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Should home instance adopt guild halls customization?

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Not sure how easy/hard it would be to implement, but I think that would be a decent solution to the longstanding requests for player housing. I have no idea how difficult it would be to recode the current nodes to respond to hooks like guild decorations do, and since home instances are part of the core game and guild halls were introduced with HoT... not sure if they can be integrated. What would most likely have to happen (again, 100% just guessing here) is that they'd have to rebuild the home instance to make it work with newer systems. Now as much as I want player housing, I am pretty sure reworking the home instance to that extent is not worth the effort.

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@voltaicbore.8012 said:Not sure how easy/hard it would be to implement, but I think that would be a decent solution to the longstanding requests for player housing. I have no idea how difficult it would be to recode the current nodes to respond to hooks like guild decorations do, and since home instances are part of the core game and guild halls were introduced with HoT... not sure if they can be integrated. What would most likely have to happen (again, 100% just guessing here) is that they'd have to rebuild the home instance to make it work with newer systems. Now as much as I want player housing, I am pretty sure reworking the home instance to that extent is not worth the effort.Well I doubt it will take as much effort as you may think, especially for an already existing system. Most likely they would make home instances customizable to a certain extent. Depending on the home instance. For example, some instances have more space and terrain than others. For Arenanet to encourage more character creation and such, then they could make each race have their own specific perks for their home instance. For humans, maybe you can decorate your manor, add a small farm or whatever, etc etc. I’m sure (guessing too), it would be very doable. Regardless, it feels like content that would add a lot of personalization and enjoyable time to the game.

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@Adry.7512 said:Regardless, it feels like content that would add a lot of personalization and enjoyable time to the game.To me, it feels like a waste of resources for content that I believe would not appeal to the larger majority of players. I don't think it is their best interests to cater more to a solo player experience. They're supposed to be an MMO. Anet would be better served in providing content for that.Just my opinion.

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Sure. And they should also lock all of your upgrades behind a pay wall like they did with guild upgrades when the halls came out.

Need you nodes back?

Well just do 45 personal missions and put in hundreds of golds worth of items and time to get it to the tiers needed for everything.

Ask me if I am still sour over how guilds got young cat’d in the guild hall releases.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Adry.7512 said:Regardless, it feels like content that would add a lot of personalization and enjoyable time to the game.To me, it feels like a waste of resources for content that I believe would not appeal to the larger majority of players. I don't think it is their best interests to cater more to a solo player experience. They're supposed to be an MMO. Anet would be better served in providing content for that.Just my opinion.

They added raids, so they can add personal housing.

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@Kulvar.1239 said:

@Adry.7512 said:Regardless, it feels like content that would add a lot of personalization and enjoyable time to the game.To me, it feels like a waste of resources for content that I believe would not appeal to the larger majority of players. I don't think it is their best interests to cater more to a solo player experience. They're supposed to be an MMO. Anet would be better served in providing content for that.Just my opinion.

They added raids, so they can add personal housing.

There are a lot of things that they could add. I don't believe that this is one that will be profitable. Just my opinion. [shrug] No one knows what drove the decision to include raids in the game. At least raids are playable content whereas housing really isn't. Perhaps that might be a reason why one has been implemented over the other.

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I don't think home instances are the way to go for player housing. Only a few home instances contain something that can be called a house in the first place. The human home instances has propably the best house, however there's already furniture inside. The Norn home instance on the other hand doesn't have any private space at all and is just a huge community area.

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@BunjiKugashira.9754 said:I don't think home instances are the way to go for player housing. Only a few home instances contain something that can be called a house in the first place. The human home instances has propably the best house, however there's already furniture inside. The Norn home instance on the other hand doesn't have any private space at all and is just a huge community area.Point is that the home instances have terrain that can be customized, and the best part is that it’s instanced, making it a lot easier for anet to do. But def, there are other options too.

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My "other" I choose because it may be easier to do than reworking placement system in home instance. What I'd like to see, is a guild hall introduced that is smaller than the current ones, and able to be aquired solo. Then people could choose to either have that their private home instance to build up, or the small friend and family guild could have a little hall without asking for help to aquire the large ones.

If I were to pick one of the choices given in the poll, it'd be yes, keep the farming difficult, I want to never be done

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@"Zionka.6897" said:My "other" I choose because it may be easier to do than reworking placement system in home instance. What I'd like to see, is a guild hall introduced that is smaller than the current ones, and able to be aquired solo. Then people could choose to either have that their private home instance to build up, or the small friend and family guild could have a little hall without asking for help to aquire the large ones.

If I were to pick one of the choices given in the poll, it'd be yes, keep the farming difficult, I want to never be done

I like this idea.

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