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Stained Glass Wings Backpack and Glider Critique - [Merged]


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My initial thoughts on the new Stained Glass Wings Backpack and Glider Critique.

Potential Deal-breaker: The frame can not be dyed. I do not use black or dark gray. As a result, I would never actually use the backpack portion. Please consider fixing this.Step Backwards: Lacks jumping animation. I can do without a full wing flap, but I prefer something.Step Forward: Improved Transition Information and Unique Design

The stained glass portion is wonderfully done. It is a shame that the frame can not be died. That alone prevents this from becoming a must have in my book.

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I know this is not going to work, because they never change anything in the game. But I still want to share what I think of the new backpack "Stained Glass".Well, when I saw the news on Instagram, I fell in love. I joined the game, sold some things instantly and managed to save some money to buy the new combo (glider + backpack).When I bought it, regret came, because the backpack is completely "hard" and "inflexible". It bothered me a lot. I bought it in the hope that if I used the backpack, I could see it shaking, shaking, hitting when I jumped. Except it looks like I'm just using a house window or a pile of broken glass on my back.In my opinion, I think "Stained Glass" should move exactly like "Scaled Dragon Wings" or "Vermilion Wings", because running around with a completely hard and immobile item on the back is very disturbing to the eyes of those really thought it would be a wing.The funny thing is that the glider is as majestic, beautiful and flexible as a kite should be, but here comes the backpack and it bores me like that.Leave your opinions on it too! I spent an average of 230 golds to acquire the item and if I had another chance, I wouldn't buy it.Images of my character jumping with the "Stained Glass" backpack:Ztu2AOE.jpg3deSDq1.jpg

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