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Re-examine the sentry and tower marked debuff.


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@"Caedmon.6798" said:Well,some people know how to counter and others,just never learn. But hey lets keep on complaining though ! Im sure it will make you feel better giving yourself this feeling of "Class is broken" instead of, "Im gonna improve myself and learn how to shut them down". Whatever works.I think that you are thinking about this in too small terms.

While there may be alot of people who get killed by a certain class once or twice and then log in here to complain, that is far from everyone and the very topic of this thread should give you at least some indication of what the discussion actually is about.

There may be some Thieves now who have issues with the "marked" mechanics and there are some Thieves now who dislike the profileration of pocket-healers and make threads asking for pure support builds and their classes to get looked at.

However, the Thief is the only reason that "marked" exists to begin with and it is more or less the only reason that players on other classes that used to run solo now engage much less in that, use pocket-healers and limit themselves more to 3's, 5's and 10's at the "smaller" scales. This goes for players of all experience levels and preferences at smaller scale so it isn't just a pub-stomping issue (and pub-stomping issues alone has made Anet jump out of their seats in the past - the old Holorifle build for example likely got swatted only because it excelled at pub-stomping as it had little to no representation elsewhere).

It was not an overbearing amount of Mesmers that caused any of these things. It was the Thief. It also means that if you want those things to change you would also need to give the Thief a proper, honest look. No one else is just going to roll over and die because the current state has made alot of less experienced players move onto Thief and they like to feel gratified.

I don't even prefer solo play myself, even if I do enjoy some aspects of smaller scale content, so this isn't even an issue I'm particularily invested in even though I am opening my mouth about it every now and then. In fact, to some degree the current state helps players like me because we get more content for the stuff we prefer (3's, 5's, 10's, 15's etc.). However, some things are very obvious and I am interested in the health and diversity of the mode or I feel for friends who are more affected by this than me.

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@subversiontwo.7501 said:

@"Caedmon.6798" said:Well,some people know how to counter and others,just never learn. But hey lets keep on complaining though ! Im sure it will make you feel better giving yourself this feeling of "Class is broken" instead of, "Im gonna improve myself and learn how to shut them down". Whatever works.I think that you are thinking about this in too small terms.

While there may be alot of people who get killed by a certain class once or twice and then log in here to complain, that is far from everyone and the very topic of this thread should give you at least some indication of what the discussion actually is about.

There may be some Thieves now who have issues with the "marked" mechanics and there are some Thieves now who make threads asking for pure support builds and classes to get looked at.

However, the Thief is the only reason that "marked" exists to begin with and it is more or less the only reason that players on other classes that used to run solo now engage much less in that, use pocket-healers and limit themselves more to 3's, 5's and 10's at the "smaller" scales. This goes for players of all experience levels and preferences at smaller scale so it isn't just a pub-stomping issue (and pub-stomping issues alone has made Anet jump out of their seats in the past - the old Holorifle build for example likely got swatted only because it excelled at pub-stomping as it had little to no representation elsewhere).

It was not an overbearing amount of Mesmers that caused any of these things. It was the Thief. It also means that
if you want those things to change
you would also need to give the Thief a proper, honest look. No one else is just going to roll over and die because the current state has made alot of less experienced players move onto Thief and they like to feel gratified.

People on these forums have given thief a proper, honest look, DeceiverX and saerini alone probably could have published a book or two by now on it. Devs rarely agree and basically just run with whatever WvW and PvP forum hot take they've seen a few times and somehow, the thief class gets more aggravating for other players as time goes by.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its something you only understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue. Now i just repeated myself again.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue.

Ok, bud. That's not an answer. Play the spec and you will see is not an answer. If you don't like repeating yourself then don't enter threads about something you don't want to repeat yourself about because I don't know you or read any other threads on this topic and remember what you who again I don't know said in the past. I'm just going to go you were denied a kill because of this or you got marked cause you are too oblivious of sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map and someone came and killed you. Again if you can't avoid static sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map(most times none) I can't help you and I won't play some class that can't adjust to sentry's and watchtowers cause that must be suffocating.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue.

Ok, bud. That's not an answer. Play the spec and you will see is not an answer. If you don't like repeating yourself then don't enter threads about something you don't want to repeat yourself about because I don't know you or read any other threads on this topic and remember what you who again I don't know said in the past. I'm just going to go you were denied a kill because of this or you got marked cause you are too oblivious of sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map and someone came and killed you. Again if you can't avoid static sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map(most times none) I can't help you and I won't play some class that can't adjust to sentry's and watchtowers cause that must be suffocating.

You just dont get it,dont worry its fine.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue.

Ok, bud. That's not an answer. Play the spec and you will see is not an answer. If you don't like repeating yourself then don't enter threads about something you don't want to repeat yourself about because I don't know you or read any other threads on this topic and remember what you who again I don't know said in the past. I'm just going to go you were denied a kill because of this or you got marked cause you are too oblivious of sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map and someone came and killed you. Again if you can't avoid static sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map(most times none) I can't help you and I won't play some class that can't adjust to sentry's and watchtowers cause that must be suffocating.

You just dont get it,dont worry its fine.

Na, it's not. I might change my mind because these sentry's and the occasional watch towers are so oppressive thieves can not enjoy WvW. I would like everyone to enjoy WvW so something must be done. All sentry's should immediately be deleted and replaced by a pre bronze player who has to just stand there and can only be killed by thieves. This is obviously much more of an issue then I imagined even tho I can avoid both sentry's and watchtowers if I want to on reapers or guardian so I just didn't know. I agree with you now. We must free the thieves from this oppression.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue.

Ok, bud. That's not an answer. Play the spec and you will see is not an answer. If you don't like repeating yourself then don't enter threads about something you don't want to repeat yourself about because I don't know you or read any other threads on this topic and remember what you who again I don't know said in the past. I'm just going to go you were denied a kill because of this or you got marked cause you are too oblivious of sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map and someone came and killed you. Again if you can't avoid static sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map(most times none) I can't help you and I won't play some class that can't adjust to sentry's and watchtowers cause that must be suffocating.

You just dont get it,dont worry its fine.

Na, it's not. I might change my mind because these sentry's and the occasional watch towers are so oppressive thieves can not enjoy WvW. I would like everyone to enjoy WvW so something must be done. All sentry's should immediately be deleted and replaced by a pre bronze player who has to just stand there and can only be killed by thieves. This is obviously much more of an issue then I imagined even tho I can avoid both sentry's and watchtowers if I want to on reapers or guardian so I just didn't know. I agree with you now. We must free the thieves from this oppression.

Just because i made a comment at someone different as you where you feel the need to jump in, doesnt mean im into starting a useless argument with someone whos never even touched the class.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue.

Ok, bud. That's not an answer. Play the spec and you will see is not an answer. If you don't like repeating yourself then don't enter threads about something you don't want to repeat yourself about because I don't know you or read any other threads on this topic and remember what you who again I don't know said in the past. I'm just going to go you were denied a kill because of this or you got marked cause you are too oblivious of sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map and someone came and killed you. Again if you can't avoid static sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map(most times none) I can't help you and I won't play some class that can't adjust to sentry's and watchtowers cause that must be suffocating.

You just dont get it,dont worry its fine.

Na, it's not. I might change my mind because these sentry's and the occasional watch towers are so oppressive thieves can not enjoy WvW. I would like everyone to enjoy WvW so something must be done. All sentry's should immediately be deleted and replaced by a pre bronze player who has to just stand there and can only be killed by thieves. This is obviously much more of an issue then I imagined even tho I can avoid both sentry's and watchtowers if I want to on reapers or guardian so I just didn't know. I agree with you now. We must free the thieves from this oppression.

Just because i made a comment at someone different as you where you feel the need to jump in, doesnt mean im into starting a useless argument with someone whos never even touched the class.

But you did tho. And that's how forums work. Anyone can engage or chose not to and there are no reqs you must play this class to comment or only respond to things you 100 percent understand. It's ok tho. You converted my to your side with your persuasive arguments.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue.

Ok, bud. That's not an answer. Play the spec and you will see is not an answer. If you don't like repeating yourself then don't enter threads about something you don't want to repeat yourself about because I don't know you or read any other threads on this topic and remember what you who again I don't know said in the past. I'm just going to go you were denied a kill because of this or you got marked cause you are too oblivious of sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map and someone came and killed you. Again if you can't avoid static sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map(most times none) I can't help you and I won't play some class that can't adjust to sentry's and watchtowers cause that must be suffocating.

You just dont get it,dont worry its fine.

Na, it's not. I might change my mind because these sentry's and the occasional watch towers are so oppressive thieves can not enjoy WvW. I would like everyone to enjoy WvW so something must be done. All sentry's should immediately be deleted and replaced by a pre bronze player who has to just stand there and can only be killed by thieves. This is obviously much more of an issue then I imagined even tho I can avoid both sentry's and watchtowers if I want to on reapers or guardian so I just didn't know. I agree with you now. We must free the thieves from this oppression.

Just because i made a comment at someone different as you where you feel the need to jump in, doesnt mean im into starting a useless argument with someone whos never even touched the class.

But you did tho. And that's how forums work. Anyone can engage or chose not to and there are no reqs you must play this class to comment or only respond to things you 100 percent understand. It's ok tho. You converted my to your side with your persuasive arguments.

Thats what i mean,people like you start arguments for the sake of starting an argument because you have nothing else going on in your life. Ill lay it out since you cannot understand the fact how important stealth is for a thief. Looking at the radius of reveals being applied by towers/keeps and sentry,s are areas where a thief with a brain would not engage in fights,thats a large part of the map. If youve read what the op said and what ive said you should have been able to come to your own conclusions as to how a mechanic like that can mess up the gameplay of someone that relies on stealth being a vital part of a build. Imagine if w/e brainded spec you run,your blocks or invulns would be shut down in all those areas where youre being marked,tell me you find that fair ? No dont tell me,because youl start another bs argument how you would find it fair just cus you have no fucking clue what youre talking about.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue.

Ok, bud. That's not an answer. Play the spec and you will see is not an answer. If you don't like repeating yourself then don't enter threads about something you don't want to repeat yourself about because I don't know you or read any other threads on this topic and remember what you who again I don't know said in the past. I'm just going to go you were denied a kill because of this or you got marked cause you are too oblivious of sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map and someone came and killed you. Again if you can't avoid static sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map(most times none) I can't help you and I won't play some class that can't adjust to sentry's and watchtowers cause that must be suffocating.

You just dont get it,dont worry its fine.

Na, it's not. I might change my mind because these sentry's and the occasional watch towers are so oppressive thieves can not enjoy WvW. I would like everyone to enjoy WvW so something must be done. All sentry's should immediately be deleted and replaced by a pre bronze player who has to just stand there and can only be killed by thieves. This is obviously much more of an issue then I imagined even tho I can avoid both sentry's and watchtowers if I want to on reapers or guardian so I just didn't know. I agree with you now. We must free the thieves from this oppression.

Just because i made a comment at someone different as you where you feel the need to jump in, doesnt mean im into starting a useless argument with someone whos never even touched the class.

But you did tho. And that's how forums work. Anyone can engage or chose not to and there are no reqs you must play this class to comment or only respond to things you 100 percent understand. It's ok tho. You converted my to your side with your persuasive arguments.

Thats what i mean,people like you start arguments for the sake of starting an argument because you have nothing else going on in your life. Ill lay it out since you cannot understand the fact how important stealth is for a thief. Looking at the radius of reveals being applied by towers/keeps and sentry,s are areas where a thief with a brain would not engage in fights,thats a large part of the map. If youve read what the op said and what ive said you should have been able to come to your own conclusions as to how a mechanic like that can mess up the gameplay of someone that relies on stealth being a vital part of a build. Imagine if w/e brainded spec you run,your blocks or invulns would be shut down in all those areas where youre being marked,tell me you find that fair ? No dont tell me,because youl start another bs argument how you would find it fair just cus you have no kitten clue what youre talking about.

Yea I know man. It's totally the same thing. Of course I did scroll down your prior comments for fun because as you said I have no life. You played DE right. Yeah thats not a brain dead class. How many times have you killed a player from stealth and basically killed him 100-0 before he could even hit you because of stealth. But that's just perfect right?. That's all skill on your part right? And because you can't do that near a sentry and again the very few towers like QL or Mendons or maybe a north t3 one on a BL you can't play and it's unfair. I didn't start an argument. I just disagreed that this marked matters to basically anyone because we can all avoid sentry's. I'm power reaper and if I couldn't use shroud near a sentry I would just avoid the sentry which isn't much of the map as you are trying to pretend it is. And even if you kill the sentry and take the full 30seconds of marked Hardly anyone ever shows up anyway so you can go back to stealth and now you own the sentry to mark another player and you can happily hide in stealth till he comes to kill the sentry get marked and you can 100-0 him.Sentry's and watchtowers are a non-issue to everyone except thieves it seems and your excuses just don't add up. And by your excuses I mean every thief not you personally as that confused you before.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue.

Ok, bud. That's not an answer. Play the spec and you will see is not an answer. If you don't like repeating yourself then don't enter threads about something you don't want to repeat yourself about because I don't know you or read any other threads on this topic and remember what you who again I don't know said in the past. I'm just going to go you were denied a kill because of this or you got marked cause you are too oblivious of sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map and someone came and killed you. Again if you can't avoid static sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map(most times none) I can't help you and I won't play some class that can't adjust to sentry's and watchtowers cause that must be suffocating.

You just dont get it,dont worry its fine.

Na, it's not. I might change my mind because these sentry's and the occasional watch towers are so oppressive thieves can not enjoy WvW. I would like everyone to enjoy WvW so something must be done. All sentry's should immediately be deleted and replaced by a pre bronze player who has to just stand there and can only be killed by thieves. This is obviously much more of an issue then I imagined even tho I can avoid both sentry's and watchtowers if I want to on reapers or guardian so I just didn't know. I agree with you now. We must free the thieves from this oppression.

Just because i made a comment at someone different as you where you feel the need to jump in, doesnt mean im into starting a useless argument with someone whos never even touched the class.

But you did tho. And that's how forums work. Anyone can engage or chose not to and there are no reqs you must play this class to comment or only respond to things you 100 percent understand. It's ok tho. You converted my to your side with your persuasive arguments.

Thats what i mean,people like you start arguments for the sake of starting an argument because you have nothing else going on in your life. Ill lay it out since you cannot understand the fact how important stealth is for a thief. Looking at the radius of reveals being applied by towers/keeps and sentry,s are areas where a thief with a brain would not engage in fights,thats a large part of the map. If youve read what the op said and what ive said you should have been able to come to your own conclusions as to how a mechanic like that can mess up the gameplay of someone that relies on stealth being a vital part of a build. Imagine if w/e brainded spec you run,your blocks or invulns would be shut down in all those areas where youre being marked,tell me you find that fair ? No dont tell me,because youl start another bs argument how you would find it fair just cus you have no kitten clue what youre talking about.

Yea I know man. It's totally the same thing. Of course I did scroll down your prior comments for fun because as you said I have no life. You played DE right. Yeah thats not a brain dead class. How many times have you killed a player from stealth and basically killed him 100-0 before he could even hit you because of stealth. But that's just perfect right?. That's all skill on your part right? And because you can't do that near a sentry and again the very few towers like QL or Mendons or maybe a north t3 one on a BL you can't play and it's unfair. I didn't start an argument. I just disagreed that this marked matters to basically anyone because we can all avoid sentry's. I'm power reaper and if I couldn't use shroud near a sentry I would just avoid the sentry which isn't much of the map as you are trying to pretend it is. And even if you kill the sentry and take the full 30seconds of marked Hardly anyone ever shows up anyway so you can go back to stealth and now you own the sentry to mark another player and you can happily hide in stealth till he comes to kill the sentry get marked and you can 100-0 him.Sentry's and watchtowers are a non-issue to everyone except thieves it seems and your excuses just don't add up. And by your excuses I mean every thief not you personally as that confused you before.

Get a hobby.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue.

Ok, bud. That's not an answer. Play the spec and you will see is not an answer. If you don't like repeating yourself then don't enter threads about something you don't want to repeat yourself about because I don't know you or read any other threads on this topic and remember what you who again I don't know said in the past. I'm just going to go you were denied a kill because of this or you got marked cause you are too oblivious of sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map and someone came and killed you. Again if you can't avoid static sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map(most times none) I can't help you and I won't play some class that can't adjust to sentry's and watchtowers cause that must be suffocating.

You just dont get it,dont worry its fine.

Na, it's not. I might change my mind because these sentry's and the occasional watch towers are so oppressive thieves can not enjoy WvW. I would like everyone to enjoy WvW so something must be done. All sentry's should immediately be deleted and replaced by a pre bronze player who has to just stand there and can only be killed by thieves. This is obviously much more of an issue then I imagined even tho I can avoid both sentry's and watchtowers if I want to on reapers or guardian so I just didn't know. I agree with you now. We must free the thieves from this oppression.

Just because i made a comment at someone different as you where you feel the need to jump in, doesnt mean im into starting a useless argument with someone whos never even touched the class.

But you did tho. And that's how forums work. Anyone can engage or chose not to and there are no reqs you must play this class to comment or only respond to things you 100 percent understand. It's ok tho. You converted my to your side with your persuasive arguments.

Thats what i mean,people like you start arguments for the sake of starting an argument because you have nothing else going on in your life. Ill lay it out since you cannot understand the fact how important stealth is for a thief. Looking at the radius of reveals being applied by towers/keeps and sentry,s are areas where a thief with a brain would not engage in fights,thats a large part of the map. If youve read what the op said and what ive said you should have been able to come to your own conclusions as to how a mechanic like that can mess up the gameplay of someone that relies on stealth being a vital part of a build. Imagine if w/e brainded spec you run,your blocks or invulns would be shut down in all those areas where youre being marked,tell me you find that fair ? No dont tell me,because youl start another bs argument how you would find it fair just cus you have no kitten clue what youre talking about.

Yea I know man. It's totally the same thing. Of course I did scroll down your prior comments for fun because as you said I have no life. You played DE right. Yeah thats not a brain dead class. How many times have you killed a player from stealth and basically killed him 100-0 before he could even hit you because of stealth. But that's just perfect right?. That's all skill on your part right? And because you can't do that near a sentry and again the very few towers like QL or Mendons or maybe a north t3 one on a BL you can't play and it's unfair. I didn't start an argument. I just disagreed that this marked matters to basically anyone because we can all avoid sentry's. I'm power reaper and if I couldn't use shroud near a sentry I would just avoid the sentry which isn't much of the map as you are trying to pretend it is. And even if you kill the sentry and take the full 30seconds of marked Hardly anyone ever shows up anyway so you can go back to stealth and now you own the sentry to mark another player and you can happily hide in stealth till he comes to kill the sentry get marked and you can 100-0 him.Sentry's and watchtowers are a non-issue to everyone except thieves it seems and your excuses just don't add up. And by your excuses I mean every thief not you personally as that confused you before.

Get a hobby.

If you can't handle someone disagreeing with you on the forums don't use them. Responding is optional. You also can lose an argument sometimes or disagree or straight up ignore me and not respond.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@"Gorani.7205" said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue.

Ok, bud. That's not an answer. Play the spec and you will see is not an answer. If you don't like repeating yourself then don't enter threads about something you don't want to repeat yourself about because I don't know you or read any other threads on this topic and remember what you who again I don't know said in the past. I'm just going to go you were denied a kill because of this or you got marked cause you are too oblivious of sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map and someone came and killed you. Again if you can't avoid static sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map(most times none) I can't help you and I won't play some class that can't adjust to sentry's and watchtowers cause that must be suffocating.

You just dont get it,dont worry its fine.

Na, it's not. I might change my mind because these sentry's and the occasional watch towers are so oppressive thieves can not enjoy WvW. I would like everyone to enjoy WvW so something must be done. All sentry's should immediately be deleted and replaced by a pre bronze player who has to just stand there and can only be killed by thieves. This is obviously much more of an issue then I imagined even tho I can avoid both sentry's and watchtowers if I want to on reapers or guardian so I just didn't know. I agree with you now. We must free the thieves from this oppression.

Just because i made a comment at someone different as you where you feel the need to jump in, doesnt mean im into starting a useless argument with someone whos never even touched the class.

But you did tho. And that's how forums work. Anyone can engage or chose not to and there are no reqs you must play this class to comment or only respond to things you 100 percent understand. It's ok tho. You converted my to your side with your persuasive arguments.

Thats what i mean,people like you start arguments for the sake of starting an argument because you have nothing else going on in your life. Ill lay it out since you cannot understand the fact how important stealth is for a thief. Looking at the radius of reveals being applied by towers/keeps and sentry,s are areas where a thief with a brain would not engage in fights,thats a large part of the map. If youve read what the op said and what ive said you should have been able to come to your own conclusions as to how a mechanic like that can mess up the gameplay of someone that relies on stealth being a vital part of a build. Imagine if w/e brainded spec you run,your blocks or invulns would be shut down in all those areas where youre being marked,tell me you find that fair ? No dont tell me,because youl start another bs argument how you would find it fair just cus you have no kitten clue what youre talking about.

Yea I know man. It's totally the same thing. Of course I did scroll down your prior comments for fun because as you said I have no life. You played DE right. Yeah thats not a brain dead class. How many times have you killed a player from stealth and basically killed him 100-0 before he could even hit you because of stealth. But that's just perfect right?. That's all skill on your part right? And because you can't do that near a sentry and again the very few towers like QL or Mendons or maybe a north t3 one on a BL you can't play and it's unfair. I didn't start an argument. I just disagreed that this marked matters to basically anyone because we can all avoid sentry's. I'm power reaper and if I couldn't use shroud near a sentry I would just avoid the sentry which isn't much of the map as you are trying to pretend it is. And even if you kill the sentry and take the full 30seconds of marked Hardly anyone ever shows up anyway so you can go back to stealth and now you own the sentry to mark another player and you can happily hide in stealth till he comes to kill the sentry get marked and you can 100-0 him.Sentry's and watchtowers are a non-issue to everyone except thieves it seems and your excuses just don't add up. And by your excuses I mean every thief not you personally as that confused you before.

Get a hobby.

If you can't handle someone disagreeing with you on the forums don't use them. Responding is optional. You also can lose an argument sometimes or disagree or straight up ignore me and not respond.

You should probably read back a bit and realize my first comment was "Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding." Again a thing you dont understand unless you have played the class yourself,whats there to disagree ? Theres absolutely nothing to disagree with what ive said unless youve played the spec yourself and might feel otherwise and in that case we could have a talk,but in this case,no. Like i said youre one of those people that likes start useless arguments because you have made zero sense so far. While i alrdy explained what the real issue is,you ignore it and reply with nonsense. One more time, Play ze class and you will find out.

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Guys, just a simple reminder - have you ever heard about thing called templates? SA is just boosted atm, and instead of nerfing it, ANet went reeeeally weird way that shouldnt really happen, but thats not the topic. If u want to play d/p or DE rifle so badly, then stay out of towers and sentries. Its not so hard to see big circle above structure, or notice that keep was just capped (buffed lord), or Veteran Sentry name. Annoying, but thats the gameplay you chose - if you were made of ice, you wouldnt want to go right into fire, right?

Going back to templates, if you need to go to a place with marked debuff, why not have template with 2nd build that doesnt rely on stealth? Yes bajs and gerls, there are teef builds that DONT RELY on stealth. I will go even further, there are matchups in which those builds are even BETTER than stealth builds.Stop crying and try to adapt, there is a time for teardrops and theres a time for adaptation.

PS: No1 likes 'rogues' in any game, and thats normal. Problem starts when also devs dont like it and have no idea how to properly nerf/balance it. Thats what happened in Dec1 patch, the only thing that I understand is plasma, everything else is just xD

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@"Gorani.7205" said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its only something you understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

Well you need stealth to survive and the topic is adjust sentrys and watchtowers and you don't die because of it. So what's the issue then. Why does something that doesn't cause you to die matter? How is that not pointless. Why don't you explain how you can't avoid these or what issues it causes you? Did someone pre bronze get away?

I just answered that. A thing you dont understand unless you play the spec yourself. The issue has been presented numerous times on the forum,i also have been vocal about it in the past and not about to keep repeating myself. Again,play the class and you see the issue.

Ok, bud. That's not an answer. Play the spec and you will see is not an answer. If you don't like repeating yourself then don't enter threads about something you don't want to repeat yourself about because I don't know you or read any other threads on this topic and remember what you who again I don't know said in the past. I'm just going to go you were denied a kill because of this or you got marked cause you are too oblivious of sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map and someone came and killed you. Again if you can't avoid static sentry spawns and the 1 watchtower a map(most times none) I can't help you and I won't play some class that can't adjust to sentry's and watchtowers cause that must be suffocating.

You just dont get it,dont worry its fine.

Na, it's not. I might change my mind because these sentry's and the occasional watch towers are so oppressive thieves can not enjoy WvW. I would like everyone to enjoy WvW so something must be done. All sentry's should immediately be deleted and replaced by a pre bronze player who has to just stand there and can only be killed by thieves. This is obviously much more of an issue then I imagined even tho I can avoid both sentry's and watchtowers if I want to on reapers or guardian so I just didn't know. I agree with you now. We must free the thieves from this oppression.

Just because i made a comment at someone different as you where you feel the need to jump in, doesnt mean im into starting a useless argument with someone whos never even touched the class.

But you did tho. And that's how forums work. Anyone can engage or chose not to and there are no reqs you must play this class to comment or only respond to things you 100 percent understand. It's ok tho. You converted my to your side with your persuasive arguments.

Thats what i mean,people like you start arguments for the sake of starting an argument because you have nothing else going on in your life. Ill lay it out since you cannot understand the fact how important stealth is for a thief. Looking at the radius of reveals being applied by towers/keeps and sentry,s are areas where a thief with a brain would not engage in fights,thats a large part of the map. If youve read what the op said and what ive said you should have been able to come to your own conclusions as to how a mechanic like that can mess up the gameplay of someone that relies on stealth being a vital part of a build. Imagine if w/e brainded spec you run,your blocks or invulns would be shut down in all those areas where youre being marked,tell me you find that fair ? No dont tell me,because youl start another bs argument how you would find it fair just cus you have no kitten clue what youre talking about.

Yea I know man. It's totally the same thing. Of course I did scroll down your prior comments for fun because as you said I have no life. You played DE right. Yeah thats not a brain dead class. How many times have you killed a player from stealth and basically killed him 100-0 before he could even hit you because of stealth. But that's just perfect right?. That's all skill on your part right? And because you can't do that near a sentry and again the very few towers like QL or Mendons or maybe a north t3 one on a BL you can't play and it's unfair. I didn't start an argument. I just disagreed that this marked matters to basically anyone because we can all avoid sentry's. I'm power reaper and if I couldn't use shroud near a sentry I would just avoid the sentry which isn't much of the map as you are trying to pretend it is. And even if you kill the sentry and take the full 30seconds of marked Hardly anyone ever shows up anyway so you can go back to stealth and now you own the sentry to mark another player and you can happily hide in stealth till he comes to kill the sentry get marked and you can 100-0 him.Sentry's and watchtowers are a non-issue to everyone except thieves it seems and your excuses just don't add up. And by your excuses I mean every thief not you personally as that confused you before.

Get a hobby.

If you can't handle someone disagreeing with you on the forums don't use them. Responding is optional. You also can lose an argument sometimes or disagree or straight up ignore me and not respond.

You should probably read back a bit and realize my first comment was "Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding." Again a thing you dont understand unless you have played the class yourself,whats there to disagree ? Nothing,like i said youre one of those people that likes start useless arguments because you have made zero sense so far. While i alrdy explained what the real issue is,you ignore it and reply with nonsense. One more time, Play ze class and you will find out.

And then you laughed because you never died because of marked which again makes me go why does it matter then. But hey I think it doesn't matter you can't adjust and play thief because of sentry's. You don't explain cause if I go roll a DE I will avoid sentry's or kill the sentry get marked so someone comes and then kill them. Unless you are getting surprised by randomly spawning sentry's who mark you mid fight it again is a non-issue. I did see you started a thread in 2019 so this is a core issue for you. Not your war tho so play that.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Why is it that when ever there's a discussion about Stealth it's either- Stealth doesn't help to survive at all, everything can still hit you so it's useless! Or, Stealth is the only defense Thief has!

Mind you, I suppose now that they can't run away as readily as before, the second argument is a bit more relevant.

And as @Gorani.7205 said,

if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.

No one's forcing you to fight there. So don't, lol.

Also I'm glad someone agrees with my perspective on it @Gorani.7205

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Yeah, Thief's don't complain about watchtowers and sentry's because they keep getting marked and killed. Both are easily avoidable by anyone paying attention. They complain because they can't get a kill right up to the tower door or couldn't chase someone because they were running towards a sentry. It is the biggest pointless complaint I have ever heard. Half the time if i'm looking for fights I get marked on purpose so they show up but yeah if you are dying because of a sentry and watchtower as a thief we can't help you.

Where do you even see me complain or making a statement that i'm dying to it ?

This forum,lmao.

I didn't because no one does so the complaint is pointless. I said if you as in any thief not you personally. So when you personally say Not everyone relies on stealth to survive it infers that because of marked you don't survive because if you do survive then marked isn't a problem now is it?

The complaint isnt pointless but its something you only understand if you actually Play the class yourself,which you dont.

I played Thief for 2 weeks recently. I was terrible with it, but I also got a folder full of big damage screen caps and never once died to or had any kind of problems with being Marked.It actually never crossed my mind that a lot of players complain about it because I'm just used to picking the right times to take Sentries and taking the proper routes to avoid being Marked if I can't handle what responds to it. You know, the logical thing to do.

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Why is it that when ever there's a discussion about Stealth it's either- Stealth doesn't help to survive at all, everything can still hit you so it's useless! Or, Stealth is the only defense Thief has!

Mind you, I suppose now that they can't run away as readily as before, the second argument is a bit more relevant.

And as @Gorani.7205 said,

if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.

No one's forcing you to fight there. So don't, lol.

Also I'm glad someone agrees with my perspective on it @Gorani.7205

Thats the entire point,you know how large the radius is from those towers that takes away a large area where a thief doesnt wanna fight,where everyone else has no issue fighting in those spots because it doesnt hurt their core gameplay.

I mean overall, i dont give a shit because i know thief inside out since im playing it for years,i avoid fighting in those areas. Still doesnt take away the fact thats aimed to shut down 2 specs mainly,thief/mesm. I just think its an unfair mechanic. If aegis/invulns would be negated in those areas people would cry.

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The change I'd personally like to see for Watchtower is to make it an effect you have to actually have to activate (like EWP, Chilling Fog, etc) that lasts for X amount of time with a cooldown. Perhaps it wouldnt be worth to even use at this point, but IMO it brings far too much impact in its current iteration. I would also like to see the same thing done to Cloaking Waters.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Everyone gets marked by Sentries and Watchtower upgrades.I don't get the fuss Thief-main players make, like it denies them the ability to run around sentries in a bigger circle like everyone else (who roams on other professions) without the ability to stealth.And sorry (IMHO), if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.Marked has nothing to do with the SB#5 initiative increase. Don't mix up correlation with causality. ;)

Everyone gets marked yet not everyone relies on Stealth to survive,a thing you clearly arent understanding.

Why is it that when ever there's a discussion about Stealth it's either- Stealth doesn't help to survive at all, everything can still hit you so it's useless! Or, Stealth is the only defense Thief has!

Mind you, I suppose now that they can't run away as readily as before, the second argument is a bit more relevant.

And as @Gorani.7205 said,

if a thief players tries to ambush someone else right next to a tower with a gigantic rotating light on top, it is fair if he loses the advantage to stealth at will as long as he wants.

No one's forcing you to fight there. So don't, lol.

Also I'm glad someone agrees with my perspective on it @Gorani.7205

Thats the entire point,you know how large the radius is from those towers that takes away a large area where a thief doesnt wanna fight,where everyone else has no issue fighting in those spots because it doesnt hurt their core gameplay.

I mean overall, i dont give a kitten because i know thief inside out since im playing it for years,i avoid fighting in those areas. Still doesnt take away the fact thats aimed to shut down 2 specs mainly,thief/mesm. I just think its an unfair mechanic. If aegis/invulns would be negated in those areas people would cry.

Boon rips/corrupts exist, as do Unblockables which are aplenty. And those things can be used anywhere.

I understand that Watch Tower is a crappy mechanic, and I hate it probably as much as you. I just plain disagree when Thieves complain about it (and it seems to only ever be Thieves) because Stealth is not their only defense and Marked does not only effect them.

As I'd said in my other comment, I have played Thief and recently did. Being Marked was never an issue for me because I didn't play a Shadow Arts build or Deadeye, I played Critical Strikes/Deadly Arts/Trickery with Marauder/Valkyrie. The only time I needed to Stealth was to use Stealth attacks, and Marked allows you to do so for long enough to access those skills. So the rare times I was fighting while Marked, which did happen at least a few times, it wasn't an issue. I still had vertical mobility and instant teleports which was plenty enough to survive.

I suppose one could argue that it's different if you're playing a build that does rely on Stealth, like a Shadow Arts build, but because said build(s) are such low risk in the first place I think it's pretty okay that there are areas on the map they'll be disadvantaged to fight in.

The only reason this complaint has any more validity now than it did before last week is because of the Shortbow nerf. Now your mobility is worse and if you're fighting while Marked you also can't use Stealth defensively. Still, my point stands that it does not only effect Thieves so players of the class just need to learn to respect the mechanic.

About me- I often roam on full zerk core Necro which is about as stupid and risky as it gets. I rely on "Stealth" too, the need to not be seen. Because if I get Marked at a bad time I'm going to get overwhelmed and I don't have the virtue of high mobility or additional evades like Thief does. I always take routes around objectives that won't Mark me and I only take Sentry's if I want a fight or if I know I'm unlikely to get ganked. Sentry's near keeps like the one at Lang, Bravost, Veloka, etc. I rarely try to take because I'll probably get attacked before I can flip it and I'll stay Marked for too long drawing too much attention.See how that effects other classes too?

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