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Unmovable UI / Health Bar

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Hi, the unmovable skill bar is so annoying for me because Its so hard to track skills at the bottom of the screen, the fact that you have to look bottom of the screen just to see if skills coming up is makes me out of combat and makes me lose my target and. I am that kind a guy who puts skill next to character and track it from there so I can make the rotation. Please make an new option with new expansion that people custom the ui like they wanna to at least make it only for skill bar. Also it's hard to track your own health too please put a health bar on to our own character so we won't have to look bottom of the screen. Thank you

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What? It really isn't. I guess you play something else and not long played gw2, after 8 years this is the first complaint I seen about not moving ho bar. You have red window screen when you are 50% and lower so that helps a lot.

I would like to see ui to be enlarged a bit to so to see boons and buffs better on enemy's

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:What? It really isn't. I guess you play something else and not long played gw2, after 8 years this is the first complaint I seen about not moving ho bar. You have red window screen when you are 50% and lower so that helps a lot.

I would like to see ui to be enlarged a bit to so to see boons and buffs better on enemy's

Can you move the skill bar?

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@ManOfKebab.7054 said:

@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:What? It really isn't. I guess you play something else and not long played gw2, after 8 years this is the first complaint I seen about not moving ho bar. You have red window screen when you are 50% and lower so that helps a lot.

I would like to see ui to be enlarged a bit to so to see boons and buffs better on enemy's

Can you move the skill bar?

No, why would I need to do that? Anywhere else and you would be blocking your view. At the bottom is out of the way.

I think you cant remember the skill cool downs so that's why you keep looking down, I get this too when playing something I havnt played in a long time

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:What? It really isn't. I guess you play something else and not long played gw2, after 8 years this is the first complaint I seen about not moving ho bar. You have red window screen when you are 50% and lower so that helps a lot.

I would like to see ui to be enlarged a bit to so to see boons and buffs better on enemy's

Can you move the skill bar?

No, why would I need to do that? Anywhere else and you would be blocking your view. At the bottom is out of the way.

I think you cant remember the skill cool downs so that's why you keep looking down, I get this too when playing something I havnt played in a long time

If it's on your screen you don't need to remember. Also what's the point of restriction of that. I'm playing the game for 3 months. All I want is a simple movable skill bar not big as default one not small as f1 f2. Hope we can get it with the new expansion

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

No, why would I need to do that? Anywhere else and you would be blocking your view.

This is true but a lot of people that play MMO's like WoW actually play like that, it's been a meme for years, often the whole screen is covered in skills or raid frames to the point you can barely see anything else, yet people still play like that. You cannot blame the guy for wanting to play the way he is used to.

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@Vavume.8065 said:

No, why would I need to do that? Anywhere else and you would be blocking your view.

This is true but a lot of people that play MMO's like WoW actually play like that, it's been a meme for years, often the whole screen is covered in skills or raid frames to the point you can barely see anything else, yet people still play like that. You cannot blame the guy for wanting to play the way he is used to.

Tbh, 8 small skill bar wont cover the whole screen

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I wouldn't want to put anything in the middle of the screen, but it would be nice to be able to move the UI around and re-size it beyond the current small, medium or large options.

I'd also like the options we have for hiding parts of the UI to be more specific, for example being able to separate my skill bar from the buff and condition icons, so I can hide my skills unless I'm in combat but have the buffs and conditions showing all the time. (I'd also move them to the bottom of the screen somewhere so they're not just random icons floating in space when the skill bar is hidden.)

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@ManOfKebab.7054 said:

@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:What? It really isn't. I guess you play something else and not long played gw2, after 8 years this is the first complaint I seen about not moving ho bar. You have red window screen when you are 50% and lower so that helps a lot.

I would like to see ui to be enlarged a bit to so to see boons and buffs better on enemy's

Can you move the skill bar?What you can do is increase your field of sight through game settings.This is the settings I use, see if they're good for you.

Options -> General Options -> CameraVertical position near = MAXField of view = MAX[✓] Adjust camera to character height

Additionally, so the UI is small and doesn't get in your way:Options -> Graphics Options -> DisplayInterface Size: Small[✓] DPI Scaling

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@Wolfb.7025 said:

@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:What? It really isn't. I guess you play something else and not long played gw2, after 8 years this is the first complaint I seen about not moving ho bar. You have red window screen when you are 50% and lower so that helps a lot.

I would like to see ui to be enlarged a bit to so to see boons and buffs better on enemy's

Can you move the skill bar?What you can do is increase your field of sight through game settings.This is the settings I use, see if they're good for you.

Options -> General Options -> Camera
Vertical position near = MAXField of view = MAX
Adjust camera to character height

Additionally, so the UI is small and doesn't get in your way:
Options -> Graphics Options -> Display
Interface Size: Small
DPI Scaling

Thanks for the tip mate. Already done it. Skill bar is unmovable uunder the screen it's hard to track when you at competitive pvp

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When I first started playing I wondered why movement of a lot of the UI was restricted. But it doesn't bother me now since I have got used to it. I can only think of 1 other MMO at the moment which I play that has a fairly fixed interface without plugins, and that is WoW.

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@Atomos.7593 said:When I first started playing I wondered why movement of a lot of the UI was restricted. But it doesn't bother me now since I have got used to it. I can only think of 1 other MMO at the moment which I play that has a fairly fixed interface without plugins, and that is WoW.

But being competitive without the UI you u want is like impossible for me. You have to comfort eyes first

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