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Any build that can deal with power herald?


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GS + swd/horn. GS 3 and 5 the opposite direction, swap sword 2 + horn 4. :lol:

Try some different builds and duel a power rev somewhere and see what works best for you.

You could always try a rifle in your other weapon set to see if it helps you with the kiting. I recently have been getting the better of LB rangers in WvW with my rifle, but that is WvW and most rangers there are beyond terrible.

Still, Leg specialist will give you two immobilizes on rifle and volley will still pressure them. That and you'll put 24 stacks of vulnerability on them quickly, which would help you damage them more.

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I am not a War player, but I main Rev. The Wars that do the best seem to be the ones who understand when to CC me with burst available to follow up with it. Power Herald in particular (which I am sure you are referring to) is vulnerable to CC if you are able to pressure it properly. The Wars that are hyperaggressive towards me make it really hard to recover from and kite properly. IMO, pressuring a power Rev after they swap to Shiro is an effective way of forcing them to blow their Riposting Shadows, which will leave them very vulnerable to CC and counterpressure. If they don't have enough energy for another Riposting Shadows and their stunbreak is on cooldown, then it can be a quick GG. There are also things you can do to surprise Revs, such as timing a Bull's Charge or other CC as they Phase Traversal, or just as Unrelenting Assault ends.

With that said, it's a losing matchup for you :(.

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Against revenants in general play just passive. Wait for the right moments and burst in it with help of cc. Power Herald is just a ezy deal (with spellbraker only cause you could use counter to counter the 3 skill of sword) .... on core or Berzerker it is just more a loose matchub ^^

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All 3 specs can beat power Rev right now. It mostly comes down to weapon set more than anything else but i typically do it with gs hammer core, gs axe shield berserker, and i've even done it with gs longbow core.

Definitely not a losing matchup like it used to be. I have video proof of what the matchup looks like at higher level. I'd say its pretty even or Warrior wins slightly.

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if power glint decide to kit you, you can't do anything.

tho power glint is alot easier to beat compared to the new power renegade build as warrior, because glint actually need to get close to land damage

just gotta land tether and pull, specially in shiro. you should out CC their stunbreak.

power glint is incredibly high skill capped, while warrior limits you way more.like people above said you can full counter their sword 3 to land tether, but top rev I've fought on my war, always cover sword 3 end with glint blind or stunbreak ready, because they know their weakness and the class allows them to cover up.

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Thank you everybody for the feedback...from what I can summarize yeah against revs is an uphill battle in their favour. Warrior is my 4th played main and it has its advantages, I like to play SB d/s+GS , the spec can do good at a certain level but will struggle the more you face professions with designed higher skill ceiling...they simply have more tricks up their sleeve . Overall I can't complain about warriors, they are more versatile the bigger the fights get

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