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Expac bringing new weapons to the game?

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if water content will be expanded, and water raid will come ofc some additional water item can come. so some slot can be added,If we talk about extent current 16 weapons - no reason to do that. Especial, if each 6 month re balance absolutely change it my mind use.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

They told us what they told us, people just need to get it into their heads to not build up these crazy expectations as to what could be in the expansion and just simply speculate but take none of it as fact nor an expectation.

TLDR; people need dial it back.

Why do you think I get crazy expectations and will be angry when I don't get it? I just speculate but when there won't be new weapons I'm fine with it ;) But speculating is one of the most fun things before something like an expansion releases.

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@Dante.1763 said:See...this is why just announcing a thing is a bad idea. The Hype that players make up on their own will never live up to what actually comes out...

Nah not really, the issue hasnt been talking about things, the issue has been talking about things and then not doing them, like fractal leaderboards or masteries that dont exist etc.

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@Lurana.7506 said:

@"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

They told us what they told us, people just need to get it into their heads to not build up these crazy expectations as to what
be in the expansion and just simply speculate but take
of it as fact nor an expectation.

TLDR; people need dial it back.

Why do you think I get crazy expectations and will be angry when I don't get it? I just speculate but when there won't be new weapons I'm fine with it ;) But speculating is one of the most fun things before something like an expansion releases.

I never said you would do anything. I was making a general statement in response to what someone else said. Note that I said "people" and didn't specify anyone, even ambiguously.

Speculation is fine, I've been doing some of that myself, but for some reason a lot of people on these forums get ideas stuck in their heads that they never let go of, and more often than not those ideas they get are based purely on nothing. Like with the recent balance patch, the big one. For some reason there were still people who thought it was going to be a one and done fix all do everything patch and even the devs said it was not going to be that ahead of time, there were also many people on these forums, myself included, who cautioned others against thinking that way and yet they didn't listen and boom...fits thrown. Similar thing happened years ago with HoT and how much it would cost on release. For some reason a lot of people got it stuck in their heads "It will be $20 or $30" and when it ended up being $50 they lost their minds on the forums.

All I'm doing is just pointing out, in general, for people to not turn their unsubstantiated speculation into expectation. How did Slade Wilson put it on Arrow; "Assumption is the mother of all failures." Love me some Manu Bennett.

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I don't see the point or need of having new weapons.1) People already complain about balancing with skills.2) Would the Devs come up with all the skins.3) They could use the current weapons they have and add what every animations they want to look like the OP weapons.4) They made and can make skins that look like those OP's weapons.

I like new weapons and the idea of having something new. I just feel, of all things the Devs could create, this would be the last thing I'll be interest in. I rather add see new elites specialization that use the current weapons differently, see new playable races, and all of Living World Season 1 added to the game.

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