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Make it so you can only be CC'd once every 3 seconds


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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:What classes cc lock you?
  • Firebrand (Axe pull, shield push, symbol stun, justice pull)
  • Condi herald (Chaotic release, temporal rift, surge of the mists, call to anguish or if running jalis forced engagement)
  • Core terrormancer (spectral ring, doom, reapers mark, stab corrupt. 50% increased duration on all of these. 60% with rune of the necromancer)
  • Scrapper (Thunder clap, personal battering ram, launch personal battering ram, throw mine, to name some common ones. They can go very very CC heavy with most having low CD. e.g. throw mine 15 sec, 12 traited)None of these is nowhere near as disgusting as scourge soft cc spam has been right after pof release. All of them are dealable and the hard cc alone deals no damage at all. Pick two stunbreaks and you are fine on any build against any build.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@"JETWING.2759" said:Stability =)

Not a lot of professions that have reliable stability. 1 stack of 1s of stability wont do you much with all the CC flying around either.
If you want to actually play (not be a rag doll) against CC heavy comps, which there are more and more of, you have to invest heavily into stun breaks/stab if you're not a profession that has an easy source of it. This means any professions that don't have a trait like "get stab for doing X" are going to be pigeon holed on their build options.

I don't understand why Anet did this as well. They reduced the access to Stab and stun breaks CD while also reducing the duration of the stab classes do have.

At least allow stab to last for 3-4 sec. What is a sec of stab supposed to do? Or 2 sec? It's not a reliable defense.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:What classes cc lock you?

Normally not one. But you could be easily CCed 7-8 times in a row in a team fight. And every class runs between 3-6 hard CCs. CC locking enemies has been the name of the game for thief, warrior, power Mesmer, holo, necro, FB and weaver, even before this patch. This is not new. The only difference now is there is less Stability to counter CC in team fights, so they are CC fest. Same for any situation you are out numbered you could easily get CCed 5-6 times in a row.

Even before last patch, CC (especially AOE) needed a major curb. Which did not happen, this is why we are in CC feat realm. The only redeeming factor this patch, is since damage is significantly less, you are also less likely to be downed. But overall, CC now is the name of the game. SPvP could be renamed to CC wars.

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@Stallic.2397 said:They reduced the access to Stab and stun breaks CD while also reducing the duration of the stab classes do have.Because the overall damage of the game has been reduced by about 40% (multipliers and might generation)

They want us to combo stuns and attacks to kill and they don't want us to be able to do that every 10 seconds. And it seems that the community is overchallenged with that. Everyone just wants to spam his buttons. There is a huge gap in success now between different players. You can really see whether someone is actually good at the game. Pummeling your target to death while ignoring everything because your stability, your damage immunities and the pressure of your cheese build attacks don't cover your general poorness (mechanically, in terms of positioning and in terms of class knowledge) anymore.

I don't experience cc locks that often. It happens but it is not a general problem. Most of the time when it happens to me, it was a combination of bad positioning and important skills on cooldown. At the beginning of a fight (when it's on me how the things develop) this never happens.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:Chaotic releaseThere are people that actually get hit by this short-ranged, highly telegraphed,
easily interrupted
skill?All this skill does to me is draining energy while being stunned in response to the needlessly big animation.

That's why you weave it into a CC chain so they get hit while unable to avoid it.

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