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What type of elite spec do you want to see next?


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Sorry for the double post, I accidentally set the old one up before adding all the options. Quick notes, for Glass cannon, think entirely selfish damage, near the absolute top of the charts, but at the expense of most of our defensive options (mainly losing distortion), similar to ele.

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I'd like our next elite spec to have darker, witchy theme.It should focus more on sustain rather than burst. I don't fancy one shot combos.I want to see shatters replaced with something else. Frankly, I really don't like them being insta casts, insta casts are boring in general. Maybe they could be changed into spells with actual cast times, stronger and more lingering effects and some kind of unique debuffs/punishing effects? I don't really know, just tossing some ideas.

I just really want something completely new, something that will alter mesmers' playstyles. It can get boring when you are forced to use the same mechanics for 5 years.

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A phantasm spec, that can do both condi and power damage would be my vote. Most of the specs so far can do both, a spec doesn't need to have to go into one or the other. That'd be pretty dull if it did tbh.

Maybe a nightmare themed spec? With dagger as a weapon choice (perhaps a mid-low range weapon, similar to ele's dagger). Perhaps even replace with f1-f4 keys with abilities that clones can do while they are still alive.

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@OriOri.8724 said:I gotta say even though its just a small number of votes so far, its pretty disheartening to see people voting for a support spec even though we already have chronomancer.

Pretty sure that's because they've been playing it for two years in every single game mode and are slightly tired of it. :)

On a more serious note, I too am for a dedicated sustain-based specialization. I miss the good old phantasm builds where you only had to pump your target full of them and just run in circles.

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@OriOri.8724 said:I gotta say even though its just a small number of votes so far, its pretty disheartening to see people voting for a support spec even though we already have chronomancer.

well we kinda got more mesmer players who seek for support because thats the only thing mesmers are good at .and they like support . its just a loop hole now .

back to the topic tho , what you meant by those roles ?they are defined by players or devs ?coz from designer view , firebrand is more like jack of all tradetempest is support specgw2 dps meta is so locked behind those dmg mod traits . anet could manage high risk part but high reward part is always missing for some spec. example would be soulbeast or holosmith .soulbeast reward players never use pets again . holosmith simply dont compete with others dmg and lower burst dps for pve (from my experience tho i can usually pre cast holo forge to get heat 15% dmg buff for most boss burn phase).

and people often vote based on what playstyle they want not role .

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The roles are more or less open to your interpretation. Chronomancer is clearly not a glass cannon spec, its not really a jack of all trades spec either, and its support, while unmatched, isn't your typical "keep everyone healed up and cleanse their condis" kind of support. These are meant to be broad categories.

@ovinnik.9216 Personally, I'd consider mirage and SB to be a duelist. A class that excels in 1v1s due to mechanics, skills, and superior in-combat mobility/positioning.

That's why I added the 2 options at the bottom for just generic power/condi based specs, in case people weren't sure, or didn't want to, classify what type of spec they wanted.

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@"OriOri.8724" Since roles like buffers and (crowd) controllers, for instance, do exist in MMOs and add to the otherwise holy trinity, I'd classify the Chronomancer as a support spec without question, healer or no. (There is some tank mixed it, admittedly.) I would hope, then, that the Mesmer won't be turned into a healer on top of that. It's a disheartening thought, I agree with you there.

I'm still not quite sure what to vote for, as a glass cannon should, in my opinion, primarily be the result of gear choices and "Idc" doesn't quite fit either, as that wouldn't guarantee something that isn't another support spec. Regardless, I think I've made my preferences clear. Much (if not all) probably depends on the further handling of the land mine that is the power/condition dichotomy.

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I would define a glass cannon as a spec that has little to no sustain options. Think a spec that would be at the top of the DPS charts, but would lose distortion entirely (including from blurred inscriptions). its only defensive options would be dodging, positioning and BF at that point (and reflects against ranged foes). Due to BF, and the fact that blurred inscriptions is probably not going to be updated to be excluded from a single elite spec, I doubt we will get a full glass cannon spec, but we could certainly get much more glassy than we currently are, along with significantly higher personal DPS and lower ramp up times.

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I mean, the options provided in the poll aren't really that diverse. AoE Damage spec, Punishment Control, Ranged DPS/Control, etc. There's a plethora of potential ideas which can't exactly be summed up in these few options. I think a lot of us who want Control or something that isn't just DPS chose Support.

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@InsaneQR.7412 I see where you're coming from, but I still don't want to see another dueling spec, even if it works differently. Mirage is an amazing duelist, and a well played condi chrono is also an extremely powerful duelist do to chrono's sustain. Another dueling spec would be just boring.

@Dondagora.9645 I tried to make the categories purposefully broad, because I would never be able to fit in all of the categories otherwise.

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@Dondagora.9645 said:I mean, the options provided in the poll aren't really that diverse. AoE Damage spec, Punishment Control, Ranged DPS/Control, etc. There's a plethora of potential ideas which can't exactly be summed up in these few options. I think a lot of us who want Control or something that isn't just DPS chose Support.

I chose other, wanting control.

2H Hammer or Spear, mid/close range, loads of cc but with tradeoff of reduced damage and sustain. Essentially wanting to play a "conductor" (referring to orchestra) dictating the flow of combat - ccing/punishing/debuffing/disabling. Would like more pulls such as Vortex or Temporal Curtain, more knockdowns, knockbacks, floats, and so on.

Chrono only had the Slow traits, and mirage is all about personal survival and has no control. On that note chrono supports allies directly, whereas a control heavy spec would support indirectly through offensive cc.

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@OriOri.8724 said:@InsaneQR.7412 I see where you're coming from, but I still don't want to see another dueling spec, even if it works differently. Mirage is an amazing duelist, and a well played condi chrono is also an extremely powerful duelist do to chrono's sustain. Another dueling spec would be just boring.

@Dondagora.9645 I tried to make the categories purposefully broad, because I would never be able to fit in all of the categories otherwise.

Actually i am just PvE player. And i love playing condi on mirage. I know that mesmer has one of the biggest PvP communities and an anti boon power based class would emphasizes on things that are part of mesmer but outclassed from other E-specs atm. It could also be a support spec, like a support boon rip that provides this abbilitiy to its allies etc etc.I just took duelling because it was the most fitting description ive seen.

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people asking for Mesmer with a hammer makes me just wanna dieand they clearly have no love for the actual design of the class.plz plz stop.I'm gonna say either support class like a Bard/Sirenor a phantasm class that makes more than just copies of itself and summons spooky or happy images to effect the battlefield.

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@Artyport.2084 said:people asking for Mesmer with a hammer makes me just wanna dieand they clearly have no love for the actual design of the class.plz plz stop.I'm gonna say either support class like a Bard/Sirenor a phantasm class that makes more than just copies of itself and summons spooky or happy images to effect the battlefield.

lol, people asking for Bard everytime makes me just wanna die.


We have a ranged greatsword => anything goes.

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@Curunen.8729 said:

@Artyport.2084 said:people asking for Mesmer with a hammer makes me just wanna dieand they clearly have no love for the actual design of the class.plz plz stop.I'm gonna say either support class like a Bard/Sirenor a phantasm class that makes more than just copies of itself and summons spooky or happy images to effect the battlefield.

lol, people asking for Bard everytime makes me just wanna die.


We have a ranged greatsword => anything goes.

That's what I was going to say. While it wouldn't be my first choice, I don't doubt they could make hammer fit a mesmer spec. Greatsword sounded so out of place the first time I heard mesmers were getting it. Now, I think it's one of the coolest mesmer weapons we have.

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@Cantatus.4065 said:

@Curunen.8729 said:

@Artyport.2084 said:people asking for Mesmer with a hammer makes me just wanna dieand they clearly have no love for the actual design of the class.plz plz stop.I'm gonna say either support class like a Bard/Sirenor a phantasm class that makes more than just copies of itself and summons spooky or happy images to effect the battlefield.

lol, people asking for Bard everytime makes me just wanna die.


We have a ranged greatsword => anything goes.

That's what I was going to say. While it wouldn't be my first choice, I don't doubt they could make hammer fit a mesmer spec. Greatsword sounded so out of place the first time I heard mesmers were getting it. Now, I think it's one of the coolest mesmer weapons we have.

I'm sure they could make it fit, but that doesn't mean we don't have better options. I think that the best options thematically would be MH pistol, MH focus, Daggers and then a bow

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