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Poll: Dragon Banner needs nerfs?


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@Sovereign.1093 said:Removing bad content is fine. On that note each server should strive to rush plant a dragon banner. So it can be used asap as a form of cloud.

To survive, players will be coordinating a warrior x scourge barriers x fb blocks x and jalis dwarf

Like StarCraft, for that Hydra rush. This will be a rush to build as many banners to use. Atleast 2 at a time.

Hmm removing bad content is fine you say so you agree stealth should be removed gj

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@cobbah.3102 said:

@Sovereign.1093 said:Removing bad content is fine. On that note each server should strive to rush plant a dragon banner. So it can be used asap as a form of cloud.

To survive, players will be coordinating a warrior x scourge barriers x fb blocks x and jalis dwarf

Like StarCraft, for that Hydra rush. This will be a rush to build as many banners to use. Atleast 2 at a time.

Hmm removing bad content is fine you say so you agree stealth should be removed gj

Issue here is banner. Who's talking about stealth?

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Let me also add: there is a fightmander I love running with, and he, like most fight focused commanders, demands players stay on tag. If you chase/squirrel, expect a verbal rebuke on discord if not a squad kick.

The exception to that are Dragon Banners. I've seen him shift gears, abandon siege, etc, and instruct us to chase down someone who came into range with a banner. Knowing this commander the way I do, I think that speaks volumes.

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it's yet super exhausting to fight oversized groups with like half of their numbers, esp if you have to clean more than one bigger group... it just takes really long. some people may like that, but it most cases it is unsatifying. you are nearly forced to use stealth to effectively push most things... i'm dislike this change, nearly forcing ppl to get numbers or beeing unable to react or beeing forced to do a 40min moshpit inside keep's lord room is not exactly my defintion of "fun" nor of "productive playtime"

-> so what speaks against making dragonbanner objectivebound? (= cannot leave instance u picked it up with it or it disappears)that's a balance, but not a hard dps nerf nor a full remove.otherwise, here's my petition to remove ranger and thieves and conditicks over 2 seconds as well as stealthing over 2 seconds and stun/dazestacking completly from Wvw.

people could also just learn to dodge dragon banners main dps... yeah it is really doing tons of dps, but most classes lost their high dps yet.. only stuff that doesn't belong into a good group does high singletarget dps, and burn guards against newbies.

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