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(PVP) Short Bow "Choking Gas" - How to make it balance / skillful ?


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{PVP only} Since the February patch, the short bow 4 "Choking Gas" initiative increased for probably spam reasons. Instead the short bow 4 can now daze at the first hit.In my opinion, this is a non skillful way to daze the enemy and easy to dodge plus no initiative left to chain damage or survivability.
I want to balance the skill to make it a little bit more skillful or at least less initiative cost.

In a "future" patch, what solutions would you choose to make this skill more balanced / skillful / interesting ?If you have better ideas or solutions, please select "Other" then type in comment.

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@BobbyT.7192 said:Revert all the way back before the daze and find another way to put in an aoe daze

@BobbyT.7192 said:Like a short bow trait for the trickery line, one that maybe adds functionality to each skill. Like daze on SB4. Trade off? Taking this instead of another trait.

You can see what I voted, but honestly I wouldn't have a problem with this either. Especially since a number of traits are almost completely useless/"placeholders" for future changes

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Old version was better, this new version ruins the entire skill. I used to be able to aoe weakness, use it on downed bodies, poison bolts, etc. Now it's only good for the daze which is unfun for the person fighting it, and it's unfun to use as a weapon because it's a vastly inferior skill with such a high init cost lowering the skill cap of this weapon greatly.

Revert to old version, thanks.

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@"saerni.2584" said:Choking Gas:

  • 5 initiative
  • Initial damage: 0.25 coefficient
  • 4 pulses, 1 second interval, duration 3 seconds
  • Poison duration base: 4 seconds
  • Last pulse applies daze in addition to poison.

I like that "Last pulse applies daze in addition to poison. "But I feel it is still non skillful, it applies daze by waiting the last pulse so easy to evade for people who have a brain.However this is a good idea. Thanks to share it.

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@Katalan.7930 said:

@"saerni.2584" said:Choking Gas:
  • 5 initiative
  • Initial damage: 0.25 coefficient
  • 4 pulses, 1 second interval, duration 3 seconds
  • Poison duration base: 4 seconds
  • Last pulse applies daze in addition to poison.

I like that "Last pulse applies daze in addition to poison. "But I feel it is still non skillful, it applies daze by waiting the last pulse so easy to evade for people who have a brain.However this is a good idea. Thanks to share it.

I liked the old version that dazed on the pulse or whatever, even when it was spotted it funneled people how I wanted somewhat because they were avoiding it. I wouldn't mind having something like my first projectile landing a daze on however many targets the projectile skill hits.

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