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Warrior is NOT fine


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I'm of the opinion that warriors sustain and damage are fine.

However, I really do feel that warrior needs better mobility (without rampage - too long of a cooldown - garbage against good players - I personally destroy people that enter rampage on my main).

Warrior used to be one of the fastest with sword mainhand and greatsword - and being a typical frontline/melee combatant it needs to have that mobility to engage and disengage. I would like to see superspeed added more to it's kit. Sword mainhand would be a good place to add that in my opinion and perhaps to discipline, giving 3 seconds of superspeed on weapon swap instead of swiftness. This probably sounds OP but I really think warriors need that kind of movement in combat.

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@Strider.7849 said:I'm of the opinion that warriors sustain and damage are fine.

However, I really do feel that warrior needs better mobility (without rampage - too long of a cooldown - garbage against good players - I personally destroy people that enter rampage on my main).

Warrior used to be one of the fastest with sword mainhand and greatsword - and being a typical frontline/melee combatant it needs to have that mobility to engage and disengage. I would like to see superspeed added more to it's kit. Sword mainhand would be a good place to add that in my opinion and perhaps to discipline, giving 3 seconds of superspeed on weapon swap. This probably sounds OP but I really think warriors need that kind of movement in combat.

I see what ur saying but disagree. War mobility is still great and gaining more would be too much mobility. Warrior got hit hard from this patch cuz its sustain got smacked in so many ways it was dummied hard. Might was not only a source of damage but sustain so when rune of strength and might got nerfed that hit wars damage and healing. Then healing on mmr got nerfed causing more of a sustain loss and to throw a cherry on top sig of healing got nerfed. Any competent dev woulda maybe left healing signet and mmr as is and see how the sustain loss from might nerfs effected their sustain than maybe shave the healing signet slightly to bring it in line. Damage wise on top of the might nerfs was also hit hard by loss of damage on cc's. U can tell by warriors playstyle and skills and what its burst rotation and damage numbers are that the class was designed with the idea of the cc doing damage as part of their burst but the damage wasn't left a bit higher on the non hard cc skills to compensate, be less skillful but would left war in a better state, still not best approach. Not all classes are effected like this having the damage taken from their cc but war is specifically one class that the damage should have remained on the cc even if the damage toned down a bit on it.These are the reasons war was left in a worse spot than the others even though it was a blanket net nerf across all classes, blanket nerfs dont actually effect every class the same due to a lot of different variables. I'm no professional dev yet I knew this was gonna be the case from the notes before hand, they are not good at their job, sry.

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@Lighter.5631 said:

It's fine guys, warrior is fine.CMC specifically said in stream that next patch is gonna be super small and only touch on birds and thief.move on guys.

Why do you appear in every thread and go "Warrior is fine go away" and add nothing to the conversation??

because there's nothing to add? tell me what else can anyone add? i'm sure the community has added enough already.i can literally rant about warrior's poor treatment since 2013 for days as a pvper , but yea.anyone can ever do right now really, is to tell the written truth and that's exactly what anet will think and do.

How about detailing a list of issues as you see them and potential solutions, or a comparative analysis of warrior vs other classes to illustrate flaws

You realize there are hundreds of posts about that, posting more will just be repeating the same thing for the 10th times.if you actually read thoseinstead of complaining about complaining, but if that's your cup of tea.

So instead of taking those as a marker for the right thing to do you settled on mindless tantrum on the forums? Yea sure that's really going to help developers understand the problem and make yourself part of the solution.

Yes, because devs aren't independent thinking individuals that need forum posts to tell them what's going on in the game LOL. bro.how you still think like these amazes me, if dev really took forum posts seriously, they would have done something years ago. 90% of my constructive feed back being a pvp warrior player since 2013 and played at top 100 level dont bring any changes, but 10% of my posts about "warrior is fine" is going to affect dev judgement? kitten bro. devs maybe missing directions, but they are not preschoolers.

No offense but have you met the Developers? They hate the forums, and generally speaking they hate all of us, if we're not on our best BEST behavior they find reasons to leave and not listen to any of the great constructive feedback that's been left. They're literally looking for a reason to vindicate their disdain for us and leave, we can't give them that.

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@Atticus.7194 said:

It's fine guys, warrior is fine.CMC specifically said in stream that next patch is gonna be super small and only touch on birds and thief.move on guys.

Why do you appear in every thread and go "Warrior is fine go away" and add nothing to the conversation??

because there's nothing to add? tell me what else can anyone add? i'm sure the community has added enough already.i can literally rant about warrior's poor treatment since 2013 for days as a pvper , but yea.anyone can ever do right now really, is to tell the written truth and that's exactly what anet will think and do.

How about detailing a list of issues as you see them and potential solutions, or a comparative analysis of warrior vs other classes to illustrate flaws

You realize there are hundreds of posts about that, posting more will just be repeating the same thing for the 10th times.if you actually read thoseinstead of complaining about complaining, but if that's your cup of tea.

So instead of taking those as a marker for the right thing to do you settled on mindless tantrum on the forums? Yea sure that's really going to help developers understand the problem and make yourself part of the solution.

Yes, because devs aren't independent thinking individuals that need forum posts to tell them what's going on in the game LOL. bro.how you still think like these amazes me, if dev really took forum posts seriously, they would have done something years ago. 90% of my constructive feed back being a pvp warrior player since 2013 and played at top 100 level dont bring any changes, but 10% of my posts about "warrior is fine" is going to affect dev judgement? kitten bro. devs maybe missing directions, but they are not preschoolers.

No offense but have you met the Developers? They hate the forums, and generally speaking they hate all of us, if we're not on our best BEST behavior they find reasons to leave and not listen to any of the great constructive feedback that's been left. They're literally looking for a reason to vindicate their disdain for us and leave, we can't give them that.

Is it time for a petition? "Please don't leave the warrior" )))

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@Atticus.7194 said:No offense but have you met the Developers? They hate the forums, and generally speaking they hate all of us, if we're not on our best BEST behavior they find reasons to leave and not listen to any of the great constructive feedback that's been left. They're literally looking for a reason to vindicate their disdain for us and leave, we can't give them that.

There is probably some correlation between anet's withdrawal from participating in forums and general player attitude, somewhat justifiably even. Turn it around for a second, would you want to deal with seas of comments cursing anet in many colourful ways, if you were a developer?

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@rdigeri.7935 said:

@Atticus.7194 said:No offense but have you met the Developers? They hate the forums, and generally speaking they hate all of us, if we're not on our best BEST behavior they find reasons to leave and not listen to any of the great constructive feedback that's been left. They're literally looking for a reason to vindicate their disdain for us and leave, we can't give them that.

There is probably some correlation between anet's withdrawal from participating in forums and general player attitude, somewhat justifiably even. Turn it around for a second, would you want to deal with seas of comments cursing anet in many colourful ways, if you were a developer?

Absolutley true, if I was doing a very bad job on a product played by thousands I would definitely steer clear of communicating with them or at least would as little as possible lol.

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@Atticus.7194 said:

It's fine guys, warrior is fine.CMC specifically said in stream that next patch is gonna be super small and only touch on birds and thief.move on guys.

Why do you appear in every thread and go "Warrior is fine go away" and add nothing to the conversation??

because there's nothing to add? tell me what else can anyone add? i'm sure the community has added enough already.i can literally rant about warrior's poor treatment since 2013 for days as a pvper , but yea.anyone can ever do right now really, is to tell the written truth and that's exactly what anet will think and do.

How about detailing a list of issues as you see them and potential solutions, or a comparative analysis of warrior vs other classes to illustrate flaws

You realize there are hundreds of posts about that, posting more will just be repeating the same thing for the 10th times.if you actually read thoseinstead of complaining about complaining, but if that's your cup of tea.

So instead of taking those as a marker for the right thing to do you settled on mindless tantrum on the forums? Yea sure that's really going to help developers understand the problem and make yourself part of the solution.

Yes, because devs aren't independent thinking individuals that need forum posts to tell them what's going on in the game LOL. bro.how you still think like these amazes me, if dev really took forum posts seriously, they would have done something years ago. 90% of my constructive feed back being a pvp warrior player since 2013 and played at top 100 level dont bring any changes, but 10% of my posts about "warrior is fine" is going to affect dev judgement? kitten bro. devs maybe missing directions, but they are not preschoolers.

No offense but have you met the Developers? They hate the forums, and generally speaking they hate all of us, if we're not on our best BEST behavior they find reasons to leave and not listen to any of the great constructive feedback that's been left. They're literally looking for a reason to vindicate their disdain for us and leave, we can't give them that.

no offense but for 7 years of experience, i can tell you, they don't care, no matter how you act.

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@rdigeri.7935 said:

@Atticus.7194 said:No offense but have you met the Developers? They hate the forums, and generally speaking they hate all of us, if we're not on our best BEST behavior they find reasons to leave and not listen to any of the great constructive feedback that's been left. They're literally looking for a reason to vindicate their disdain for us and leave, we can't give them that.

There is probably some correlation between anet's withdrawal from participating in forums and general player attitude, somewhat justifiably even. Turn it around for a second, would you want to deal with seas of comments cursing anet in many colourful ways, if you were a developer?

Yes, because I would use it as an indication of how effective I'm being at my job, it's the exact reason why Steve Jobs used to sit in on random customer service calls and emails and look for the negative feedback, because once you parse out the vitriol there is a fair amount of actionable data in there. So yea it might suck listening to people tell you that you're not doing your job well but there is benefit to it. Nothing wrong with us trying to soften the blow and prevent them from taking the easy way out and ignoring good and feedback too.

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@Atticus.7194 said:

@Atticus.7194 said:No offense but have you met the Developers? They hate the forums, and generally speaking they hate all of us, if we're not on our best BEST behavior they find reasons to leave and not listen to any of the great constructive feedback that's been left. They're literally looking for a reason to vindicate their disdain for us and leave, we can't give them that.

There is probably some correlation between anet's withdrawal from participating in forums and general player attitude, somewhat justifiably even. Turn it around for a second, would you want to deal with seas of comments cursing anet in many colourful ways, if you were a developer?

Yes, because I would use it as an indication of how effective I'm being at my job, it's the exact reason why Steve Jobs used to sit in on random customer service calls and emails and look for the negative feedback, because once you parse out the vitriol there is a fair amount of actionable data in there. So yea it might suck listening to people tell you that you're not doing your job well but there is benefit to it. Nothing wrong with us trying to soften the blow and prevent them from taking the easy way out and ignoring good and feedback too.

Fair point.

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Mending is by far the best Warrior healing skill in sPvP right now. The Usecase should probably be above none because that's essentially what every Warrior still left in that gamemode uses.

Mending is without a doubt the best because you get overall more healing, direct condi cleanse, and on a decreased CD with a combined +10% damage boost if you run strength. All the warrior healing skills essentially have ridiculous cast-times so the downside of being interruptable should really be shared with everything but blood reckoning and defiant stance.

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