought skilled roamer on war that managed to roam , post pls some vid.

Well Spellbreaker with Magebane Tether is performing rather well still, but that is because they forgot to nerf Spellbreaker F1s.

Are spellbreaker F1s still broken? When I played it roaming it didn't seem gamebreaking. Axe mainhand and greatsword both didn't seem to do ridiculous numbers.

Earthshaker on hammer was hotfixed February 26th , but I prefer dagger unless in squad.

There's a lot more rangers abusing rugged growth (bugged) in WvW so warrior has a harder time with rangers kiting since the health regen is busted ; sword thieves of all kinds apply weakness and can kite burst due to cripple , staff thieves can apply weakness ; sword weavers can still spam burning ; condi revs can basically tank warriors unless CCed.

Well T1 Burst numbers were never gamebreaking, but they nerfed those as well on Core. Right now they are doing pre patch damage values. Go take a camp on SpB and see what Eviscerate and Arcing Slice do, then roll Core and do the same. You'll see a difference. Anything that does the prepatch damage values will perform well in the current balance. On Necro for instance, Lich Form AA is hitting for +5k as it still has a 2.36 scaing. The balance team wanted a cap at 2.0, but forgot a bunch of stuff. OH Sword on warrior also did not see nerfs, Rip has the same scaling as T3 Eviserate now.

That all being said if people want a break from Warrior until the balance team fixes the mistakes they made I recommend Power Reaper and Burn DH. Burn DH in particular is melting things hard and fast at the moment.

I thought they said the norm cap was going to be 2.0 with some of the burstier skills going 2.1+ Up to 2.5 as a cap.

I seem to recall it being 2.0, but if its 2.5 then Eviscerate would like to have a word with the Dev team...

I just quickly looked over those old preview balance notes. Couldn’t find what I was talking about but did notes few skills had 2.25 for the co’s.

Eviscerate is not pleased.

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I don't even know if I should continue to use war to roam. After they "fixed" spb's F1 again, I feel myself become pretty weak against everything, however if you use full divider build/durability rune and defense trait, it's indeed that you basically become immortal by spam F2, (even against a small roam group), but that's all.

I feel like anet want to push warrior's position to front line meat wall much further, all u can do is take damage , cc , bootstrap, and pray.

Solo roam is basically dead(unless you avoid all roam group you meet).

There's one thing I noticed, berserk didn't get hit so hard...so it's possible to team up with support and u go full dps build (nearly to pve Zerker build but a little adjustment for survivability)

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Warrior is more duelist like rather than a very tanky 1 shot machine like before.

Good Warriors won't suffer that much from the increased TTK, but bad Warriors who were carried mainly by lucky Arcing Slices and Whirlwind Attacks are gonna straight up die to everything.

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@"Rodrick.1942" said:I don't even know if I should continue to use war to roam. After they "fixed" spb's F1 again, I feel myself become pretty weak against everything, however if you use full divider build/durability rune and defense trait, it's indeed that you basically become immortal by spam F2, (even against a small roam group), but that's all.

I feel like anet want to push warrior's position to front line meat wall much further, all u can do is take damage , cc , bootstrap, and pray.

Solo roam is basically dead(unless you avoid all roam group you meet).

There's one thing I noticed, berserk didn't get hit so hard...so it's possible to team up with support and u go full dps build (nearly to pve Zerker build but a little adjustment for survivability)

Try burn DH. Even with half condi DPS I'm burning through other players like a match on gasoline.

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@Yasai.3549 said:Warrior is more duelist like rather than a very tanky 1 shot machine like before.

Good Warriors won't suffer that much from the increased TTK, but bad Warriors who were carried mainly by lucky Arcing Slices and Whirlwind Attacks are gonna straight up die to everything.

Lmao means a lot from a rev player. War is weak as $hit right now. Dont pretend like ur not glad lol

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@"Rodrick.1942" said:I don't even know if I should continue to use war to roam. After they "fixed" spb's F1 again, I feel myself become pretty weak against everything, however if you use full divider build/durability rune and defense trait, it's indeed that you basically become immortal by spam F2, (even against a small roam group), but that's all.

I feel like anet want to push warrior's position to front line meat wall much further, all u can do is take damage , cc , bootstrap, and pray.

Solo roam is basically dead(unless you avoid all roam group you meet).

There's one thing I noticed, berserk didn't get hit so hard...so it's possible to team up with support and u go full dps build (nearly to pve Zerker build but a little adjustment for survivability)

Try burn DH. Even with half condi DPS I'm burning through other players like a match on gasoline.

Haha , I believe that, in fact I have a tbh Condi Herald too. I just...don't want to ditch my favorite class behind so quickly..I'm sure u know this feeling if you're warrior main

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@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

Lmao means a lot from a rev player. War is weak as $hit right now. Dont pretend like ur not glad lol

I did try it eventually on my troll Strength - Aristocracy - Spellbreaker : really felt the Arcing Slice nerf.I totally dropped dagger too and went back to Axe-Shield.

I would like yu guys to try this SB build and see if it tickles yur fancy, I have been enjoying it quite abit.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEd7lJwUYJMRGKOOX+PTA-zVRYBBLG1sSpoQozCo3EI8Iw9B-w

It's extremely heehee worthy when yu nail a good AoE Full Counter and just gain 2k life back.

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@Rodrick.1942 said:

@Rodrick.1942 said:I don't even know if I should continue to use war to roam. After they "fixed" spb's F1 again, I feel myself become pretty weak against everything, however if you use full divider build/durability rune and defense trait, it's indeed that you basically become immortal by spam F2, (even against a small roam group), but that's all.

I feel like anet want to push warrior's position to front line meat wall much further, all u can do is take damage , cc , bootstrap, and pray.

Solo roam is basically dead(unless you avoid all roam group you meet).

There's one thing I noticed, berserk didn't get hit so hard...so it's possible to team up with support and u go full dps build (nearly to pve Zerker build but a little adjustment for survivability)

Try burn DH. Even with half condi DPS I'm burning through other players like a match on gasoline.

Haha , I believe that, in fact I have a tbh Condi Herald too. I just...don't want to ditch my favorite class behind so quickly..I'm sure u know this feeling if you're warrior main

Oh I main warrior, but I also WvW on my Guardian and Necro. Right now Burn DH is WAY too powerful even with only half condi gear. I left my legendary armor, backpiece and trinket on my warrior last night lol, so I was running around with only 1k condi damage sans might stacks. Still was melting people. Getting an 8k burn tick is not hard right now, and I was getting 5k ticks last night even after handicapping myself inadvertently.

Reaper with Lich Form up is also REALLY strong right now since Lich Form's damage didn't get nerfed. Use Lich 5 to debuff their Vitality, Lich AA for 6k crits.

@Yasai.3549 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

Lmao means a lot from a rev player. War is weak as $hit right now. Dont pretend like ur not glad lol

I did try it eventually on my troll Strength - Aristocracy - Spellbreaker : really felt the Arcing Slice nerf.I totally dropped dagger too and went back to Axe-Shield.

I would like yu guys to try this SB build and see if it tickles yur fancy, I have been enjoying it quite abit.

It's extremely heehee worthy when yu nail a good AoE Full Counter and just gain 2k life back.

Looks pretty balanced, potentially 5k life back if you get a good FC in. Aristocracy is a strong rune pick, and with some of our might sources nerfed I expect more people will run it. RedShark runs something a little similar for zerging, but this one looks like a good roaming build. Have you tried Merciless Hammer for the adrenaline gain?

Warrior is still pretty durable on the whole.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Looks pretty balanced, potentially 5k life back if you get a good FC in. Aristocracy is a strong rune pick, and with some of our might sources nerfed I expect more people will run it. RedShark runs something a little similar for zerging, but this one looks like a good roaming build. Have you tried Merciless Hammer for the adrenaline gain?

Warrior is still pretty durable on the whole.

Merciless Hammer not that great tbh.The entire build revolves around Might makes Right for Endurance and Sustain per stack of Might gained (which is alot)

If yu land a single FC, it's 300 HP no questions asked, if yu land it on multiple people, it's more, and even more when combined with Draining Rune.This is also lessens the risk of taking T3 camps solo.

How the build works :FC/Shield Bash/Stomp/BullRush are yur main Aristocracy poppers.Use them liberally (except Stomp, it's a stunbreak).Even if the hit doesn't disable the target, it procs anyway because Body Blow doesn't say yu MUST disable, only when yu land a disable.

Might makes Right will synergize extremely well with this over Merciless Hammer for EnduranceMore Endurance = More Reckless Dodge = Damage

If yu really really really want more Adrenaline, use Signet Elite.It's more than enough, plus doubles as a chunky emergency 1.2k health heal if needed (again when used with Might is Right)

If yu feel EXTREMELY TROLLY, run full Zealot's Trinkets.

Yur Might makes Right will heal for fatter amounts, but yu lose alot of damage.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

Looks pretty balanced, potentially 5k life back if you get a good FC in. Aristocracy is a strong rune pick, and with some of our might sources nerfed I expect more people will run it. RedShark runs something a little similar for zerging, but this one looks like a good roaming build. Have you tried Merciless Hammer for the adrenaline gain?

Warrior is still pretty durable on the whole.

Merciless Hammer not that great tbh.The entire build revolves around Might makes Right for Endurance and Sustain per stack of Might gained (which is alot)

If yu land a single FC, it's 300 HP no questions asked, if yu land it on multiple people, it's more, and even more when combined with Draining Rune.This is also lessens the risk of taking T3 camps solo.

How the build works :FC/Shield Bash/Stomp/BullRush are yur main Aristocracy poppers.Use them liberally (except Stomp, it's a stunbreak).Even if the hit doesn't disable the target, it procs anyway because Body Blow doesn't say yu MUST disable, only when yu land a disable.

Might makes Right will synergize extremely well with this over Merciless Hammer for EnduranceMore Endurance = More Reckless Dodge = Damage

If yu really really really want more Adrenaline, use Signet Elite.It's more than enough, plus doubles as a chunky emergency 1.2k health heal if needed (again when used with Might is Right)

If yu feel EXTREMELY TROLLY, run full Zealot's Trinkets.

Yur Might makes Right will heal for fatter amounts, but yu lose alot of damage.

I'm well aware of MMR. MH has no ICD on the adrenaline gain, so one FC that hits 2 people gives 20 adrenaline with MH traited. It becomes more of a discussion of what you need more of, adrenaline or small heals and endurance.

Also, go full troll.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

I've been playing a warrior for about a year now, mostly on wvw. Avarage score of mine was 1:10 win/death in 1 on 1. Now it's about 3:10 and getting better. Never tried any other classes, cause warrior is a reall challenge for me. And that's what i like about him.Yes, arenanet want to see the warrior as a front line meat. I've tryed many builds, but tanky SB with hammer and mace/horn is my best card in zerg so far. CC is my all, and pretty allways being "last man standing" with guardian.

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@kenshinsoul.3604 said:They are nerfed as kitten. I´m main war and now is trash, takes 1000% playskill to maybe win vs decent player. Thx Anet, perfect balance!!

problem is not it takes 1000% skills, if it ever took skill to begin with I'm fine.anet literally made warrior lowest skill cap class of all. every single plat 2+ player maining other classes can instantly pick up any meta warrior build and be effective.like tempest support, took a long time to practice and even required ele mains to be good.but healbreaker, literally everyone can play.

there's literally 0 benefit for you to main warrior for a long time, because it doesn't take much to play it at a competitive level (plat2+)

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@felix.2386 well you know he just mean power warrior not the Healbraker version of it. The Healbraker Warrior is legit so braindead and so unfun to play .... me as a Warr main since release playing it once and leave it behind after one match cause its so effektive while need like 0 skill. For the Power Version of Warrior @kenshinsoul.3604 is actually right. Warrior on Power Build is actually one of the (if not the) hardest Build to play well in the curent state of meta..... you would ask why?. Well cause they overnerf Warrs healskills hard af while do all its cc skills to 0 Damage (it was like 4k hitting Bullscharge) so Warriors Builds do not only loose tons of heal ... it also loose tons of damage while the whole meta is full of blind spam skills what is the hardest counter thing for warrior.

SO Healwarrior is actually ezy to play low skill high effortWHILE Power Warrior (all Builds litterly) doing so low damage and get so low sustain that it need high skill to play but you will get also low effort from playing it

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@Pati.2438 said:@felix.2386 well you know he just mean power warrior not the Healbraker version of it. The Healbraker Warrior is legit so braindead and so unfun to play .... me as a Warr main since release playing it once and leave it behind after one match cause its so effektive while need like 0 skill. For the Power Version of Warrior @kenshinsoul.3604 is actually right. Warrior on Power Build is actually one of the (if not the) hardest Build to play well in the curent state of meta..... you would ask why?. Well cause they overnerf Warrs healskills hard af while do all its cc skills to 0 Damage (it was like 4k hitting Bullscharge) so Warriors Builds do not only loose tons of heal ... it also loose tons of damage while the whole meta is full of blind spam skills what is the hardest counter thing for warrior.

SO Healwarrior is actually ezy to play low skill high effortWHILE Power Warrior (all Builds litterly) doing so low damage and get so low sustain that it need high skill to play but you will get also low effort from playing it

I don't think you get it, power war being trash doesnt make it skill demanding.because it's mechanics are easy,there's little way to overcome how bad the class is with skills, that's why it is hard even for good players to climb, because skills matter little for this class.

if you want a perfect example, minion necro, most braindead class in game, you would say.try play it against team usa or any top team or plat 3 while youself being plat 3 as well, you will find it extremely hard to play.but it doesnt make the build less braindead.

you really shouldn't be fixing skill-demanding and high skill ceiling with simply being trash build.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@felix.2386 well if you rly think Warrior is the easiest class to play then sry but your totaly wrong. It is the easiest class to play against bad players .... that is true. If you go and fight other rly good players it is just like one of the hardest classes. Why? simply cause as you said the class is rly easy to understand mechanic wise BUT that made it also easy for enemys to evade your hardest hitting CC and Damage skills. It end ub in a mutch mutch harder match ub, cause of you need to time skills perfectly and just fool the enemy by fake casting skills etc.

Other classes are just then hard mechanic wise but if your good with the mechanics its easier to play against better players, cause moste mechanics safe your life and not the fact that you fool the enemy with some tricks.

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@Pati.2438 said:@felix.2386 well if you rly think Warrior is the easiest class to play then sry but your totaly wrong. It is the easiest class to play against bad players .... that is true. If you go and fight other rly good players it is just like one of the hardest classes. Why? simply cause as you said the class is rly easy to understand mechanic wise BUT that made it also easy for enemys to evade your hardest hitting CC and Damage skills. It end ub in a mutch mutch harder match ub, cause of you need to time skills perfectly and just fool the enemy by fake casting skills etc.

Other classes are just then hard mechanic wise but if your good with the mechanics its easier to play against better players, cause moste mechanics safe your life and not the fact that you fool the enemy with some tricks.

He means that it is easy to pick up and be moderately effective with. Low skill floor, but high skill ceiling whereas something like a daredevil or dragon hunter is a higher skill floor, but lower skill ceiling.

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