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What is the fastest way to earn gold in WvW?


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u get bags faster from big fights. and is a simple calculation, more kills, more gold/kill. therefore groupfights are the only real way to farm gold in Wvw. bags give materials, materials u can sell.

the rare mats (from bags and mist boxes [idk, levelup or skirmish trap completion]) give enough gold, also if u would sell all memories of battle at good prices that can work as well, but tbh, those are the only things that acutally have a use, bc u get rather easy ascended gear for them.

also, using banners etc also gives u more income per kill. surely only pays off largescale and gets better with higher rank and account gold find.

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@Gotejjeken.1267 said:You play WvW for the mats and easy access to legendary armor after a set amount of time (skirmish tickets, etc.). In fact if you farm all your legendary armor and trinkets in WvW, what do you need gold for aside from possibly a precursor or other expensive skin? Any other thing you are better off just buying gems.

That legendary armor will still cost you like 1000+ gold per set unless you have an insane amount of materials.

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