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Will Legndary Armory Eventually Ruin Economy?

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The Legendary Armory has not even been given an expected arrival time yet, much less any actual preview, so we have no idea what it will look like or how exactly it will function. Therefore, any talking about how it will affect the game now is premature speculation at best. That said, just based on basic economics, a few things can be reasonably expected:

  • TP demand, and therefore prices, for precursors and materials related to making legendaries will rise, peak, and then level off at a new normal.
  • Events and collections related to making legendaries will become more popular and therefore easier for everyone to find groups and accomplish. For example, there are many bits of various legendary collections in fractals; more people running fractals for those will make fractal content more accessible to everyone, which is a good thing for the game in general.

Problems I foresee:

  • Legendary armor currently is only accessible to hardcore raiders, and the requirements are excessive even for them. This highly restricted availability will need to be addressed in some manner.
  • The restricted availability of certain Gifts, such as Battle and Exploration, could also be problematic. Telling people, "Just make another toon and complete the map," is not acceptable when toon slots cost gems and world completion takes weeks for anyone playing on a normal working adult's schedule.
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Not sure about legendary armor being excessive, I made all 3 sets just doing daily stuff outside of casual raiding, this is an old game after all.

But I do feel worried about the impact of these armors.

The economy usually follows a circulating pattern of hardcore player grinding instanced contents for raw gold to buy materials farmed by casual players on open maps.

If suddenly the hardcore community no longer need mats, inscriptions, insignias, runes and sigils with the armory, this will further further driving down reward values for casual activities.

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You could say the same thing about Ascended Weapon & Armor Chest drops too. I haven't crafted a set of Ascended armor in years because my bank was literally overflowing with these chests from Fractals, Raids and WvW that I never needed to craft them, just stat swap or select the stats from one of these containers.

I don't get this whole fuss over economy in a game anyway. I'd prefer the crafting materials be cheap and plentiful so you can craft whatever you like without spending your whole life devoted to grinding. Grind should be only necessary for skins, not stat swap functionality.

@Vilin.8056 said:Not sure about legendary armor being excessive, I made all 3 sets just doing daily stuff outside of casual raiding, this is an old game after all.

But I do feel worried about the impact of these armors.

The economy usually follows a circulating pattern of hardcore player grinding instanced contents for raw gold to buy materials farmed by casual players on open maps.

If suddenly the hardcore community no longer need mats, inscriptions, insignias, runes and sigils with the armory, this will further further driving down reward values for casual activities.

The majority of casuals have less than 50g on their account, it's not going to matter. You don't need much gold in this game.

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