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Is there a better way for ArenaNet than abandoning old content to focus on new content?


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@Laila Lightness.8742 said:Strikes and raids are abandoned already as those like dungeons(who also was picky in lfgs needing ap, specific classes.) Fractals seems to be the only end game content wich gets constant updates and is played more most ppl only do icebrood construct,fraenir and kodan strikes as boneskinner and whispers is not friendly towards the casual player. I rather see anet look where most players actually play and spend more on that more as its most logical

Constant update to fractals what game have you been playing?Took them 3 years to release the last additional to fractal a month ago.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Linken.6345 said:You want legendary armor you already have 3 different paths for it already.And yet all those 3 paths taken together still exclude a vast majority of players.

How do they exclude players?Because they cover parts of the game only relatively small part of the playerbase participates in. They are a good option for players interested in few types of niche content, but are pretty much useless for a vast majority of players.

It doesn't mater how many paths there are, if none of them are meant for you.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"HotDelirium.7984" said:I don't think "abandoning" is the right term since it has such a negative connotation- like their actively fleeing it. They are able to see all the metrics behind what everyone is doing and what we are participating in. I have to assume they jump from content bundle to content bundle to try new things and keep the game fresh while weighing the pros and cons of not very popular content. I suspect we are done with raids. We might be done with Strike Missions too. I suspect we will get up to 25 fractals to fit in the 25 tierd levels (so 4 more) and that will be that at least in this iteration. As a game studio I think they have to constantly try to innovate within the bounds of their budget, time and technology.It's more like whenever they get to the point where adjustments of any kind to old content would be required, because they didn;t get it perfectly right from the beginning, instead of trying to fix it they decide to abandon it and start over. Sure, at some point they might even finally get it right, but that would still leave a path of ruins behind. Ruins that will only scare any potential new players.Additionally, notice how they specifically
want anything like this in GW2 originally. They wanted all the content to remain "current" forever. And yet, they keep abandoning ideas left and right. As a result, the game, instead of being a well-designed coherent whole, is more like a hodgepodge of eclectic pieces held together by a duct-tape and spit.

I don't personally like raids, i was against their introduction into the game, but i still think, that, since they are already there, they should
be abandoned. If they cannot continue in their present form, perhaps some adjustments might be in order, but a complete abandonment of yet another part of the game is to the game's detriment.

God, thank you nailed it, you articulated what I was going for far better than I did.

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God, thank you nailed it, you articulated what I was going for far better than I did.

This is why I advocate for better leadership. Its not the be-all and end-all (title lol) but I think very strong leadership drives the overall vision of a game service very acutely. Things like SAB would have been finished by now because they would have been put on that priority list BY leadership. Raid implementation from the beginning would have been introduced seamlessly WITH better leadership and no need for the weird logic behind Strike Missions. Skins, features, content wouldn't exist solely from the whim of a dev; it would be motivated by and organized around the leadership of possibly a game director.For example, with this last Halloween festival that barely got any new content, they would be the one in charge of conveying their vision of what would be best for the game service i.e. they would tell the dev every year possibly "I think we should add something new like weapon skins (which they got nailed down), at least one new mini, and in the pipeline lets add to the story between the Blood Prince and Mad King Thorn. Let's also bring back The Reliquary instance since new players have no idea who that is since we don't have content connecting them anymore" said dev would then do their job and come up creatively with the specifics. Bam!

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Laila Lightness.8742" said:Strikes and raids are abandoned already as those like dungeons(who also was picky in lfgs needing ap, specific classes.) Fractals seems to be the only end game content wich gets constant updates and is played more most ppl only do icebrood construct,fraenir and kodan strikes as boneskinner and whispers is not friendly towards the casual player. I rather see anet look where most players actually play and spend more on that more as its most logical

Constant update to fractals what game have you been playing?Took them 3 years to release the last additional to fractal a month ago.

They’re not releasing new fractals at a fast pace but it’s not 3 years either.


With the release of Living World Season 4, Episode 3: Long Live the Lich (June 26, 2018) the new Deepstone fractal was introduced.With the release of Living World Season 4, Episode 5: All or Nothing (January 8, 2019) the new Siren's Reef fractal was introduced.On September 15, 2020, the new Sunqua Peak fractal was introduced.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

@"Laila Lightness.8742" said:Strikes and raids are abandoned already as those like dungeons(who also was picky in lfgs needing ap, specific classes.) Fractals seems to be the only end game content wich gets constant updates and is played more most ppl only do icebrood construct,fraenir and kodan strikes as boneskinner and whispers is not friendly towards the casual player. I rather see anet look where most players actually play and spend more on that more as its most logical

Constant update to fractals what game have you been playing?Took them 3 years to release the last additional to fractal a month ago.

They’re not releasing new fractals at a fast pace but it’s not 3 years either.

With the release of Living World Season 4, Episode 3: Long Live the Lich (June 26, 2018) the new Deepstone fractal was introduced.With the release of Living World Season 4, Episode 5: All or Nothing (January 8, 2019) the new Siren's Reef fractal was introduced.On September 15, 2020, the new Sunqua Peak fractal was introduced.

Right I think I mixed up my facts with how long it was bettwen the CM fractals, My bad.

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