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Pistol thief

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@melody.2601 said:if a Thief +1's you, you obviously going to die and you should die, cause you are outnumbered, you shouldnt be able to hold a kitten position for 20+ seconds until help arrives, thats just plain kitten.

People should at least be able to kite/run away (depending on the build) when a thief +1s against them.

That's currently almost impossible, a thief can easily follow every build rn.

Run away should be your only chance when you get +1/ outnumbered, especially by a thief.

If this is not the case, thief is too weak or your class has too much sustain.

Really is that simple.

Pretty much, given some what equal skill lvs obviously as a very skilled holo should be able to live thru a 2v1 vs two bot like players but that's besides the point

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@melody.2601 said:Laughable crybaby thread,oh a build is actually decent but can still be countered? QQ NERFbut it does so many conditions in such a short period! Laughs in Necro, Condi Rev, Condi Ranger etc

Seriously get a grip and git gud, Condi Thief is not the problem, its your inability to dodge at the right time. if a Thief +1's you, you obviously going to die and you should die, cause you are outnumbered, you shouldnt be able to hold a kitten position for 20+ seconds until help arrives, thats just plain kitten.

Buff other Classes instead of crying for Nerfs.

me tif, me +1, me shud instantly kil you cuz 2v1, you bad, you no guess my insta atak from stleth, you shud dielp2

I mean instantly kill perhaps not, but yes, being outnumbered should lead to your death. What with it coming with the caveat of outnumbering your team elsewhere.

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@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:So u want other classes to balanced how they are but have the disengage potential of thief. Guess u want massive nerfs to those classes for "compensation" and the following nerf its mobility threads that will follow also lol

I didn't understand a thing, but I asked for heartseeker buffs.

It's ok if thief has mobility, just not infinite. When they use everything to +1 me and still they have more mobility to follow me when I blink + staff 2.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:So u want other classes to balanced how they are but have the disengage potential of thief. Guess u want massive nerfs to those classes for "compensation" and the following nerf its mobility threads that will follow also lol

I didn't understand a thing, but I asked for heartseeker buffs.

It's ok if thief has mobility, just not infinite. When they use everything to +1 me and still they have more mobility to follow me when I blink + staff 2.

Thief doesnt have infinite mobility. Their mobility is limited through initiative. When they used everything to +1 you, then the only mobility they might still have is exactly shadowstep, and thats also a valuable stunbreak and condi-clear, so you can punish them if they try ot follow with that.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:Thief doesnt have infinite mobility. Their mobility is limited through initiative. When they used everything to +1 you, then the only mobility they might still have is exactly shadowstep, and thats also a valuable stunbreak and condi-clear, so you can punish them if they try ot follow with that.

How to punish it?

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@"UNOwen.7132" said:Thief doesnt have infinite mobility. Their mobility is limited through initiative. When they used everything to +1 you, then the only mobility they might still have is
shadowstep, and thats also a valuable stunbreak and condi-clear, so you can punish them if they try ot follow with that.

How to punish it?

I mean, assuming they did "use everything to +1 you", and then followed you after you teleported, hitting them with any CC or burst usually spells their doom. Better yet if its a condi-burst. Thief struggles greatly with those.

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@"UNOwen.7132" said:I mean, assuming they did "use everything to +1 you", and then followed you after you teleported, hitting them with any CC or burst usually spells their doom. Better yet if its a condi-burst. Thief struggles greatly with those.

Usually I will be left with 2-3k hp after initial burst so I guess ccing is the only way. Plasma still OP.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@"UNOwen.7132" said:I mean, assuming they did "use everything to +1 you", and then followed you after you teleported, hitting them with any CC or burst usually spells their doom. Better yet if its a condi-burst. Thief struggles greatly with those.

Usually I will be left with 2-3k hp after initial burst so I guess ccing is the only way. Plasma still OP.

I mean, thieves burst wont take you down that much. Combined burst, yes, but then you really shouldnt survive anyway, when being burst by 2 people.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:I mean, thieves burst wont take you down that much. Combined burst, yes, but then you really shouldnt survive anyway, when being burst by 2 people.

Of course not just the burst, a +1 doesn't end with just steal backstab.I am usually between 50%-75% when a thief ganks me. That's like 10k-15k hp. A thief can easily bring me (light armor 225 toughness) to 3-4kish health easily.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:I mean, thieves burst wont take you down that much. Combined burst, yes, but then you really shouldnt survive anyway, when being burst by 2 people.

Of course not just the burst, a +1 doesn't end with just steal backstab.I am usually between 50%-75% when a thief ganks me. That's like 10k-15k hp. A thief can easily bring me (light armor 225 toughness) to 3-4kish health easily.

Right but if youre immediately running, the burst is the only thing they get til they catch up. The next part, depends on if your defenses are down I suppose, and how much health you have exactly.

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@melody.2601 said:Laughable crybaby thread,oh a build is actually decent but can still be countered? QQ NERFbut it does so many conditions in such a short period! Laughs in Necro, Condi Rev, Condi Ranger etc

Seriously get a grip and git gud, Condi Thief is not the problem, its your inability to dodge at the right time. if a Thief +1's you, you obviously going to die and you should die, cause you are outnumbered, you shouldnt be able to hold a kitten position for 20+ seconds until help arrives, thats just plain kitten.

Buff other Classes instead of crying for Nerfs.

Condi guard too, those burning ticks and 999999 blocks are something else..

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All thief builds should have mobility, thats the point of thief. Increase P/D 3 initiative cost so you can't just 0 iq spam it, lower bleed duration on pistol autos so you have to time bursts instead of having infinite ranged dps.

S/D would still exist, not sure if it'd be as busted because it has to get in melee range.

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@PfillBonBon.1928 said:All thief builds should have mobility, thats the point of thief. Increase P/D 3 initiative cost so you can't just 0 iq spam it, lower bleed duration on pistol autos so you have to time bursts instead of having infinite ranged dps.

S/D would still exist, not sure if it'd be as busted because it has to get in melee range.

Nerfing the auto on P/D is just about the weirdest idea Ive ever seen. Its already one of the worst condi autoattacks by far. If anything it could use a little tune up in exchange for lowering the burst.

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