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Last Balance Patch shifted/didn‘t shift the Meta

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Ranger doesn’t even win 1v1s with knock back anymore. It’s mostly high pressure and sustain. You only have 1 knock back with just helps with burst, though u can take the immob elite to help make that better, but why take that- it’s just been considered a worse version of sotp since forever.

Nobody wins 1v1s. Your goal is just to knock them off the point to progress the objective.

Nope generally you dps players off node. Ranger and holo match ups are to kill the other. Ranger and holo also go for kills on condi revs, but will only really get it by out playing the condi rev. There are other good 1v1s rn - like core guard and dh that solely aim at putting symbols for pressure on node and can beat rangers, Holos and condi revs that way in 1v1s. There’s also a variant of lightning rod that goes for kills on ranger, condi rev and guard, but dies to holo usually.

They arent. They cant kill each other, and if theyre good, they know that. Thats why in MOTA, when faced with a situation in which there was no +1 coming, and knockbacks were irrelevant (fighting around tranquility), a ranger and a holo realised that fighting is 100% pointless, and just started synchronised dancing. Because they know neither of them would ever kill the other. Ranger and Holo matchups are to knock the other off the point and wait for a +1. They dont kill each other, damage just isnt there.

Almost no 1v1ers rn are about knockback, becuz kills or winning node is common through damage and sustain

All of them are. Thats why its Ranger, Holo and Rev. Kills or winning node
happens through +1s, but for that it doesnt matter what class you play, so you pick yours for the other situations.

Nah your wrong the only build rn that’s about knock back is bunker soulbeast with long bow and great sword - which is a meme that sees about zero play rn. Holo has 1 knockback, yet is all about damage and actually kiting and resustaining cuz it loses node and rev has 1 knockback which is only for the dodge and knocking back a thief that pluses it.

1 knockback is all you need. Mind you most of the time fights just stall out completely until you get a +1, but thats how sidenoding goes. You dont kill the enemy, you just play pool noodle fight til a +1 arrives. Holo is the same as others, doesnt die, has a knockback. It just sets up +1s better.

On the topic of ranger- what everyone plays is mostly valk axe core or sometimes demo and/or even with nature magic on core, but in the end it’s almost all about damage. It has one knockback also. As I pointed out before the only thing that’s about knock back is 1 ranger build which is for the most part a meme against anything but condi rev with a condi thief to plus them.

One knockback is, again, all you need. Theyre about damage in the sense that going for sustain is pointless when you cant die anyway, and damage at least sets up +1s better. But winning a 1v1 doesnt happen. Thats why they synchronised their dancing instead of fighting.

Considering that holo is a full zerk build that’s almost all for damaged and can ezily be pressured off node by the damage from multiple 1v1ers I’d say you are completely wrong.

Being full zerk is meaningless when damage isnt there to kill you. Surely you have seen a lot of people complain about holos tankiness/sustain here, havent you? Thats why. Because even zerk builds dont die. Sure it can be pressured off nodes when facing multiple enemies. But in a 1v1? Well, you can just look at MOTA and see how that works out (Spoiler: Nothing but deadlocked fights, never pressured off node 1v1).

Your quiet a few months out of date- 1v1s haven’t been about knockbacks since prot holo and knights amulet were a thing.

Actually, you are. 1v1s have only been about knockbacks and +1s since the megapatch.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Ranger doesn’t even win 1v1s with knock back anymore. It’s mostly high pressure and sustain. You only have 1 knock back with just helps with burst, though u can take the immob elite to help make that better, but why take that- it’s just been considered a worse version of sotp since forever.

Nobody wins 1v1s. Your goal is just to knock them off the point to progress the objective.

Nope generally you dps players off node. Ranger and holo match ups are to kill the other. Ranger and holo also go for kills on condi revs, but will only really get it by out playing the condi rev. There are other good 1v1s rn - like core guard and dh that solely aim at putting symbols for pressure on node and can beat rangers, Holos and condi revs that way in 1v1s. There’s also a variant of lightning rod that goes for kills on ranger, condi rev and guard, but dies to holo usually.

They arent. They cant kill each other, and if theyre good, they know that. Thats why in MOTA, when faced with a situation in which there was no +1 coming, and knockbacks were irrelevant (fighting around tranquility), a ranger and a holo realised that fighting is 100% pointless, and just started synchronised dancing. Because they know neither of them would ever kill the other. Ranger and Holo matchups are to knock the other off the point and wait for a +1. They dont kill each other, damage just isnt there.

Almost no 1v1ers rn are about knockback, becuz kills or winning node is common through damage and sustain

All of them are. Thats why its Ranger, Holo and Rev. Kills or winning node
happens through +1s, but for that it doesnt matter what class you play, so you pick yours for the other situations.

Nah your wrong the only build rn that’s about knock back is bunker soulbeast with long bow and great sword - which is a meme that sees about zero play rn. Holo has 1 knockback, yet is all about damage and actually kiting and resustaining cuz it loses node and rev has 1 knockback which is only for the dodge and knocking back a thief that pluses it.

1 knockback is all you need. Mind you most of the time fights just stall out completely until you get a +1, but thats how sidenoding goes. You dont kill the enemy, you just play pool noodle fight til a +1 arrives. Holo is the same as others, doesnt die, has a knockback. It just sets up +1s better.

On the topic of ranger- what everyone plays is mostly valk axe core or sometimes demo and/or even with nature magic on core, but in the end it’s almost all about damage. It has one knockback also. As I pointed out before the only thing that’s about knock back is 1 ranger build which is for the most part a meme against anything but condi rev with a condi thief to plus them.

One knockback is, again, all you need. Theyre about damage in the sense that going for sustain is pointless when you cant die anyway, and damage at least sets up +1s better. But winning a 1v1 doesnt happen. Thats why they synchronised their dancing instead of fighting.

Considering that holo is a full zerk build that’s almost all for damaged and can ezily be pressured off node by the damage from multiple 1v1ers I’d say you are completely wrong.

Being full zerk is meaningless when damage isnt there to kill you. Surely you have seen a lot of people complain about holos tankiness/sustain here, havent you? Thats why. Because even zerk builds dont die. Sure it can be pressured off nodes when facing
enemies. But in a 1v1? Well, you can just look at MOTA and see how that works out (Spoiler: Nothing but deadlocked fights, never pressured off node 1v1).

Your quiet a few months out of date- 1v1s haven’t been about knockbacks since prot holo and knights amulet were a thing.

Actually, you are. 1v1s have only been about knockbacks and +1s since the megapatch.

No there is literally no one who complains about Holo sustain rn. It is an entirely dps based roaming and 1v1 centric build, which btw 1v1 centric builds actually don’t focus on holding node- that’s for the more tanky 1vx builds like condi rev.

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Ranger doesn’t even win 1v1s with knock back anymore. It’s mostly high pressure and sustain. You only have 1 knock back with just helps with burst, though u can take the immob elite to help make that better, but why take that- it’s just been considered a worse version of sotp since forever.

Nobody wins 1v1s. Your goal is just to knock them off the point to progress the objective.

Nope generally you dps players off node. Ranger and holo match ups are to kill the other. Ranger and holo also go for kills on condi revs, but will only really get it by out playing the condi rev. There are other good 1v1s rn - like core guard and dh that solely aim at putting symbols for pressure on node and can beat rangers, Holos and condi revs that way in 1v1s. There’s also a variant of lightning rod that goes for kills on ranger, condi rev and guard, but dies to holo usually.

They arent. They cant kill each other, and if theyre good, they know that. Thats why in MOTA, when faced with a situation in which there was no +1 coming, and knockbacks were irrelevant (fighting around tranquility), a ranger and a holo realised that fighting is 100% pointless, and just started synchronised dancing. Because they know neither of them would ever kill the other. Ranger and Holo matchups are to knock the other off the point and wait for a +1. They dont kill each other, damage just isnt there.

Almost no 1v1ers rn are about knockback, becuz kills or winning node is common through damage and sustain

All of them are. Thats why its Ranger, Holo and Rev. Kills or winning node
happens through +1s, but for that it doesnt matter what class you play, so you pick yours for the other situations.

Nah your wrong the only build rn that’s about knock back is bunker soulbeast with long bow and great sword - which is a meme that sees about zero play rn. Holo has 1 knockback, yet is all about damage and actually kiting and resustaining cuz it loses node and rev has 1 knockback which is only for the dodge and knocking back a thief that pluses it.

1 knockback is all you need. Mind you most of the time fights just stall out completely until you get a +1, but thats how sidenoding goes. You dont kill the enemy, you just play pool noodle fight til a +1 arrives. Holo is the same as others, doesnt die, has a knockback. It just sets up +1s better.

On the topic of ranger- what everyone plays is mostly valk axe core or sometimes demo and/or even with nature magic on core, but in the end it’s almost all about damage. It has one knockback also. As I pointed out before the only thing that’s about knock back is 1 ranger build which is for the most part a meme against anything but condi rev with a condi thief to plus them.

One knockback is, again, all you need. Theyre about damage in the sense that going for sustain is pointless when you cant die anyway, and damage at least sets up +1s better. But winning a 1v1 doesnt happen. Thats why they synchronised their dancing instead of fighting.

Considering that holo is a full zerk build that’s almost all for damaged and can ezily be pressured off node by the damage from multiple 1v1ers I’d say you are completely wrong.

Being full zerk is meaningless when damage isnt there to kill you. Surely you have seen a lot of people complain about holos tankiness/sustain here, havent you? Thats why. Because even zerk builds dont die. Sure it can be pressured off nodes when facing
enemies. But in a 1v1? Well, you can just look at MOTA and see how that works out (Spoiler: Nothing but deadlocked fights, never pressured off node 1v1).

Your quiet a few months out of date- 1v1s haven’t been about knockbacks since prot holo and knights amulet were a thing.

Actually, you are. 1v1s have only been about knockbacks and +1s since the megapatch.

No there is literally no one who complains about Holo sustain rn. It is an entirely dps based roaming and 1v1 centric build, which btw 1v1 centric builds actually don’t focus on holding node- that’s for the more tanky 1vx builds like condi rev.

Are you sure about that?.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:You can actually play what you want given you care enough to play it right. There's a lot of clear counters to many builds and I have yet to see one that can do it all.

I think many warriors would disagree with this sentiment...

Because all warriors were actually spellbreakers playing the same tether might spam endurance regen build when PoF came out. They all got the same cheesy slice and it's gone, have to get gud now.

Ah yes, because the reason we dont see
warriors in top tier or any tournaments anymore is just because they have to "get gud" and not the fact that warrior is currently unplayable. And its only coencidence that Anet buffed them up (even if it was far from enough).

I've seen and played warrior builds that are pretty viable, obviously they aren't going to dance around a node for the entire duration of the game because that's what the issue was in the first place. Again, having such high expectations.

You havent. There arent viable warrior builds right now. Thats a simple statement of fact. Warrior is on the same level (if not possibly below) mirage right now, who is equally unplayable. Thats why there were 0 warriors in MOTA, 0 in high ranks, and probably 0 in MATs (I admit I stopped counting after a while). If by "high expectations" you mean "thinking that a class shouldnt be so bad every good player drops it like a hot potato", then you have a weird definition of "high expectations". Also, you are aware that dancing around a node for the entire duration of the game is the default right now, right? Sidenoders dont die in a 1v1, ever. They get +1d, and until then they just try to knock the other off the point using knockbacks. Thats actually warriors biggest issue, a lack of a good knockback.

Most warriors (Even myself) that I see play deal damage and actually don't waste all their CC at once because that was something back then, spamming everything you got because damage. Setup bursts rather, Stomp exists as a knock back that grants Stability too, be it anything with more than 1 target, that's more stacks.

Again, you dont. Damage in general right now is too low to ever kill someone on your own, and Warrior is lower than even the average. Also, if anything, you spam more
, because you cant afford to delay even a single point of damage, because well, there is too little of it anyway. Right now warrior is a sidenoder who simply lacks the knockback and damage to be effective, and provides

Also to imply that "good" players use anything that has a skill ceiling is false, they don't. People would actually have an identity with their so called "favorite" class if they did.

Ah yes, thats why we see so many Power revs played in top tier. After all, it famously has no skill ceiling, and totally isnt a really difficult class that even Anet confirmed is difficult. You dont actually believe your rubbish yourself, do you? No, they didnt use Warrior not because its got a "skill ceiling", but simply because warrior is currently not viable at all.

All Revs that play top tier don't even duel, your point?

Whats that got to do with anything? Your claim was that "good players wouldnt use anything with a skill ceiling". My easy counterpoint to that is power rev, something that has a high skill ceiling, and that good players play. A
. So, your logic fails.

Gonna add to the fact they are all herald, power or condi and never reach to challenge players because they clearly can't play it to that much potential, there has been less players than I can count on my fingers that actually play Herald Power without being just a pseudo theif wanna be delete everything picking the fights.

Elitism from below. Now thats new. But equally ridiculous.

It's clear that even if they wanted, the meta builds are terrible at it anyway, but this is conquest. Obviously we wouldn't care, but that still doesn't change the truth of it.

The truth that spellbreaker is not viable? Yeah sure, that doenst change.

The current meta power herald has a "medium" skill ceiling, it barely interacts with what it makes revenant the class it is and the high skill ceiling aspect is never used in practice, core on the other hand has way more going for it. Condi Herald has a low skill ceiling to medium in my opinion given that nobody ever manages conditions at all on their teams, they call it a duelist/side nodder instead which is a /joke/, because it's the most telegraphed and easier to control given that it can actually turn mid fights around with proper managing instead of wasting it's time never dying against people don't know how to deal with them.

If your "logic" were to hold, it would hold on all iterations. We had a high skill ceiling Rev be extremely popular, to the point where Anet even talked about it. Ask Leonidrex about it, he got the memes for it. But long story short, high skill ceiling, still extremely popular. Good players play anything if its good. Even high skill ceiling classes.

Spellbreaker is no longer the evade spam class that it was, it's not hard to see why it fell out of the meta.

... of all the things to mention. You mention the one that ... wasnt hit? Warrios evades werent touched. It has nothing to do why its not meta. Instead, its not meta because sidenoding has been reduced to knockbacks and waiting for +1s, and Warrior doesnt have a good knockback and its not great at setting up +1s either. Its woefully lacking in damage.

Yeah sure warrior not being meta totally has to do with the fact it can't evade spam anymore. Meanwhile Hammer is pretty good actually.

Why dont u just be honest and say "hi, I'm a rev main, yes one of thee most broken classes in pvp right now. I'm here to tell all u warrior mains that even though warrior is considered one of if not thee weakest classes in the game even by most vet players that warrior is in fact strong and you all just need to learn to play it. I am certainly not saying this due to the fact that I'm just enjoying the fact that my broken main can now easily stomp a warrior in its weak state and would rather them not be buffed to a point where they may pose a threat again". " I would also state that I care so much for all the players who enjoy warrior and would rather see the class remain unviable and cause warrior mains leave this game we all love then for me to face challenging classes when I pvp cuz I'm a standard gw2 pvp player complete with the mentality""U can see from my post history I obviously have no bias against warrior or splbrs lol"There said all the things u meant to say.

So weird people are leaving this community so fast.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Shao.7236 said:You can actually play what you want given you care enough to play it right. There's a lot of clear counters to many builds and I have yet to see one that can do it all.

I think many warriors would disagree with this sentiment...

Because all warriors were actually spellbreakers playing the same tether might spam endurance regen build when PoF came out. They all got the same cheesy slice and it's gone, have to get gud now.

Ah yes, because the reason we dont see
warriors in top tier or any tournaments anymore is just because they have to "get gud" and not the fact that warrior is currently unplayable. And its only coencidence that Anet buffed them up (even if it was far from enough).

I've seen and played warrior builds that are pretty viable, obviously they aren't going to dance around a node for the entire duration of the game because that's what the issue was in the first place. Again, having such high expectations.

You havent. There arent viable warrior builds right now. Thats a simple statement of fact. Warrior is on the same level (if not possibly below) mirage right now, who is equally unplayable. Thats why there were 0 warriors in MOTA, 0 in high ranks, and probably 0 in MATs (I admit I stopped counting after a while). If by "high expectations" you mean "thinking that a class shouldnt be so bad every good player drops it like a hot potato", then you have a weird definition of "high expectations". Also, you are aware that dancing around a node for the entire duration of the game is the default right now, right? Sidenoders dont die in a 1v1, ever. They get +1d, and until then they just try to knock the other off the point using knockbacks. Thats actually warriors biggest issue, a lack of a good knockback.

Most warriors (Even myself) that I see play deal damage and actually don't waste all their CC at once because that was something back then, spamming everything you got because damage. Setup bursts rather, Stomp exists as a knock back that grants Stability too, be it anything with more than 1 target, that's more stacks.

Again, you dont. Damage in general right now is too low to ever kill someone on your own, and Warrior is lower than even the average. Also, if anything, you spam more
, because you cant afford to delay even a single point of damage, because well, there is too little of it anyway. Right now warrior is a sidenoder who simply lacks the knockback and damage to be effective, and provides

Also to imply that "good" players use anything that has a skill ceiling is false, they don't. People would actually have an identity with their so called "favorite" class if they did.

Ah yes, thats why we see so many Power revs played in top tier. After all, it famously has no skill ceiling, and totally isnt a really difficult class that even Anet confirmed is difficult. You dont actually believe your rubbish yourself, do you? No, they didnt use Warrior not because its got a "skill ceiling", but simply because warrior is currently not viable at all.

All Revs that play top tier don't even duel, your point?

Whats that got to do with anything? Your claim was that "good players wouldnt use anything with a skill ceiling". My easy counterpoint to that is power rev, something that has a high skill ceiling, and that good players play. A
. So, your logic fails.

Gonna add to the fact they are all herald, power or condi and never reach to challenge players because they clearly can't play it to that much potential, there has been less players than I can count on my fingers that actually play Herald Power without being just a pseudo theif wanna be delete everything picking the fights.

Elitism from below. Now thats new. But equally ridiculous.

It's clear that even if they wanted, the meta builds are terrible at it anyway, but this is conquest. Obviously we wouldn't care, but that still doesn't change the truth of it.

The truth that spellbreaker is not viable? Yeah sure, that doenst change.

The current meta power herald has a "medium" skill ceiling, it barely interacts with what it makes revenant the class it is and the high skill ceiling aspect is never used in practice, core on the other hand has way more going for it. Condi Herald has a low skill ceiling to medium in my opinion given that nobody ever manages conditions at all on their teams, they call it a duelist/side nodder instead which is a /joke/, because it's the most telegraphed and easier to control given that it can actually turn mid fights around with proper managing instead of wasting it's time never dying against people don't know how to deal with them.

If your "logic" were to hold, it would hold on all iterations. We had a high skill ceiling Rev be extremely popular, to the point where Anet even talked about it. Ask Leonidrex about it, he got the memes for it. But long story short, high skill ceiling, still extremely popular. Good players play anything if its good. Even high skill ceiling classes.

Spellbreaker is no longer the evade spam class that it was, it's not hard to see why it fell out of the meta.

... of all the things to mention. You mention the one that ... wasnt hit? Warrios evades werent touched. It has nothing to do why its not meta. Instead, its not meta because sidenoding has been reduced to knockbacks and waiting for +1s, and Warrior doesnt have a good knockback and its not great at setting up +1s either. Its woefully lacking in damage.

Yeah sure warrior not being meta totally has to do with the fact it can't evade spam anymore. Meanwhile Hammer is pretty good actually.

Why dont u just be honest and say "hi, I'm a rev main, yes one of thee most broken classes in pvp right now. I'm here to tell all u warrior mains that even though warrior is considered one of if not thee weakest classes in the game even by most vet players that warrior is in fact strong and you all just need to learn to play it. I am certainly not saying this due to the fact that I'm just enjoying the fact that my broken main can now easily stomp a warrior in its weak state and would rather them not be buffed to a point where they may pose a threat again". " I would also state that I care so much for all the players who enjoy warrior and would rather see the class remain unviable and cause warrior mains leave this game we all love then for me to face challenging classes when I pvp cuz I'm a standard gw2 pvp player complete with the mentality""U can see from my post history I obviously have no bias against warrior or splbrs lol"There said all the things u meant to say.

So weird people are leaving this community so fast.

Yes Revenant is absolutely broken even though it can be eaten by Warriors. Meanwhile I am the only rev main that actually agree's with all the shiro nerfs and don't want to see more buffs, but actual nerfs and redesigns. Thanks!

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:You can actually play what you want given you care enough to play it right. There's a lot of clear counters to many builds and I have yet to see one that can do it all.

I think many warriors would disagree with this sentiment...

Because all warriors were actually spellbreakers playing the same tether might spam endurance regen build when PoF came out. They all got the same cheesy slice and it's gone, have to get gud now.

Ah yes, because the reason we dont see
warriors in top tier or any tournaments anymore is just because they have to "get gud" and not the fact that warrior is currently unplayable. And its only coencidence that Anet buffed them up (even if it was far from enough).

I've seen and played warrior builds that are pretty viable, obviously they aren't going to dance around a node for the entire duration of the game because that's what the issue was in the first place. Again, having such high expectations.

You havent. There arent viable warrior builds right now. Thats a simple statement of fact. Warrior is on the same level (if not possibly below) mirage right now, who is equally unplayable. Thats why there were 0 warriors in MOTA, 0 in high ranks, and probably 0 in MATs (I admit I stopped counting after a while). If by "high expectations" you mean "thinking that a class shouldnt be so bad every good player drops it like a hot potato", then you have a weird definition of "high expectations". Also, you are aware that dancing around a node for the entire duration of the game is the default right now, right? Sidenoders dont die in a 1v1, ever. They get +1d, and until then they just try to knock the other off the point using knockbacks. Thats actually warriors biggest issue, a lack of a good knockback.

Most warriors (Even myself) that I see play deal damage and actually don't waste all their CC at once because that was something back then, spamming everything you got because damage. Setup bursts rather, Stomp exists as a knock back that grants Stability too, be it anything with more than 1 target, that's more stacks.

Again, you dont. Damage in general right now is too low to ever kill someone on your own, and Warrior is lower than even the average. Also, if anything, you spam more
, because you cant afford to delay even a single point of damage, because well, there is too little of it anyway. Right now warrior is a sidenoder who simply lacks the knockback and damage to be effective, and provides

Also to imply that "good" players use anything that has a skill ceiling is false, they don't. People would actually have an identity with their so called "favorite" class if they did.

Ah yes, thats why we see so many Power revs played in top tier. After all, it famously has no skill ceiling, and totally isnt a really difficult class that even Anet confirmed is difficult. You dont actually believe your rubbish yourself, do you? No, they didnt use Warrior not because its got a "skill ceiling", but simply because warrior is currently not viable at all.

All Revs that play top tier don't even duel, your point?

Whats that got to do with anything? Your claim was that "good players wouldnt use anything with a skill ceiling". My easy counterpoint to that is power rev, something that has a high skill ceiling, and that good players play. A
. So, your logic fails.

Gonna add to the fact they are all herald, power or condi and never reach to challenge players because they clearly can't play it to that much potential, there has been less players than I can count on my fingers that actually play Herald Power without being just a pseudo theif wanna be delete everything picking the fights.

Elitism from below. Now thats new. But equally ridiculous.

It's clear that even if they wanted, the meta builds are terrible at it anyway, but this is conquest. Obviously we wouldn't care, but that still doesn't change the truth of it.

The truth that spellbreaker is not viable? Yeah sure, that doenst change.

The current meta power herald has a "medium" skill ceiling, it barely interacts with what it makes revenant the class it is and the high skill ceiling aspect is never used in practice, core on the other hand has way more going for it. Condi Herald has a low skill ceiling to medium in my opinion given that nobody ever manages conditions at all on their teams, they call it a duelist/side nodder instead which is a /joke/, because it's the most telegraphed and easier to control given that it can actually turn mid fights around with proper managing instead of wasting it's time never dying against people don't know how to deal with them.

If your "logic" were to hold, it would hold on all iterations. We had a high skill ceiling Rev be extremely popular, to the point where Anet even talked about it. Ask Leonidrex about it, he got the memes for it. But long story short, high skill ceiling, still extremely popular. Good players play anything if its good. Even high skill ceiling classes.

Spellbreaker is no longer the evade spam class that it was, it's not hard to see why it fell out of the meta.

... of all the things to mention. You mention the one that ... wasnt hit? Warrios evades werent touched. It has nothing to do why its not meta. Instead, its not meta because sidenoding has been reduced to knockbacks and waiting for +1s, and Warrior doesnt have a good knockback and its not great at setting up +1s either. Its woefully lacking in damage.

Yeah sure warrior not being meta totally has to do with the fact it can't evade spam anymore. Meanwhile Hammer is pretty good actually.

Why dont u just be honest and say "hi, I'm a rev main, yes one of thee most broken classes in pvp right now. I'm here to tell all u warrior mains that even though warrior is considered one of if not thee weakest classes in the game even by most vet players that warrior is in fact strong and you all just need to learn to play it. I am certainly not saying this due to the fact that I'm just enjoying the fact that my broken main can now easily stomp a warrior in its weak state and would rather them not be buffed to a point where they may pose a threat again". " I would also state that I care so much for all the players who enjoy warrior and would rather see the class remain unviable and cause warrior mains leave this game we all love then for me to face challenging classes when I pvp cuz I'm a standard gw2 pvp player complete with the mentality""U can see from my post history I obviously have no bias against warrior or splbrs lol"There said all the things u meant to say.

So weird people are leaving this community so fast.

Yes Revenant is absolutely broken even though it can be eaten by Warriors. Meanwhile I am the only rev main that actually agree's with all the shiro nerfs and don't want to see more buffs, but actual nerfs and redesigns. Thanks!

Yes warriors in high lv play are destroying revs left and right lmao, again ur bias and statements are to ridiculous to take serious. Sry haha.Seriously u do realize gw2 pvp is perfect example of a game that players bandwagon to the most effective builds even if it means leaving their long time main, not all but most and the fact warrior has fallen so far down in most players playtime or in showings in high lv play and comps is a testament to its visibility especially in this game lol.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Shao.7236 said:You can actually play what you want given you care enough to play it right. There's a lot of clear counters to many builds and I have yet to see one that can do it all.

I think many warriors would disagree with this sentiment...

Because all warriors were actually spellbreakers playing the same tether might spam endurance regen build when PoF came out. They all got the same cheesy slice and it's gone, have to get gud now.

Ah yes, because the reason we dont see
warriors in top tier or any tournaments anymore is just because they have to "get gud" and not the fact that warrior is currently unplayable. And its only coencidence that Anet buffed them up (even if it was far from enough).

I've seen and played warrior builds that are pretty viable, obviously they aren't going to dance around a node for the entire duration of the game because that's what the issue was in the first place. Again, having such high expectations.

You havent. There arent viable warrior builds right now. Thats a simple statement of fact. Warrior is on the same level (if not possibly below) mirage right now, who is equally unplayable. Thats why there were 0 warriors in MOTA, 0 in high ranks, and probably 0 in MATs (I admit I stopped counting after a while). If by "high expectations" you mean "thinking that a class shouldnt be so bad every good player drops it like a hot potato", then you have a weird definition of "high expectations". Also, you are aware that dancing around a node for the entire duration of the game is the default right now, right? Sidenoders dont die in a 1v1, ever. They get +1d, and until then they just try to knock the other off the point using knockbacks. Thats actually warriors biggest issue, a lack of a good knockback.

Most warriors (Even myself) that I see play deal damage and actually don't waste all their CC at once because that was something back then, spamming everything you got because damage. Setup bursts rather, Stomp exists as a knock back that grants Stability too, be it anything with more than 1 target, that's more stacks.

Again, you dont. Damage in general right now is too low to ever kill someone on your own, and Warrior is lower than even the average. Also, if anything, you spam more
, because you cant afford to delay even a single point of damage, because well, there is too little of it anyway. Right now warrior is a sidenoder who simply lacks the knockback and damage to be effective, and provides

Also to imply that "good" players use anything that has a skill ceiling is false, they don't. People would actually have an identity with their so called "favorite" class if they did.

Ah yes, thats why we see so many Power revs played in top tier. After all, it famously has no skill ceiling, and totally isnt a really difficult class that even Anet confirmed is difficult. You dont actually believe your rubbish yourself, do you? No, they didnt use Warrior not because its got a "skill ceiling", but simply because warrior is currently not viable at all.

All Revs that play top tier don't even duel, your point?

Whats that got to do with anything? Your claim was that "good players wouldnt use anything with a skill ceiling". My easy counterpoint to that is power rev, something that has a high skill ceiling, and that good players play. A
. So, your logic fails.

Gonna add to the fact they are all herald, power or condi and never reach to challenge players because they clearly can't play it to that much potential, there has been less players than I can count on my fingers that actually play Herald Power without being just a pseudo theif wanna be delete everything picking the fights.

Elitism from below. Now thats new. But equally ridiculous.

It's clear that even if they wanted, the meta builds are terrible at it anyway, but this is conquest. Obviously we wouldn't care, but that still doesn't change the truth of it.

The truth that spellbreaker is not viable? Yeah sure, that doenst change.

The current meta power herald has a "medium" skill ceiling, it barely interacts with what it makes revenant the class it is and the high skill ceiling aspect is never used in practice, core on the other hand has way more going for it. Condi Herald has a low skill ceiling to medium in my opinion given that nobody ever manages conditions at all on their teams, they call it a duelist/side nodder instead which is a /joke/, because it's the most telegraphed and easier to control given that it can actually turn mid fights around with proper managing instead of wasting it's time never dying against people don't know how to deal with them.

If your "logic" were to hold, it would hold on all iterations. We had a high skill ceiling Rev be extremely popular, to the point where Anet even talked about it. Ask Leonidrex about it, he got the memes for it. But long story short, high skill ceiling, still extremely popular. Good players play anything if its good. Even high skill ceiling classes.

Spellbreaker is no longer the evade spam class that it was, it's not hard to see why it fell out of the meta.

... of all the things to mention. You mention the one that ... wasnt hit? Warrios evades werent touched. It has nothing to do why its not meta. Instead, its not meta because sidenoding has been reduced to knockbacks and waiting for +1s, and Warrior doesnt have a good knockback and its not great at setting up +1s either. Its woefully lacking in damage.

Yeah sure warrior not being meta totally has to do with the fact it can't evade spam anymore. Meanwhile Hammer is pretty good actually.

Why dont u just be honest and say "hi, I'm a rev main, yes one of thee most broken classes in pvp right now. I'm here to tell all u warrior mains that even though warrior is considered one of if not thee weakest classes in the game even by most vet players that warrior is in fact strong and you all just need to learn to play it. I am certainly not saying this due to the fact that I'm just enjoying the fact that my broken main can now easily stomp a warrior in its weak state and would rather them not be buffed to a point where they may pose a threat again". " I would also state that I care so much for all the players who enjoy warrior and would rather see the class remain unviable and cause warrior mains leave this game we all love then for me to face challenging classes when I pvp cuz I'm a standard gw2 pvp player complete with the mentality""U can see from my post history I obviously have no bias against warrior or splbrs lol"There said all the things u meant to say.

So weird people are leaving this community so fast.

Yes Revenant is absolutely broken even though it can be eaten by Warriors. Meanwhile I am the only rev main that actually agree's with all the shiro nerfs and don't want to see more buffs, but actual nerfs and redesigns. Thanks!

Yes warriors in high lv play are destroying revs left and right lmao, again ur bias and statements are to ridiculous to take serious. Sry haha.Seriously u do realize gw2 pvp is perfect example of a game that players bandwagon to the most effective builds even if it means leaving their long time main, not all but most and the fact warrior has fallen so far down in most players playtime or in showings in high lv play and comps is a testament to its visibility especially in this game lol.

Been doing it myself as a Warrior and Spellbreaker, have yet to try Berserker but I've seen those do it too. Whatever. Revenants are so overhyped to be strong when they are the most telegraphed profession of the game.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:You can actually play what you want given you care enough to play it right. There's a lot of clear counters to many builds and I have yet to see one that can do it all.

I think many warriors would disagree with this sentiment...

Because all warriors were actually spellbreakers playing the same tether might spam endurance regen build when PoF came out. They all got the same cheesy slice and it's gone, have to get gud now.

Ah yes, because the reason we dont see
warriors in top tier or any tournaments anymore is just because they have to "get gud" and not the fact that warrior is currently unplayable. And its only coencidence that Anet buffed them up (even if it was far from enough).

I've seen and played warrior builds that are pretty viable, obviously they aren't going to dance around a node for the entire duration of the game because that's what the issue was in the first place. Again, having such high expectations.

You havent. There arent viable warrior builds right now. Thats a simple statement of fact. Warrior is on the same level (if not possibly below) mirage right now, who is equally unplayable. Thats why there were 0 warriors in MOTA, 0 in high ranks, and probably 0 in MATs (I admit I stopped counting after a while). If by "high expectations" you mean "thinking that a class shouldnt be so bad every good player drops it like a hot potato", then you have a weird definition of "high expectations". Also, you are aware that dancing around a node for the entire duration of the game is the default right now, right? Sidenoders dont die in a 1v1, ever. They get +1d, and until then they just try to knock the other off the point using knockbacks. Thats actually warriors biggest issue, a lack of a good knockback.

Most warriors (Even myself) that I see play deal damage and actually don't waste all their CC at once because that was something back then, spamming everything you got because damage. Setup bursts rather, Stomp exists as a knock back that grants Stability too, be it anything with more than 1 target, that's more stacks.

Again, you dont. Damage in general right now is too low to ever kill someone on your own, and Warrior is lower than even the average. Also, if anything, you spam more
, because you cant afford to delay even a single point of damage, because well, there is too little of it anyway. Right now warrior is a sidenoder who simply lacks the knockback and damage to be effective, and provides

Also to imply that "good" players use anything that has a skill ceiling is false, they don't. People would actually have an identity with their so called "favorite" class if they did.

Ah yes, thats why we see so many Power revs played in top tier. After all, it famously has no skill ceiling, and totally isnt a really difficult class that even Anet confirmed is difficult. You dont actually believe your rubbish yourself, do you? No, they didnt use Warrior not because its got a "skill ceiling", but simply because warrior is currently not viable at all.

All Revs that play top tier don't even duel, your point?

Whats that got to do with anything? Your claim was that "good players wouldnt use anything with a skill ceiling". My easy counterpoint to that is power rev, something that has a high skill ceiling, and that good players play. A
. So, your logic fails.

Gonna add to the fact they are all herald, power or condi and never reach to challenge players because they clearly can't play it to that much potential, there has been less players than I can count on my fingers that actually play Herald Power without being just a pseudo theif wanna be delete everything picking the fights.

Elitism from below. Now thats new. But equally ridiculous.

It's clear that even if they wanted, the meta builds are terrible at it anyway, but this is conquest. Obviously we wouldn't care, but that still doesn't change the truth of it.

The truth that spellbreaker is not viable? Yeah sure, that doenst change.

The current meta power herald has a "medium" skill ceiling, it barely interacts with what it makes revenant the class it is and the high skill ceiling aspect is never used in practice, core on the other hand has way more going for it. Condi Herald has a low skill ceiling to medium in my opinion given that nobody ever manages conditions at all on their teams, they call it a duelist/side nodder instead which is a /joke/, because it's the most telegraphed and easier to control given that it can actually turn mid fights around with proper managing instead of wasting it's time never dying against people don't know how to deal with them.

If your "logic" were to hold, it would hold on all iterations. We had a high skill ceiling Rev be extremely popular, to the point where Anet even talked about it. Ask Leonidrex about it, he got the memes for it. But long story short, high skill ceiling, still extremely popular. Good players play anything if its good. Even high skill ceiling classes.

Spellbreaker is no longer the evade spam class that it was, it's not hard to see why it fell out of the meta.

... of all the things to mention. You mention the one that ... wasnt hit? Warrios evades werent touched. It has nothing to do why its not meta. Instead, its not meta because sidenoding has been reduced to knockbacks and waiting for +1s, and Warrior doesnt have a good knockback and its not great at setting up +1s either. Its woefully lacking in damage.

Yeah sure warrior not being meta totally has to do with the fact it can't evade spam anymore. Meanwhile Hammer is pretty good actually.

Why dont u just be honest and say "hi, I'm a rev main, yes one of thee most broken classes in pvp right now. I'm here to tell all u warrior mains that even though warrior is considered one of if not thee weakest classes in the game even by most vet players that warrior is in fact strong and you all just need to learn to play it. I am certainly not saying this due to the fact that I'm just enjoying the fact that my broken main can now easily stomp a warrior in its weak state and would rather them not be buffed to a point where they may pose a threat again". " I would also state that I care so much for all the players who enjoy warrior and would rather see the class remain unviable and cause warrior mains leave this game we all love then for me to face challenging classes when I pvp cuz I'm a standard gw2 pvp player complete with the mentality""U can see from my post history I obviously have no bias against warrior or splbrs lol"There said all the things u meant to say.

So weird people are leaving this community so fast.

Yes Revenant is absolutely broken even though it can be eaten by Warriors. Meanwhile I am the only rev main that actually agree's with all the shiro nerfs and don't want to see more buffs, but actual nerfs and redesigns. Thanks!

Yes warriors in high lv play are destroying revs left and right lmao, again ur bias and statements are to ridiculous to take serious. Sry haha.Seriously u do realize gw2 pvp is perfect example of a game that players bandwagon to the most effective builds even if it means leaving their long time main, not all but most and the fact warrior has fallen so far down in most players playtime or in showings in high lv play and comps is a testament to its visibility especially in this game lol.

Been doing it myself as a Warrior and Spellbreaker, have yet to try Berserker but I've seen those do it too. Whatever. Revenants are so overhyped to be strong when they are the most telegraphed profession of the game.

Lmao revs are not more telegraphed than war wtf hahahaha. Sure I'm destroying all classes with rev using 2 fingers.. see how easy typing that is, show some vids of u destroying classes on war in high lv play, posts are cheap.God I'm so glad I ditched this game and its community, I just like coming on here to see all the utter nonsense u guys spout, I'm glad pvps dying so fast with ur mentalities it deserves to die lol, funny thing is the "players balance" is helping tank the mode not that devs need any help lol, too funny.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Shao.7236 said:You can actually play what you want given you care enough to play it right. There's a lot of clear counters to many builds and I have yet to see one that can do it all.

I think many warriors would disagree with this sentiment...

Because all warriors were actually spellbreakers playing the same tether might spam endurance regen build when PoF came out. They all got the same cheesy slice and it's gone, have to get gud now.

Ah yes, because the reason we dont see
warriors in top tier or any tournaments anymore is just because they have to "get gud" and not the fact that warrior is currently unplayable. And its only coencidence that Anet buffed them up (even if it was far from enough).

I've seen and played warrior builds that are pretty viable, obviously they aren't going to dance around a node for the entire duration of the game because that's what the issue was in the first place. Again, having such high expectations.

You havent. There arent viable warrior builds right now. Thats a simple statement of fact. Warrior is on the same level (if not possibly below) mirage right now, who is equally unplayable. Thats why there were 0 warriors in MOTA, 0 in high ranks, and probably 0 in MATs (I admit I stopped counting after a while). If by "high expectations" you mean "thinking that a class shouldnt be so bad every good player drops it like a hot potato", then you have a weird definition of "high expectations". Also, you are aware that dancing around a node for the entire duration of the game is the default right now, right? Sidenoders dont die in a 1v1, ever. They get +1d, and until then they just try to knock the other off the point using knockbacks. Thats actually warriors biggest issue, a lack of a good knockback.

Most warriors (Even myself) that I see play deal damage and actually don't waste all their CC at once because that was something back then, spamming everything you got because damage. Setup bursts rather, Stomp exists as a knock back that grants Stability too, be it anything with more than 1 target, that's more stacks.

Again, you dont. Damage in general right now is too low to ever kill someone on your own, and Warrior is lower than even the average. Also, if anything, you spam more
, because you cant afford to delay even a single point of damage, because well, there is too little of it anyway. Right now warrior is a sidenoder who simply lacks the knockback and damage to be effective, and provides

Also to imply that "good" players use anything that has a skill ceiling is false, they don't. People would actually have an identity with their so called "favorite" class if they did.

Ah yes, thats why we see so many Power revs played in top tier. After all, it famously has no skill ceiling, and totally isnt a really difficult class that even Anet confirmed is difficult. You dont actually believe your rubbish yourself, do you? No, they didnt use Warrior not because its got a "skill ceiling", but simply because warrior is currently not viable at all.

All Revs that play top tier don't even duel, your point?

Whats that got to do with anything? Your claim was that "good players wouldnt use anything with a skill ceiling". My easy counterpoint to that is power rev, something that has a high skill ceiling, and that good players play. A
. So, your logic fails.

Gonna add to the fact they are all herald, power or condi and never reach to challenge players because they clearly can't play it to that much potential, there has been less players than I can count on my fingers that actually play Herald Power without being just a pseudo theif wanna be delete everything picking the fights.

Elitism from below. Now thats new. But equally ridiculous.

It's clear that even if they wanted, the meta builds are terrible at it anyway, but this is conquest. Obviously we wouldn't care, but that still doesn't change the truth of it.

The truth that spellbreaker is not viable? Yeah sure, that doenst change.

The current meta power herald has a "medium" skill ceiling, it barely interacts with what it makes revenant the class it is and the high skill ceiling aspect is never used in practice, core on the other hand has way more going for it. Condi Herald has a low skill ceiling to medium in my opinion given that nobody ever manages conditions at all on their teams, they call it a duelist/side nodder instead which is a /joke/, because it's the most telegraphed and easier to control given that it can actually turn mid fights around with proper managing instead of wasting it's time never dying against people don't know how to deal with them.

If your "logic" were to hold, it would hold on all iterations. We had a high skill ceiling Rev be extremely popular, to the point where Anet even talked about it. Ask Leonidrex about it, he got the memes for it. But long story short, high skill ceiling, still extremely popular. Good players play anything if its good. Even high skill ceiling classes.

Spellbreaker is no longer the evade spam class that it was, it's not hard to see why it fell out of the meta.

... of all the things to mention. You mention the one that ... wasnt hit? Warrios evades werent touched. It has nothing to do why its not meta. Instead, its not meta because sidenoding has been reduced to knockbacks and waiting for +1s, and Warrior doesnt have a good knockback and its not great at setting up +1s either. Its woefully lacking in damage.

Yeah sure warrior not being meta totally has to do with the fact it can't evade spam anymore. Meanwhile Hammer is pretty good actually.

Why dont u just be honest and say "hi, I'm a rev main, yes one of thee most broken classes in pvp right now. I'm here to tell all u warrior mains that even though warrior is considered one of if not thee weakest classes in the game even by most vet players that warrior is in fact strong and you all just need to learn to play it. I am certainly not saying this due to the fact that I'm just enjoying the fact that my broken main can now easily stomp a warrior in its weak state and would rather them not be buffed to a point where they may pose a threat again". " I would also state that I care so much for all the players who enjoy warrior and would rather see the class remain unviable and cause warrior mains leave this game we all love then for me to face challenging classes when I pvp cuz I'm a standard gw2 pvp player complete with the mentality""U can see from my post history I obviously have no bias against warrior or splbrs lol"There said all the things u meant to say.

So weird people are leaving this community so fast.

Yes Revenant is absolutely broken even though it can be eaten by Warriors. Meanwhile I am the only rev main that actually agree's with all the shiro nerfs and don't want to see more buffs, but actual nerfs and redesigns. Thanks!

Yes warriors in high lv play are destroying revs left and right lmao, again ur bias and statements are to ridiculous to take serious. Sry haha.Seriously u do realize gw2 pvp is perfect example of a game that players bandwagon to the most effective builds even if it means leaving their long time main, not all but most and the fact warrior has fallen so far down in most players playtime or in showings in high lv play and comps is a testament to its visibility especially in this game lol.

Been doing it myself as a Warrior and Spellbreaker, have yet to try Berserker but I've seen those do it too. Whatever. Revenants are so overhyped to be strong when they are the most telegraphed profession of the game.

Lmao revs are not more telegraphed than war kitten hahahaha. Sure I'm destroying all classes with rev using 2 fingers.. see how easy typing that is, show some vids of u destroying classes on war in high lv play, posts are cheap.God I'm so glad I ditched this game and its community, I just like coming on here to see all the utter nonsense u guys spout, I'm glad pvps dying so fast with ur mentalities it deserves to die lol, funny thing is the "players balance" is helping tank the mode not that devs need any help lol, too funny.

Dude, the current "meta" Revenant is easy to stunlock if you actually care to work for it. Like, whenever they get CC'd it stunbreak and then resort to defensive weapon skills such as Sword 3 or Staff altogether because low energy, there's nothing getting in your way given you didn't waste anything while they were on the defensive. Seriously, way too overhyped. Gaze of Darkness cooldown is actually out of standard with what normally core can even do, it's surprising that there's even that much to complain about.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:You can actually play what you want given you care enough to play it right. There's a lot of clear counters to many builds and I have yet to see one that can do it all.

I think many warriors would disagree with this sentiment...

Because all warriors were actually spellbreakers playing the same tether might spam endurance regen build when PoF came out. They all got the same cheesy slice and it's gone, have to get gud now.

Ah yes, because the reason we dont see
warriors in top tier or any tournaments anymore is just because they have to "get gud" and not the fact that warrior is currently unplayable. And its only coencidence that Anet buffed them up (even if it was far from enough).

I've seen and played warrior builds that are pretty viable, obviously they aren't going to dance around a node for the entire duration of the game because that's what the issue was in the first place. Again, having such high expectations.

You havent. There arent viable warrior builds right now. Thats a simple statement of fact. Warrior is on the same level (if not possibly below) mirage right now, who is equally unplayable. Thats why there were 0 warriors in MOTA, 0 in high ranks, and probably 0 in MATs (I admit I stopped counting after a while). If by "high expectations" you mean "thinking that a class shouldnt be so bad every good player drops it like a hot potato", then you have a weird definition of "high expectations". Also, you are aware that dancing around a node for the entire duration of the game is the default right now, right? Sidenoders dont die in a 1v1, ever. They get +1d, and until then they just try to knock the other off the point using knockbacks. Thats actually warriors biggest issue, a lack of a good knockback.

Most warriors (Even myself) that I see play deal damage and actually don't waste all their CC at once because that was something back then, spamming everything you got because damage. Setup bursts rather, Stomp exists as a knock back that grants Stability too, be it anything with more than 1 target, that's more stacks.

Again, you dont. Damage in general right now is too low to ever kill someone on your own, and Warrior is lower than even the average. Also, if anything, you spam more
, because you cant afford to delay even a single point of damage, because well, there is too little of it anyway. Right now warrior is a sidenoder who simply lacks the knockback and damage to be effective, and provides

Also to imply that "good" players use anything that has a skill ceiling is false, they don't. People would actually have an identity with their so called "favorite" class if they did.

Ah yes, thats why we see so many Power revs played in top tier. After all, it famously has no skill ceiling, and totally isnt a really difficult class that even Anet confirmed is difficult. You dont actually believe your rubbish yourself, do you? No, they didnt use Warrior not because its got a "skill ceiling", but simply because warrior is currently not viable at all.

All Revs that play top tier don't even duel, your point?

Whats that got to do with anything? Your claim was that "good players wouldnt use anything with a skill ceiling". My easy counterpoint to that is power rev, something that has a high skill ceiling, and that good players play. A
. So, your logic fails.

Gonna add to the fact they are all herald, power or condi and never reach to challenge players because they clearly can't play it to that much potential, there has been less players than I can count on my fingers that actually play Herald Power without being just a pseudo theif wanna be delete everything picking the fights.

Elitism from below. Now thats new. But equally ridiculous.

It's clear that even if they wanted, the meta builds are terrible at it anyway, but this is conquest. Obviously we wouldn't care, but that still doesn't change the truth of it.

The truth that spellbreaker is not viable? Yeah sure, that doenst change.

The current meta power herald has a "medium" skill ceiling, it barely interacts with what it makes revenant the class it is and the high skill ceiling aspect is never used in practice, core on the other hand has way more going for it. Condi Herald has a low skill ceiling to medium in my opinion given that nobody ever manages conditions at all on their teams, they call it a duelist/side nodder instead which is a /joke/, because it's the most telegraphed and easier to control given that it can actually turn mid fights around with proper managing instead of wasting it's time never dying against people don't know how to deal with them.

If your "logic" were to hold, it would hold on all iterations. We had a high skill ceiling Rev be extremely popular, to the point where Anet even talked about it. Ask Leonidrex about it, he got the memes for it. But long story short, high skill ceiling, still extremely popular. Good players play anything if its good. Even high skill ceiling classes.

Spellbreaker is no longer the evade spam class that it was, it's not hard to see why it fell out of the meta.

... of all the things to mention. You mention the one that ... wasnt hit? Warrios evades werent touched. It has nothing to do why its not meta. Instead, its not meta because sidenoding has been reduced to knockbacks and waiting for +1s, and Warrior doesnt have a good knockback and its not great at setting up +1s either. Its woefully lacking in damage.

Yeah sure warrior not being meta totally has to do with the fact it can't evade spam anymore. Meanwhile Hammer is pretty good actually.

Why dont u just be honest and say "hi, I'm a rev main, yes one of thee most broken classes in pvp right now. I'm here to tell all u warrior mains that even though warrior is considered one of if not thee weakest classes in the game even by most vet players that warrior is in fact strong and you all just need to learn to play it. I am certainly not saying this due to the fact that I'm just enjoying the fact that my broken main can now easily stomp a warrior in its weak state and would rather them not be buffed to a point where they may pose a threat again". " I would also state that I care so much for all the players who enjoy warrior and would rather see the class remain unviable and cause warrior mains leave this game we all love then for me to face challenging classes when I pvp cuz I'm a standard gw2 pvp player complete with the mentality""U can see from my post history I obviously have no bias against warrior or splbrs lol"There said all the things u meant to say.

So weird people are leaving this community so fast.

Yes Revenant is absolutely broken even though it can be eaten by Warriors. Meanwhile I am the only rev main that actually agree's with all the shiro nerfs and don't want to see more buffs, but actual nerfs and redesigns. Thanks!

Yes warriors in high lv play are destroying revs left and right lmao, again ur bias and statements are to ridiculous to take serious. Sry haha.Seriously u do realize gw2 pvp is perfect example of a game that players bandwagon to the most effective builds even if it means leaving their long time main, not all but most and the fact warrior has fallen so far down in most players playtime or in showings in high lv play and comps is a testament to its visibility especially in this game lol.

Been doing it myself as a Warrior and Spellbreaker, have yet to try Berserker but I've seen those do it too. Whatever. Revenants are so overhyped to be strong when they are the most telegraphed profession of the game.

Lmao revs are not more telegraphed than war kitten hahahaha. Sure I'm destroying all classes with rev using 2 fingers.. see how easy typing that is, show some vids of u destroying classes on war in high lv play, posts are cheap.God I'm so glad I ditched this game and its community, I just like coming on here to see all the utter nonsense u guys spout, I'm glad pvps dying so fast with ur mentalities it deserves to die lol, funny thing is the "players balance" is helping tank the mode not that devs need any help lol, too funny.

Dude, the current "meta" Revenant is easy to stunlock if you actually care to work for it. Like, whenever they get CC'd it stunbreak and then resort to defensive weapon skills such as Sword 3 or Staff altogether because low energy, there's nothing getting in your way given you didn't waste anything while they were on the defensive. Seriously, way too overhyped. Gaze of Darkness cooldown is actually out of standard with what normally core can even do, it's surprising that there's even that much to complain about.

Sure of course stun locking rev is easy especially on warrior but the warrior has zero dps to follow up the stun with, only a gbage rev cant avoid the predictable and telegraphed one or two burst options a basic class like warrior has and even if u connect revs sustain can laugh at the dps war puts out in its burst rotations and follow it with it's own way high burst with far more avenues to do such bursts lol not even close to comparable. If ur a glassy thief tho a warriors burst can be dangerous lol. A warrior, thee melee class should not have to rely on other better melee classes to provide the melee dps etc. The balance of warrior melee prowess is way off compared to other classes melee potential, at least these days it is.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Shao.7236 said:You can actually play what you want given you care enough to play it right. There's a lot of clear counters to many builds and I have yet to see one that can do it all.

I think many warriors would disagree with this sentiment...

Because all warriors were actually spellbreakers playing the same tether might spam endurance regen build when PoF came out. They all got the same cheesy slice and it's gone, have to get gud now.

Ah yes, because the reason we dont see
warriors in top tier or any tournaments anymore is just because they have to "get gud" and not the fact that warrior is currently unplayable. And its only coencidence that Anet buffed them up (even if it was far from enough).

I've seen and played warrior builds that are pretty viable, obviously they aren't going to dance around a node for the entire duration of the game because that's what the issue was in the first place. Again, having such high expectations.

You havent. There arent viable warrior builds right now. Thats a simple statement of fact. Warrior is on the same level (if not possibly below) mirage right now, who is equally unplayable. Thats why there were 0 warriors in MOTA, 0 in high ranks, and probably 0 in MATs (I admit I stopped counting after a while). If by "high expectations" you mean "thinking that a class shouldnt be so bad every good player drops it like a hot potato", then you have a weird definition of "high expectations". Also, you are aware that dancing around a node for the entire duration of the game is the default right now, right? Sidenoders dont die in a 1v1, ever. They get +1d, and until then they just try to knock the other off the point using knockbacks. Thats actually warriors biggest issue, a lack of a good knockback.

Most warriors (Even myself) that I see play deal damage and actually don't waste all their CC at once because that was something back then, spamming everything you got because damage. Setup bursts rather, Stomp exists as a knock back that grants Stability too, be it anything with more than 1 target, that's more stacks.

Again, you dont. Damage in general right now is too low to ever kill someone on your own, and Warrior is lower than even the average. Also, if anything, you spam more
, because you cant afford to delay even a single point of damage, because well, there is too little of it anyway. Right now warrior is a sidenoder who simply lacks the knockback and damage to be effective, and provides

Also to imply that "good" players use anything that has a skill ceiling is false, they don't. People would actually have an identity with their so called "favorite" class if they did.

Ah yes, thats why we see so many Power revs played in top tier. After all, it famously has no skill ceiling, and totally isnt a really difficult class that even Anet confirmed is difficult. You dont actually believe your rubbish yourself, do you? No, they didnt use Warrior not because its got a "skill ceiling", but simply because warrior is currently not viable at all.

All Revs that play top tier don't even duel, your point?

Whats that got to do with anything? Your claim was that "good players wouldnt use anything with a skill ceiling". My easy counterpoint to that is power rev, something that has a high skill ceiling, and that good players play. A
. So, your logic fails.

Gonna add to the fact they are all herald, power or condi and never reach to challenge players because they clearly can't play it to that much potential, there has been less players than I can count on my fingers that actually play Herald Power without being just a pseudo theif wanna be delete everything picking the fights.

Elitism from below. Now thats new. But equally ridiculous.

It's clear that even if they wanted, the meta builds are terrible at it anyway, but this is conquest. Obviously we wouldn't care, but that still doesn't change the truth of it.

The truth that spellbreaker is not viable? Yeah sure, that doenst change.

The current meta power herald has a "medium" skill ceiling, it barely interacts with what it makes revenant the class it is and the high skill ceiling aspect is never used in practice, core on the other hand has way more going for it. Condi Herald has a low skill ceiling to medium in my opinion given that nobody ever manages conditions at all on their teams, they call it a duelist/side nodder instead which is a /joke/, because it's the most telegraphed and easier to control given that it can actually turn mid fights around with proper managing instead of wasting it's time never dying against people don't know how to deal with them.

If your "logic" were to hold, it would hold on all iterations. We had a high skill ceiling Rev be extremely popular, to the point where Anet even talked about it. Ask Leonidrex about it, he got the memes for it. But long story short, high skill ceiling, still extremely popular. Good players play anything if its good. Even high skill ceiling classes.

Spellbreaker is no longer the evade spam class that it was, it's not hard to see why it fell out of the meta.

... of all the things to mention. You mention the one that ... wasnt hit? Warrios evades werent touched. It has nothing to do why its not meta. Instead, its not meta because sidenoding has been reduced to knockbacks and waiting for +1s, and Warrior doesnt have a good knockback and its not great at setting up +1s either. Its woefully lacking in damage.

Yeah sure warrior not being meta totally has to do with the fact it can't evade spam anymore. Meanwhile Hammer is pretty good actually.

Why dont u just be honest and say "hi, I'm a rev main, yes one of thee most broken classes in pvp right now. I'm here to tell all u warrior mains that even though warrior is considered one of if not thee weakest classes in the game even by most vet players that warrior is in fact strong and you all just need to learn to play it. I am certainly not saying this due to the fact that I'm just enjoying the fact that my broken main can now easily stomp a warrior in its weak state and would rather them not be buffed to a point where they may pose a threat again". " I would also state that I care so much for all the players who enjoy warrior and would rather see the class remain unviable and cause warrior mains leave this game we all love then for me to face challenging classes when I pvp cuz I'm a standard gw2 pvp player complete with the mentality""U can see from my post history I obviously have no bias against warrior or splbrs lol"There said all the things u meant to say.

So weird people are leaving this community so fast.

Yes Revenant is absolutely broken even though it can be eaten by Warriors. Meanwhile I am the only rev main that actually agree's with all the shiro nerfs and don't want to see more buffs, but actual nerfs and redesigns. Thanks!

Yes warriors in high lv play are destroying revs left and right lmao, again ur bias and statements are to ridiculous to take serious. Sry haha.Seriously u do realize gw2 pvp is perfect example of a game that players bandwagon to the most effective builds even if it means leaving their long time main, not all but most and the fact warrior has fallen so far down in most players playtime or in showings in high lv play and comps is a testament to its visibility especially in this game lol.

Been doing it myself as a Warrior and Spellbreaker, have yet to try Berserker but I've seen those do it too. Whatever. Revenants are so overhyped to be strong when they are the most telegraphed profession of the game.

Lmao revs are not more telegraphed than war kitten hahahaha. Sure I'm destroying all classes with rev using 2 fingers.. see how easy typing that is, show some vids of u destroying classes on war in high lv play, posts are cheap.God I'm so glad I ditched this game and its community, I just like coming on here to see all the utter nonsense u guys spout, I'm glad pvps dying so fast with ur mentalities it deserves to die lol, funny thing is the "players balance" is helping tank the mode not that devs need any help lol, too funny.

Dude, the current "meta" Revenant is easy to stunlock if you actually care to work for it. Like, whenever they get CC'd it stunbreak and then resort to defensive weapon skills such as Sword 3 or Staff altogether because low energy, there's nothing getting in your way given you didn't waste anything while they were on the defensive. Seriously, way too overhyped. Gaze of Darkness cooldown is actually out of standard with what normally core can even do, it's surprising that there's even that much to complain about.

Sure of course stun locking rev is easy especially on warrior but the warrior has zero dps to follow up the stun with, only a gbage rev cant avoid the predictable and telegraphed one or two burst options a basic class like warrior has and even if u connect revs sustain can laugh at the dps war puts out in its burst rotations and follow it with it's own way high burst with far more avenues to do such bursts lol not even close to comparable. If ur a glassy thief tho a warriors burst can be dangerous lol. A warrior, thee melee class should not have to rely on other better melee classes to provide the melee dps etc. The balance of warrior melee prowess is way off compared to other classes melee potential, at least these days it is.

What's with you guys saying Warrior have no damage? I'm having fun going around hitting 5k's left and right following any CC, not like the cooldowns are high either compared anything else in the game.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:You can actually play what you want given you care enough to play it right. There's a lot of clear counters to many builds and I have yet to see one that can do it all.

I think many warriors would disagree with this sentiment...

Because all warriors were actually spellbreakers playing the same tether might spam endurance regen build when PoF came out. They all got the same cheesy slice and it's gone, have to get gud now.

Ah yes, because the reason we dont see
warriors in top tier or any tournaments anymore is just because they have to "get gud" and not the fact that warrior is currently unplayable. And its only coencidence that Anet buffed them up (even if it was far from enough).

I've seen and played warrior builds that are pretty viable, obviously they aren't going to dance around a node for the entire duration of the game because that's what the issue was in the first place. Again, having such high expectations.

You havent. There arent viable warrior builds right now. Thats a simple statement of fact. Warrior is on the same level (if not possibly below) mirage right now, who is equally unplayable. Thats why there were 0 warriors in MOTA, 0 in high ranks, and probably 0 in MATs (I admit I stopped counting after a while). If by "high expectations" you mean "thinking that a class shouldnt be so bad every good player drops it like a hot potato", then you have a weird definition of "high expectations". Also, you are aware that dancing around a node for the entire duration of the game is the default right now, right? Sidenoders dont die in a 1v1, ever. They get +1d, and until then they just try to knock the other off the point using knockbacks. Thats actually warriors biggest issue, a lack of a good knockback.

Most warriors (Even myself) that I see play deal damage and actually don't waste all their CC at once because that was something back then, spamming everything you got because damage. Setup bursts rather, Stomp exists as a knock back that grants Stability too, be it anything with more than 1 target, that's more stacks.

Again, you dont. Damage in general right now is too low to ever kill someone on your own, and Warrior is lower than even the average. Also, if anything, you spam more
, because you cant afford to delay even a single point of damage, because well, there is too little of it anyway. Right now warrior is a sidenoder who simply lacks the knockback and damage to be effective, and provides

Also to imply that "good" players use anything that has a skill ceiling is false, they don't. People would actually have an identity with their so called "favorite" class if they did.

Ah yes, thats why we see so many Power revs played in top tier. After all, it famously has no skill ceiling, and totally isnt a really difficult class that even Anet confirmed is difficult. You dont actually believe your rubbish yourself, do you? No, they didnt use Warrior not because its got a "skill ceiling", but simply because warrior is currently not viable at all.

All Revs that play top tier don't even duel, your point?

Whats that got to do with anything? Your claim was that "good players wouldnt use anything with a skill ceiling". My easy counterpoint to that is power rev, something that has a high skill ceiling, and that good players play. A
. So, your logic fails.

Gonna add to the fact they are all herald, power or condi and never reach to challenge players because they clearly can't play it to that much potential, there has been less players than I can count on my fingers that actually play Herald Power without being just a pseudo theif wanna be delete everything picking the fights.

Elitism from below. Now thats new. But equally ridiculous.

It's clear that even if they wanted, the meta builds are terrible at it anyway, but this is conquest. Obviously we wouldn't care, but that still doesn't change the truth of it.

The truth that spellbreaker is not viable? Yeah sure, that doenst change.

The current meta power herald has a "medium" skill ceiling, it barely interacts with what it makes revenant the class it is and the high skill ceiling aspect is never used in practice, core on the other hand has way more going for it. Condi Herald has a low skill ceiling to medium in my opinion given that nobody ever manages conditions at all on their teams, they call it a duelist/side nodder instead which is a /joke/, because it's the most telegraphed and easier to control given that it can actually turn mid fights around with proper managing instead of wasting it's time never dying against people don't know how to deal with them.

If your "logic" were to hold, it would hold on all iterations. We had a high skill ceiling Rev be extremely popular, to the point where Anet even talked about it. Ask Leonidrex about it, he got the memes for it. But long story short, high skill ceiling, still extremely popular. Good players play anything if its good. Even high skill ceiling classes.

Spellbreaker is no longer the evade spam class that it was, it's not hard to see why it fell out of the meta.

... of all the things to mention. You mention the one that ... wasnt hit? Warrios evades werent touched. It has nothing to do why its not meta. Instead, its not meta because sidenoding has been reduced to knockbacks and waiting for +1s, and Warrior doesnt have a good knockback and its not great at setting up +1s either. Its woefully lacking in damage.

Yeah sure warrior not being meta totally has to do with the fact it can't evade spam anymore. Meanwhile Hammer is pretty good actually.

Why dont u just be honest and say "hi, I'm a rev main, yes one of thee most broken classes in pvp right now. I'm here to tell all u warrior mains that even though warrior is considered one of if not thee weakest classes in the game even by most vet players that warrior is in fact strong and you all just need to learn to play it. I am certainly not saying this due to the fact that I'm just enjoying the fact that my broken main can now easily stomp a warrior in its weak state and would rather them not be buffed to a point where they may pose a threat again". " I would also state that I care so much for all the players who enjoy warrior and would rather see the class remain unviable and cause warrior mains leave this game we all love then for me to face challenging classes when I pvp cuz I'm a standard gw2 pvp player complete with the mentality""U can see from my post history I obviously have no bias against warrior or splbrs lol"There said all the things u meant to say.

So weird people are leaving this community so fast.

Yes Revenant is absolutely broken even though it can be eaten by Warriors. Meanwhile I am the only rev main that actually agree's with all the shiro nerfs and don't want to see more buffs, but actual nerfs and redesigns. Thanks!

Yes warriors in high lv play are destroying revs left and right lmao, again ur bias and statements are to ridiculous to take serious. Sry haha.Seriously u do realize gw2 pvp is perfect example of a game that players bandwagon to the most effective builds even if it means leaving their long time main, not all but most and the fact warrior has fallen so far down in most players playtime or in showings in high lv play and comps is a testament to its visibility especially in this game lol.

Been doing it myself as a Warrior and Spellbreaker, have yet to try Berserker but I've seen those do it too. Whatever. Revenants are so overhyped to be strong when they are the most telegraphed profession of the game.

Lmao revs are not more telegraphed than war kitten hahahaha. Sure I'm destroying all classes with rev using 2 fingers.. see how easy typing that is, show some vids of u destroying classes on war in high lv play, posts are cheap.God I'm so glad I ditched this game and its community, I just like coming on here to see all the utter nonsense u guys spout, I'm glad pvps dying so fast with ur mentalities it deserves to die lol, funny thing is the "players balance" is helping tank the mode not that devs need any help lol, too funny.

Dude, the current "meta" Revenant is easy to stunlock if you actually care to work for it. Like, whenever they get CC'd it stunbreak and then resort to defensive weapon skills such as Sword 3 or Staff altogether because low energy, there's nothing getting in your way given you didn't waste anything while they were on the defensive. Seriously, way too overhyped. Gaze of Darkness cooldown is actually out of standard with what normally core can even do, it's surprising that there's even that much to complain about.

Sure of course stun locking rev is easy especially on warrior but the warrior has zero dps to follow up the stun with, only a gbage rev cant avoid the predictable and telegraphed one or two burst options a basic class like warrior has and even if u connect revs sustain can laugh at the dps war puts out in its burst rotations and follow it with it's own way high burst with far more avenues to do such bursts lol not even close to comparable. If ur a glassy thief tho a warriors burst can be dangerous lol. A warrior, thee melee class should not have to rely on other better melee classes to provide the melee dps etc. The balance of warrior melee prowess is way off compared to other classes melee potential, at least these days it is.

What's with you guys saying Warrior have no damage? I'm having fun going around hitting 5k's left and right following any CC, not like the cooldowns are high either compared anything else in the game.

Yeah lol 5k f1 that's easy to avoid whahoo so dangerous and not easily achieved and higher through more methods using melee on other classes..... balanced.Bottom line is other classes can out dps war in melee and with far more viriety of skills doing so making them far less predictable, giving them access to more types of bursts and more often all matching or bypassing the wars dps which I'd supposed to be the basic strait forward heavy hitter melee spec, they got the basic and strait forward right but as I said u guys have a mentality where u want to be carried and not challenged so the heavy hitting part missing is something u want to fight to leave as is on war and any other class ur not playing often lol, again why players love the pvp community and leave and again why the games pvp is deservedly dying as it is and its population as well dying as it is

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Shao.7236 said:You can actually play what you want given you care enough to play it right. There's a lot of clear counters to many builds and I have yet to see one that can do it all.

I think many warriors would disagree with this sentiment...

Because all warriors were actually spellbreakers playing the same tether might spam endurance regen build when PoF came out. They all got the same cheesy slice and it's gone, have to get gud now.

Ah yes, because the reason we dont see
warriors in top tier or any tournaments anymore is just because they have to "get gud" and not the fact that warrior is currently unplayable. And its only coencidence that Anet buffed them up (even if it was far from enough).

I've seen and played warrior builds that are pretty viable, obviously they aren't going to dance around a node for the entire duration of the game because that's what the issue was in the first place. Again, having such high expectations.

You havent. There arent viable warrior builds right now. Thats a simple statement of fact. Warrior is on the same level (if not possibly below) mirage right now, who is equally unplayable. Thats why there were 0 warriors in MOTA, 0 in high ranks, and probably 0 in MATs (I admit I stopped counting after a while). If by "high expectations" you mean "thinking that a class shouldnt be so bad every good player drops it like a hot potato", then you have a weird definition of "high expectations". Also, you are aware that dancing around a node for the entire duration of the game is the default right now, right? Sidenoders dont die in a 1v1, ever. They get +1d, and until then they just try to knock the other off the point using knockbacks. Thats actually warriors biggest issue, a lack of a good knockback.

Most warriors (Even myself) that I see play deal damage and actually don't waste all their CC at once because that was something back then, spamming everything you got because damage. Setup bursts rather, Stomp exists as a knock back that grants Stability too, be it anything with more than 1 target, that's more stacks.

Again, you dont. Damage in general right now is too low to ever kill someone on your own, and Warrior is lower than even the average. Also, if anything, you spam more
, because you cant afford to delay even a single point of damage, because well, there is too little of it anyway. Right now warrior is a sidenoder who simply lacks the knockback and damage to be effective, and provides

Also to imply that "good" players use anything that has a skill ceiling is false, they don't. People would actually have an identity with their so called "favorite" class if they did.

Ah yes, thats why we see so many Power revs played in top tier. After all, it famously has no skill ceiling, and totally isnt a really difficult class that even Anet confirmed is difficult. You dont actually believe your rubbish yourself, do you? No, they didnt use Warrior not because its got a "skill ceiling", but simply because warrior is currently not viable at all.

All Revs that play top tier don't even duel, your point?

Whats that got to do with anything? Your claim was that "good players wouldnt use anything with a skill ceiling". My easy counterpoint to that is power rev, something that has a high skill ceiling, and that good players play. A
. So, your logic fails.

Gonna add to the fact they are all herald, power or condi and never reach to challenge players because they clearly can't play it to that much potential, there has been less players than I can count on my fingers that actually play Herald Power without being just a pseudo theif wanna be delete everything picking the fights.

Elitism from below. Now thats new. But equally ridiculous.

It's clear that even if they wanted, the meta builds are terrible at it anyway, but this is conquest. Obviously we wouldn't care, but that still doesn't change the truth of it.

The truth that spellbreaker is not viable? Yeah sure, that doenst change.

The current meta power herald has a "medium" skill ceiling, it barely interacts with what it makes revenant the class it is and the high skill ceiling aspect is never used in practice, core on the other hand has way more going for it. Condi Herald has a low skill ceiling to medium in my opinion given that nobody ever manages conditions at all on their teams, they call it a duelist/side nodder instead which is a /joke/, because it's the most telegraphed and easier to control given that it can actually turn mid fights around with proper managing instead of wasting it's time never dying against people don't know how to deal with them.

If your "logic" were to hold, it would hold on all iterations. We had a high skill ceiling Rev be extremely popular, to the point where Anet even talked about it. Ask Leonidrex about it, he got the memes for it. But long story short, high skill ceiling, still extremely popular. Good players play anything if its good. Even high skill ceiling classes.

Spellbreaker is no longer the evade spam class that it was, it's not hard to see why it fell out of the meta.

... of all the things to mention. You mention the one that ... wasnt hit? Warrios evades werent touched. It has nothing to do why its not meta. Instead, its not meta because sidenoding has been reduced to knockbacks and waiting for +1s, and Warrior doesnt have a good knockback and its not great at setting up +1s either. Its woefully lacking in damage.

Yeah sure warrior not being meta totally has to do with the fact it can't evade spam anymore. Meanwhile Hammer is pretty good actually.

Why dont u just be honest and say "hi, I'm a rev main, yes one of thee most broken classes in pvp right now. I'm here to tell all u warrior mains that even though warrior is considered one of if not thee weakest classes in the game even by most vet players that warrior is in fact strong and you all just need to learn to play it. I am certainly not saying this due to the fact that I'm just enjoying the fact that my broken main can now easily stomp a warrior in its weak state and would rather them not be buffed to a point where they may pose a threat again". " I would also state that I care so much for all the players who enjoy warrior and would rather see the class remain unviable and cause warrior mains leave this game we all love then for me to face challenging classes when I pvp cuz I'm a standard gw2 pvp player complete with the mentality""U can see from my post history I obviously have no bias against warrior or splbrs lol"There said all the things u meant to say.

So weird people are leaving this community so fast.

Yes Revenant is absolutely broken even though it can be eaten by Warriors. Meanwhile I am the only rev main that actually agree's with all the shiro nerfs and don't want to see more buffs, but actual nerfs and redesigns. Thanks!

Yes warriors in high lv play are destroying revs left and right lmao, again ur bias and statements are to ridiculous to take serious. Sry haha.Seriously u do realize gw2 pvp is perfect example of a game that players bandwagon to the most effective builds even if it means leaving their long time main, not all but most and the fact warrior has fallen so far down in most players playtime or in showings in high lv play and comps is a testament to its visibility especially in this game lol.

Been doing it myself as a Warrior and Spellbreaker, have yet to try Berserker but I've seen those do it too. Whatever. Revenants are so overhyped to be strong when they are the most telegraphed profession of the game.

Lmao revs are not more telegraphed than war kitten hahahaha. Sure I'm destroying all classes with rev using 2 fingers.. see how easy typing that is, show some vids of u destroying classes on war in high lv play, posts are cheap.God I'm so glad I ditched this game and its community, I just like coming on here to see all the utter nonsense u guys spout, I'm glad pvps dying so fast with ur mentalities it deserves to die lol, funny thing is the "players balance" is helping tank the mode not that devs need any help lol, too funny.

Dude, the current "meta" Revenant is easy to stunlock if you actually care to work for it. Like, whenever they get CC'd it stunbreak and then resort to defensive weapon skills such as Sword 3 or Staff altogether because low energy, there's nothing getting in your way given you didn't waste anything while they were on the defensive. Seriously, way too overhyped. Gaze of Darkness cooldown is actually out of standard with what normally core can even do, it's surprising that there's even that much to complain about.

Sure of course stun locking rev is easy especially on warrior but the warrior has zero dps to follow up the stun with, only a gbage rev cant avoid the predictable and telegraphed one or two burst options a basic class like warrior has and even if u connect revs sustain can laugh at the dps war puts out in its burst rotations and follow it with it's own way high burst with far more avenues to do such bursts lol not even close to comparable. If ur a glassy thief tho a warriors burst can be dangerous lol. A warrior, thee melee class should not have to rely on other better melee classes to provide the melee dps etc. The balance of warrior melee prowess is way off compared to other classes melee potential, at least these days it is.

What's with you guys saying Warrior have no damage? I'm having fun going around hitting 5k's left and right following any CC, not like the cooldowns are high either compared anything else in the game.

Yeah lol 5k f1 that's easy to avoid whahoo so dangerous and not easily achieved and higher through more methods using melee on other classes..... balanced.

It wasn't F1 that hit for 5k but ok.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:You can actually play what you want given you care enough to play it right. There's a lot of clear counters to many builds and I have yet to see one that can do it all.

I think many warriors would disagree with this sentiment...

Because all warriors were actually spellbreakers playing the same tether might spam endurance regen build when PoF came out. They all got the same cheesy slice and it's gone, have to get gud now.

Ah yes, because the reason we dont see
warriors in top tier or any tournaments anymore is just because they have to "get gud" and not the fact that warrior is currently unplayable. And its only coencidence that Anet buffed them up (even if it was far from enough).

I've seen and played warrior builds that are pretty viable, obviously they aren't going to dance around a node for the entire duration of the game because that's what the issue was in the first place. Again, having such high expectations.

You havent. There arent viable warrior builds right now. Thats a simple statement of fact. Warrior is on the same level (if not possibly below) mirage right now, who is equally unplayable. Thats why there were 0 warriors in MOTA, 0 in high ranks, and probably 0 in MATs (I admit I stopped counting after a while). If by "high expectations" you mean "thinking that a class shouldnt be so bad every good player drops it like a hot potato", then you have a weird definition of "high expectations". Also, you are aware that dancing around a node for the entire duration of the game is the default right now, right? Sidenoders dont die in a 1v1, ever. They get +1d, and until then they just try to knock the other off the point using knockbacks. Thats actually warriors biggest issue, a lack of a good knockback.

Most warriors (Even myself) that I see play deal damage and actually don't waste all their CC at once because that was something back then, spamming everything you got because damage. Setup bursts rather, Stomp exists as a knock back that grants Stability too, be it anything with more than 1 target, that's more stacks.

Again, you dont. Damage in general right now is too low to ever kill someone on your own, and Warrior is lower than even the average. Also, if anything, you spam more
, because you cant afford to delay even a single point of damage, because well, there is too little of it anyway. Right now warrior is a sidenoder who simply lacks the knockback and damage to be effective, and provides

Also to imply that "good" players use anything that has a skill ceiling is false, they don't. People would actually have an identity with their so called "favorite" class if they did.

Ah yes, thats why we see so many Power revs played in top tier. After all, it famously has no skill ceiling, and totally isnt a really difficult class that even Anet confirmed is difficult. You dont actually believe your rubbish yourself, do you? No, they didnt use Warrior not because its got a "skill ceiling", but simply because warrior is currently not viable at all.

All Revs that play top tier don't even duel, your point?

Whats that got to do with anything? Your claim was that "good players wouldnt use anything with a skill ceiling". My easy counterpoint to that is power rev, something that has a high skill ceiling, and that good players play. A
. So, your logic fails.

Gonna add to the fact they are all herald, power or condi and never reach to challenge players because they clearly can't play it to that much potential, there has been less players than I can count on my fingers that actually play Herald Power without being just a pseudo theif wanna be delete everything picking the fights.

Elitism from below. Now thats new. But equally ridiculous.

It's clear that even if they wanted, the meta builds are terrible at it anyway, but this is conquest. Obviously we wouldn't care, but that still doesn't change the truth of it.

The truth that spellbreaker is not viable? Yeah sure, that doenst change.

The current meta power herald has a "medium" skill ceiling, it barely interacts with what it makes revenant the class it is and the high skill ceiling aspect is never used in practice, core on the other hand has way more going for it. Condi Herald has a low skill ceiling to medium in my opinion given that nobody ever manages conditions at all on their teams, they call it a duelist/side nodder instead which is a /joke/, because it's the most telegraphed and easier to control given that it can actually turn mid fights around with proper managing instead of wasting it's time never dying against people don't know how to deal with them.

If your "logic" were to hold, it would hold on all iterations. We had a high skill ceiling Rev be extremely popular, to the point where Anet even talked about it. Ask Leonidrex about it, he got the memes for it. But long story short, high skill ceiling, still extremely popular. Good players play anything if its good. Even high skill ceiling classes.

Spellbreaker is no longer the evade spam class that it was, it's not hard to see why it fell out of the meta.

... of all the things to mention. You mention the one that ... wasnt hit? Warrios evades werent touched. It has nothing to do why its not meta. Instead, its not meta because sidenoding has been reduced to knockbacks and waiting for +1s, and Warrior doesnt have a good knockback and its not great at setting up +1s either. Its woefully lacking in damage.

Yeah sure warrior not being meta totally has to do with the fact it can't evade spam anymore. Meanwhile Hammer is pretty good actually.

Why dont u just be honest and say "hi, I'm a rev main, yes one of thee most broken classes in pvp right now. I'm here to tell all u warrior mains that even though warrior is considered one of if not thee weakest classes in the game even by most vet players that warrior is in fact strong and you all just need to learn to play it. I am certainly not saying this due to the fact that I'm just enjoying the fact that my broken main can now easily stomp a warrior in its weak state and would rather them not be buffed to a point where they may pose a threat again". " I would also state that I care so much for all the players who enjoy warrior and would rather see the class remain unviable and cause warrior mains leave this game we all love then for me to face challenging classes when I pvp cuz I'm a standard gw2 pvp player complete with the mentality""U can see from my post history I obviously have no bias against warrior or splbrs lol"There said all the things u meant to say.

So weird people are leaving this community so fast.

Yes Revenant is absolutely broken even though it can be eaten by Warriors. Meanwhile I am the only rev main that actually agree's with all the shiro nerfs and don't want to see more buffs, but actual nerfs and redesigns. Thanks!

Yes warriors in high lv play are destroying revs left and right lmao, again ur bias and statements are to ridiculous to take serious. Sry haha.Seriously u do realize gw2 pvp is perfect example of a game that players bandwagon to the most effective builds even if it means leaving their long time main, not all but most and the fact warrior has fallen so far down in most players playtime or in showings in high lv play and comps is a testament to its visibility especially in this game lol.

Been doing it myself as a Warrior and Spellbreaker, have yet to try Berserker but I've seen those do it too. Whatever. Revenants are so overhyped to be strong when they are the most telegraphed profession of the game.

Lmao revs are not more telegraphed than war kitten hahahaha. Sure I'm destroying all classes with rev using 2 fingers.. see how easy typing that is, show some vids of u destroying classes on war in high lv play, posts are cheap.God I'm so glad I ditched this game and its community, I just like coming on here to see all the utter nonsense u guys spout, I'm glad pvps dying so fast with ur mentalities it deserves to die lol, funny thing is the "players balance" is helping tank the mode not that devs need any help lol, too funny.

Dude, the current "meta" Revenant is easy to stunlock if you actually care to work for it. Like, whenever they get CC'd it stunbreak and then resort to defensive weapon skills such as Sword 3 or Staff altogether because low energy, there's nothing getting in your way given you didn't waste anything while they were on the defensive. Seriously, way too overhyped. Gaze of Darkness cooldown is actually out of standard with what normally core can even do, it's surprising that there's even that much to complain about.

Sure of course stun locking rev is easy especially on warrior but the warrior has zero dps to follow up the stun with, only a gbage rev cant avoid the predictable and telegraphed one or two burst options a basic class like warrior has and even if u connect revs sustain can laugh at the dps war puts out in its burst rotations and follow it with it's own way high burst with far more avenues to do such bursts lol not even close to comparable. If ur a glassy thief tho a warriors burst can be dangerous lol. A warrior, thee melee class should not have to rely on other better melee classes to provide the melee dps etc. The balance of warrior melee prowess is way off compared to other classes melee potential, at least these days it is.

What's with you guys saying Warrior have no damage? I'm having fun going around hitting 5k's left and right following any CC, not like the cooldowns are high either compared anything else in the game.

Yeah lol 5k f1 that's easy to avoid whahoo so dangerous and not easily achieved and higher through more methods using melee on other classes..... balanced.

It wasn't F1 that hit for 5k but ok.

Hows Boyce's war play doing? Hes legit no? Any recent sindrener stream ive seen all war mains including boyce seem to have swapped to classes like ranger or holo, all tho I think he also played ranger frequently even when he played war mostly.hardly ever see wars played in comp etc.As I said gw2 is a game where the most viable builds see a playtime uptick ten fold and a huge drop occurs in classes/builds that are less viable. In gw2 if u see certain classes most often in play it's due to its effectiveness not popularity, gw2 is a game populated by players who bandwagon to the strongest classes and builds. The fact that a easier to play/pick up class like warrior has seen such a fall in play is very telling of a issue regardless of the view u or I have on the class.

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