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New Mesmer Weapon

Harry Foud.1935

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I was thinking about new weapons a Mesmer can get. I think that the next weapon is going to be dagger but I would like to see warhorn. Maybe with those skills.

Wraped Shout : You and all of your illusions and phantasms gain boons (superspeed, fury, might, retaliation) for a period of time.Army of Replicas : Blowing your warhorn summons 3 illusions with fury to attack your opponent. Army of Replicas will also replace your active illusions with new ones cause the old ones to shatter at their locations damaging opponents.

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Mesmer needs a 2h weapon with the next spec.

  • Guards got a 2h weapon and a MH weapon
  • Revs got a OH weapon and a 2h weapon
  • Wars got an of weapon and then both an MH and OH weapon
  • Engineers got a 2h weapon and then a Mh weapon
  • Ranger got a 2H weapon and then a MH weapon
  • Thief got a 2h weapon and then another 2h weapon
  • Necro got a 2h weapon and then an OH weapon
  • Ele got an OH weapon and then a MH weapon, but with dual attunement skills for something like 40 new weapon skills alone

Currently mesmer and ele are the only specs to not have gotten a new 2h weapon (or both MH and OH in the case of SB) with an elite spec, but even ele got a ridiculous number of skills with weaver.

So its time for mesmer to get either a 2h weapon or both a MH and an OH weapon with their next elite spec.

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@OriOri.8724 said:I'd rather see a 2H weapon, because I think that a shortbow mesmer would be pretty kitten fun to use.

Tbh I think we gonna get either daggers either a range weapon. I hope rifle :P And the new spec prob gonna be power. I just though a warhorn with those skill could be fun

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@OriOri.8724 said:I'd rather see a 2H weapon, because I think that a shortbow mesmer would be pretty kitten fun to use.

I personally think that Mesmer would be much better off thematically-speaking with a Longbow instead of a Shortbow. Like, I know Mes already has two long-range weps in Staff & GS, and only 1 mid-range in Scepter, but i've always felt like Shortbow was always meant to be a weapon meant for down-and-dirty "skirmishers" characters, whereas Longbow seemed like it fits Mesmer's more "high status", "grandiose" or "flashy" character themes.

What we could do however, if we want equal representation in both long-range and mid-range weps, is to give Mesmer pistol main-hand. You could totally do some flashy stuff with that when it comes to making a mes elite spec. A mesmer dual-wielding pistols would be like fricking Bayonetta or something! xD

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@OriOri.8724 said:I'd rather see a 2H weapon, because I think that a shortbow mesmer would be pretty kitten fun to use.

so many rainbow unicorns though... don't know whether i'd love that or hate it! xD

but jokes aside, yeah a short or longbow, or even 2H melee power weapon like Hammer would be awesome - considering we already have two 2H ranged weapons.

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@Gambit.9501 I picked shortbow because we do already have 2 long range weapons, and because in GW2 the shortbow tends to be a more condition focused weapon, and as much as I don't want another condi spec, I think mesmer as a whole leans more towards condi damage than power damage. Plus, we don't have any really solid midrange weapons. Scepter is single target only.

@Coulter.2315 No healing spec please, I do not want another support spec on top of chronomancer

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@OriOri.8724 said:@Coulter.2315 No healing spec please, I do not want another support spec on top of chronomancer

Chrono is not a healer, what kind of gameplay do you want supported on Mesmer then? We have tank/buffer and dps specs available (you may wish the dps to be higher but that should be argued for with changes to Mirage not introducing a whole new spec just to make up a dps shortfall).

I would be open to a massive change in base mechanics; shatters, clones, phants all being massively altered to provide a new gameplay for dps but is that really a GW2 mesmer at that point? If you want dps without clones, shatters and phants there are 8 other classes to play, remember Anet need to keep the general feel of the class unique and close to base mesmer.

My personal wish would be healer spec with shortbow but also the spec would have a dps line through it, just not dps mechanics which rival Mirage.

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Dual ranged daggers, melee longbow (hey, no one ever mentioned arrows), dual mace midrange (Thurible for incense-based healing XD) and of course the obvious mainhand pistol. Should keep them busy long enough to implement land spears/tridents, mainhand offhands or even new weapon types before needing to repeat weapons from previous specs.

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@OriOri.8724 said:@Gambit.9501 I picked shortbow because we do already have 2 long range weapons, and because in GW2 the shortbow tends to be a more condition focused weapon, and as much as I don't want another condi spec, I think mesmer as a whole leans more towards condi damage than power damage. Plus, we don't have any really solid midrange weapons. Scepter is single target only.

@Coulter.2315 No healing spec please, I do not want another support spec on top of chronomancer

Right, hence why I recommended pistol mainhand! I just really think shortbow clashes thematically with mesmer's image. Also, do remember that Longbow is also used by Warrior as a condi weapon, so no reason why mes wouldn't be able to as well.

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@Photoloss.4817 said:Dual ranged daggers, melee longbow (hey, no one ever mentioned arrows), dual mace midrange (Thurible for incense-based healing XD) and of course the obvious mainhand pistol. Should keep them busy long enough to implement land spears/tridents, mainhand offhands or even new weapon types before needing to repeat weapons from previous specs.

Melee longbow?? Don't see that happening. I'd love to learn to use melee staff tho but I dont think they will change already usable weapons. I still think warhorn would be nice. If we get a 2h range I hope its Rifle.

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we definitely need something that gives us more than 2 skills, as someone said above, literally every other class got one, minus ele, which, ahahahahahaSpellbreaker even got a flocken new F skill to go along with both of their MH and OH weapons, let alone the spec that should have went to mesmer...-cough jelly-

shortbow would be in-TENTS and i agree with this onewould give me a reason to craft the Dreamer, matching my finisher in pvpi'd love that on 3 clones ugh

though i'd prefer if it's power over condi, i'm sick of seeing condi builds everywhere, and i just don't like using them anymore like i did when the game first came out

mesmer doesn't really "seem more condi" to me, at least, as someone said, so i disagree thereplaying Guild Wars 1, it just depended on how you built (still does, but) Domination was full of spike damage, i used Illusions a lot, too, which was obviously more DoTs, but in this game, the lack of hexes turned me off of DoT mesmer later on, but i loved the shattering aspect of direct damage, and all the dazes kept me in the mentality of being a manipulator, like GW1, even in pve, running around the world with all the dazes, and then when Power Block was introduced, interrupting felt just as good as it did in pvp, and still kept me alive without dodging much

having no power-based range without it being in the form of a projectile that "may not deal full damage" because of the way bouncing works, or a beam that can't even be used in melee range because of how pitiful it hits up close, is really disappointing, Scepter is meh, it's mostly the burst on 3 that's any use but even then the rest feels bad

course, i'd still take a new class mechanic over a new weapon anyday...the entire class after 2 expansions is still stuck with destroyable, CC-able creatures for the entire bulk of their damage, utility, and all their F skills.... and then Warrior gets a GW1 mesmer spec...-shrug-upsehtti spaghetti

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@Gambit.9501 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:@Gambit.9501 I picked shortbow because we do already have 2 long range weapons, and because in GW2 the shortbow tends to be a more condition focused weapon, and as much as I don't want another condi spec, I think mesmer as a whole leans more towards condi damage than power damage. Plus, we don't have any really solid midrange weapons. Scepter is single target only.

@Coulter.2315 No healing spec please, I do not want another support spec on top of chronomancer

Right, hence why I recommended pistol mainhand! I just really think shortbow clashes thematically with mesmer's image. Also, do remember that Longbow is also used by Warrior as a condi weapon, so no reason why mes wouldn't be able to as well.

MH pistol is only a MH weapon though, not a 2H weapon. I'd love MH pistol, but mesmer deserves a 2h weapon in their next elite spec honestly.

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Bringing over my Charmer Elite idea from the old forums to here that I thought would be pretty cool. The Charmer elite focuses on damage, boons and interrupting your foes. Bringing back a bit of interrupting and fast casting from the original game, with a dash of tricks from the thief class. This specialization gives you access to daggers, being able to wield both in the main hand and off hand. Mesmers gain access to the new F5 skill Manifest Whip, which allows you to channel chaotic energy into your main hand dagger, manifesting it into an illusionary whip. Giving you range and just a sense of domination to whip your foes hard enough to make them kneel.

Below is a list of all the skills, traits, runes and armor the Charmer gets:



Illusionary Whip You manifest an illusionary whip onto your dagger in your main hand. Giving you new whip based attacks that hit your foe at 900 range. 10s cooldownSkill 1 = Lash at your foe dealing damage > Lash at your foe dealing damage and inflicting 2s of confusion > Lash at your foe again dealing critical damage and inflicting 2 stacks of confusion for 2sSkill 2 = Trip your foe, dealing damage and crippling them for 2s. Activate again to lash out and disarm your foe, dealing damage and inflicting slow for 2s. 8s cooldownSkill 3 = Lash at your opponents mind, creating a clone of them that attacks them (with dagger skill 1). 33% of damage inflicted on the clone is mirrored to your foe. 12s cooldown





Dagger Skill 1:Strike your foe, dealing damage and inflicting 2s of bleeding. > Strike your foe, dealing damage and inflicting 2s of bleeding. > Strike a deep wound into your foe, dealing critical damage and inflicting 2 stacks of bleeding for 4s.

Dagger Skill 2:x2 ChargesThrow a dagger at your opponent that bounces to other enemies and converting 1 boon into confusion. (Yes if a boon on you has a 30s duration, it'll be turned into a stack of confusion that's lasting 30s. Or if you had protection on you for 6s, it gets turned into confusion for 6s and so forth. The boon removed is at random.) 6s cooldown

Dagger Skill 3:You do an evasive roll around your foe, dealing damage, inflicting confusion and summoning a clone beside you. 8s cooldown

OFF-HANDDagger Skill 4:Sends an illusionary assassin to shadowstep and unleash fierce attacks on your opponent. Number of hits: 5 (attacks once every 10s) 20s cooldown

Dagger Skill 5:Sling your dagger at your foe, dealing damage and confusing them for 3s. After a 3s delay, your opponent is randomly displaced to a random location. You can activate again to displace them early. 30s cooldown





Illusion of Weakness: For the next 3s, you deal no damage but damage you would've done heals you instead. (You're still able to inflict conditions and CC) 25s cooldown





Captivate: The next attack against you deals less damage and taunts your foe for 1s. 30s cooldown Successfully taunting a foe activates mesmerize > Mesmerize: Deals damage to a foe and taunts them for 2s. 900 range




Misdirection: Tether to your foe for 4s, conditions you get go to them instead and boons they receive go to you instead. 35s cooldown Tether range: 600




An illusionary fan, fans in an arch, sending a powerful gust of wind, launching foes away and blowing 2 conditions off allies. 35s cooldown Launch: 750




You detarget yourself and become a cloud of illusionary butterflies traversing to the target location. When you reach the target, inflicts confusion to nearby enemies. 40s cooldown Radius: 240 Range: 1200




Become an illusion of yourself with less health and damage. When the effect ends, you return to your normal form OR when your illusion form is shattered by your enemies, you return back to your normal form. (This ability acts similar to the white mantle Mesmer where you have to defeat them first to reveal the real Mesmer)




Minor Proficiency: Dagger ProficiencyYou can wield daggers in both hands.

Minor AdeptGain illusionary manifestation, allowing you to switch between dagger for melee or whip. Gain access to tricks.Major AdeptInterrupting a foe reduces all of your cooldowns by 2s.Major AdeptYour illusions gain additional critical chance against foes with confusion.Major AdeptYour illusions attacks have a 66% chance to daze for ¼s.

Minor Master1Your illusions critical hits inflict 2s of confusion.

Major MasterEvery 10s, you lose a condition and summon a clone on your target.Major MasterWhen reduced below 50% health, you gain illusionary cocoon, granting you barrier.Major MasterGain bonuses for each dagger you equip: Main hand: Deal more damage to foes without boons, but dagger skills have increased cooldown by 2s. Whip: Deal more damage to foes with boons, but whip skills have increased cooldown by 2s. Off hand: off hand dagger skills recharge 20% faster and grant a stack of might and fury for 3s when a skill is used.

Minor GrandmasterYou gain a random boon for 5s each time you summon an illusion.

Major GrandmasterGain a charge each time you score a critical hit. After enough charges, your next hit will daze your target for ¼s.Major GrandmasterYour tricks grant you quickness and alacrity for 2s.Major GrandmasterWhen the illusion of weakness ends, it lingers for an additional 3s and heals you overtime. Pulses: 3 Interval: 1




Rune of the Charmer(1): +25 power(2): +5% concentration(3): +50 power(4): 25% chance when struck to daze nearby foes for 2s. (20s cooldown)(5) +100 power(6) +15% concentration, dazing a foe grants you might for 6s.

The daggers almost share a resemblance with the Komalie's Sacrificial Blade but has etchings in them that glow a light purple as they are flowing with mesmer magic.

The armor piece you get with this spec is a purple/white goldish butterfly that hugs your arm. When you're in combat, it shatters into the signature mesmer butterflies that spawn when you shatter. The butterflies hover so gracefully around your character.


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@Gambit.9501 said:

@Photoloss.4817 said:Dual ranged daggers,

Oh yeah that too! Mesmer could totally use daggers like throwing knives, like with some stage performer-type theme going on.

Then our elite weapon could be a chakram!

I wouldn't even care if that spec was completely useless everywhere... i'd be having too much fun blasting the Xena theme music letting out warcry's on every engage.

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@Mikkel.8427 said:

@Gambit.9501 said:

@Photoloss.4817 said:Dual ranged daggers,

Oh yeah that too! Mesmer could totally use daggers like throwing knives, like with some stage performer-type theme going on.

Then our elite weapon could be a chakram!

I wouldn't even care if that spec was completely useless everywhere... i'd be having too much fun blasting the Xena theme music letting out warcry's on every engage.

I want chakrams so bad. Shame they aren't a weapon type in GW2.

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@Tseison.4659 said:Bringing over my Charmer Elite idea from the old forums to here that I thought would be pretty cool. The Charmer elite focuses on damage, boons and interrupting your foes. Bringing back a bit of interrupting and fast casting from the original game, with a dash of tricks from the thief class. This specialization gives you access to daggers, being able to wield both in the main hand and off hand. Mesmers gain access to the new F5 skill Manifest Whip, which allows you to channel chaotic energy into your main hand dagger, manifesting it into an illusionary whip. Giving you range and just a sense of domination to whip your foes hard enough to make them kneel.

Below is a list of all the skills, traits, runes and armor the Charmer gets:



Illusionary Whip You manifest an illusionary whip onto your dagger in your main hand. Giving you new whip based attacks that hit your foe at 900 range. 10s cooldownSkill 1 = Lash at your foe dealing damage > Lash at your foe dealing damage and inflicting 2s of confusion > Lash at your foe again dealing critical damage and inflicting 2 stacks of confusion for 2sSkill 2 = Trip your foe, dealing damage and crippling them for 2s. Activate again to lash out and disarm your foe, dealing damage and inflicting slow for 2s.Skill 3 = Lash at your opponents mind, creating a clone of them that attacks them (with dagger skill 1). Your foe is dealt a bit of damage when their clone is hit. Damage done tot he can only happen once every 5 seconds.





Dagger Skill 1:Strike your foe, dealing damage and inflicting 2s of bleeding. > Strike your foe, dealing damage and inflicting 2s of bleeding. > Strike a deep wound into your foe, dealing critical damage and inflicting 2 stacks of bleeding for 4s.

Dagger Skill 2:x2 ChargesThrow a dagger at your opponent that bounces to other enemies and converting 1 boon into confusion. (Yes if a boon on you has a 30s duration, it'll be turned into a stack of confusion thats lasting 30s. Or if you had protection on you for 6s, it gets turned into confusion for 6s and so forth. The boon removed is at random.)

Dagger Skill 3:You do an evasive roll around your foe, dealing damage, inflicting confusion and summoning a clone beside you

OFF-HANDDagger Skill 4:Sends an illusionary assassin to shadowstep and unleash fierce attacks on your opponent. Number of hits: 5 (attacks once every 10s)

Dagger Skill 5:Sling your dagger at your foe, dealing damage and confusing them for 3s. After a 3s delay, your opponent is randomly displaced to a random location. You can activate again to displace them early.





Illusion of Weakness: For the next 3s, you deal no damage but damage you would've done heals you instead. (You're still able to inflict conditions and CC)





Captivate: The next attack against you deals less damage and taunts your foe for 2s.




Misdirection: Tether to your foe for 4s, conditions you get go to them instead and boons they receive go to you instead.




An illusionary fan, fans in a arch, sending a powerful gust of wind, knocking foes away and blowing 1 condition off allies.




You detarget yourself and dash a long range to target location




Become an illusion of yourself with less health and damage. When the effect ends, you return to your normal form OR when your illusion form is shattered by your enemies, you return back to your normal form.




Minor Proficiency: Dagger ProficiencyYou can wield daggers in both hands.Minor AdeptGain illusionary manifestation, allowing you to switch between dagger for melee or whip. Gain access to tricks.Major AdeptInterrupting a foe reduces all of your cooldowns by 2s.Major AdeptYour illusions gain additional critical chance against foes with confusion.Major AdeptYour illusions attacks have a 66% chance to daze for ¼s.

Minor Master1Your illusions critical hits inflict 2s of confusion.Major MasterEvery 10s, you lose a condition and summon a clone on your target.Major MasterWhen reduced below 50% health, you gain illusionary cocoon, granting you barrier.Major MasterGain bonuses for each dagger you equip: Main hand: Deal more damage to foes without boons, but dagger skills have increased cooldown by 2s. Whip: Deal more damage to foes with boons, but whip skills have increased cooldown by 2s. Off hand: off hand dagger skills recharge 20% faster and grant a stack of might and fury for 3s when a skill is used.

Minor GrandmasterYou gain a random boon for 5s each time you summon an illusion.Major GrandmasterGain a charge each time you score a critical hit. After enough charges, your next hit will daze your target for ¼s.Major GrandmasterYour tricks grant you quickness and alacrity for 2s.Major GrandmasterWhen illusion of weakness ends, it lingers for an additional 3s and heals you overtime. Pulses: 3 Interval: 1




Rune of the Charmer(1): +25 power(2): +5% concentration(3): +50 power(4): 25% chance when struck to daze nearby foes for 2s. (20s cooldown)(5) +100 power(6) +15% concentration, dazing a foe grants you might for 6s.

The daggers almost share a resemblance with the Komalie's Sacrificial Blade but has etchings in them that glow a light purple as they are flowing with mesmer magic.

The armor piece you get with this spec is a purple/white goldish butterfly that hugs your arm. When you're in combat, it shatters into the signature mesmer butterflies that spawn when you shatter. The butterflies hover so gracefully around your character.


I love the idea but while reading this I thought it was a condi spec with all that confusion and bleeding and then the armor runes are power. Can u be more specific? thank you :) Overall I would play this in an instant! sounds amazing!

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