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Renegade is finally meta bois


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I actually ran both jalis and kalla. I found kalla slightly better. You can do drive by's with the spirits. Drop darkrazor to the left. Icerazor to the right and just run. Shortbow piercing does the leg work. Either way its a different flavors over flamethrower engi and just as easy.

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@Celldrax.2849 said:Haven't tried kalla yet.

I always find naturalistic resonance with jalis hammers amazing for tagging stuff though (those poor centaurs...).

Everything in the Labyrinth is kinda spread out as you run gate to gate. So having the Shortbow's very fast attack speeds, ability to pierce, and the loads of quick AOEs works very well. So you can Mallyx leap to one pack on one side while using your shortbow skills to attack the other side and get tags very rapidly.

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@Kodiak.3281 said:Everything in the Labyrinth is kinda spread out as you run gate to gate. So having the Shortbow's very fast attack speeds, ability to pierce, and the loads of quick AOEs works very well. So you can Mallyx leap to one pack on one side while using your shortbow skills to attack the other side and get tags very rapidly.

Truthfully though, I've really just been farming solo through the labyrinth (other than the odd group boss). Things still die very quickly to mallyx, so haven't felt much need to zerg around.

This is also my first GW2 halloween, and I would imagine gliding and mounts have been quite the game changer this year. Labyrinthine horror is more of an annoyance than something to be feared :P

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@"Goyim God.6873" said:Memes aside is Renegade good at anything? Wanting to replace my warrior with something else

It's one of the top DPS PvE classes with amazing support in form of assassin's presence, 12 might from your mace 2-3 combo, and you can swap soucleave summit in to remove pressure off people and use your spirit for good CC.

Renegade is best revenant has ever been in PvE.

The people complaining about renegade are pvp people.

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@Lahmia.2193 said:General mobs die too quickly for you to not range them, so shortbow is best. For doors, jalis hammers seems to work best.

I do have a shortbow I can throw on for range tagging stuff, but without autotarget on it's a bit of a hassle. Generally I just stay towards the front of the zerg and use unyielding anguish/axe 4 to jump around from mob to mob. It's energy intensive, but it works.

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