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How do you wall pull using Into the Void?


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@Tseison.4659 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:Also, if you're failing to pull somoene, that might be because they have Stability on or they dodged. The pull doesn't work 100% of the time, you might do everything right and still fail to pull.

Just adding as well if they have aegis, it won't work either. :)

Right! I forgot about aegis!Which is kind of stupid if you think about it, how do you "block" a pull lol, but that's where we're at... :tongue:

Oh, and Null Field can be blocked as well. Let's all figure out the logic of that situation lol, especially because it's the only boonstrip that can be blocked.

But yeah, people complain about focus pull a lot like, "ooh i'm standing at the very edge of the keep and i got pulled into the blob by pesky mesmers" when in reality, if you have any kind of sense, focus pull isn't really that big of a deal.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:Also, if you're failing to pull somoene, that might be because they have Stability on or they dodged. The pull doesn't work 100% of the time, you might do everything right and still fail to pull.

Just adding as well if they have aegis, it won't work either. :)

Right! I forgot about aegis!Which is kind of stupid if you think about it, how do you "block" a pull lol, but that's where we're at... :tongue:

Oh, and Null Field can be blocked as well. Let's all figure out the logic of that situation lol, especially because it's the only boonstrip that can be blocked.

But yeah, people complain about focus pull a lot like, "ooh i'm standing at the very edge of the keep and i got pulled into the blob by pesky mesmers" when in reality, if you have any kind of sense, focus pull isn't really that big of a deal.

Especially when there's other professions that have a 1200 range pull lol! :s

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@Tseison.4659 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:Also, if you're failing to pull somoene, that might be because they have Stability on or they dodged. The pull doesn't work 100% of the time, you might do everything right and still fail to pull.

Just adding as well if they have aegis, it won't work either. :)

Right! I forgot about aegis!Which is kind of stupid if you think about it, how do you "block" a pull lol, but that's where we're at... :tongue:

Oh, and Null Field can be blocked as well. Let's all figure out the logic of that situation lol, especially because it's the only boonstrip that can be blocked.

But yeah, people complain about focus pull a lot like, "ooh i'm standing at the very edge of the keep and i got pulled into the blob by pesky mesmers" when in reality, if you have any kind of sense, focus pull isn't really that big of a deal.

Especially when there's other professions that have a 1200 range pull lol! :s

Yeah... Anet really hates us Mesmers for some reason. :disappointed:And it's not just pulls, i don't know if Mesmer currently has anything specifically better than some other class.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:Also, if you're failing to pull somoene, that might be because they have Stability on or they dodged. The pull doesn't work 100% of the time, you might do everything right and still fail to pull.

Just adding as well if they have aegis, it won't work either. :)

Right! I forgot about aegis!Which is kind of stupid if you think about it, how do you "block" a pull lol, but that's where we're at... :tongue:

Oh, and Null Field can be blocked as well. Let's all figure out the logic of that situation lol, especially because it's the only boonstrip that can be blocked.

But yeah, people complain about focus pull a lot like, "ooh i'm standing at the very edge of the keep and i got pulled into the blob by pesky mesmers" when in reality, if you have any kind of sense, focus pull isn't really that big of a deal.

Especially when there's other professions that have a 1200 range pull lol! :s

Yeah... Anet really hates us Mesmers for some reason. :disappointed:And it's not just pulls, i don't know if Mesmer currently has anything specifically better than some other class.

Well let’s hope we get something unique in EoD.

I’m still hoping for hexes, which would be a “Backwards Barrier” lol! xD

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@Tseison.4659 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:Also, if you're failing to pull somoene, that might be because they have Stability on or they dodged. The pull doesn't work 100% of the time, you might do everything right and still fail to pull.

Just adding as well if they have aegis, it won't work either. :)

Right! I forgot about aegis!Which is kind of stupid if you think about it, how do you "block" a pull lol, but that's where we're at... :tongue:

Oh, and Null Field can be blocked as well. Let's all figure out the logic of that situation lol, especially because it's the only boonstrip that can be blocked.

But yeah, people complain about focus pull a lot like, "ooh i'm standing at the very edge of the keep and i got pulled into the blob by pesky mesmers" when in reality, if you have any kind of sense, focus pull isn't really that big of a deal.

Especially when there's other professions that have a 1200 range pull lol! :s

Yeah... Anet really hates us Mesmers for some reason. :disappointed:And it's not just pulls, i don't know if Mesmer currently has anything specifically better than some other class.

Well let’s hope we get something unique in EoD.

I’m still hoping for hexes, which would be a “Backwards Barrier” lol! xD

I just want that whatever we get doesn't end up bugged like the rest of our skills lol.They really need to fix that.

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@hanabal lecter.2495 said:Remember it always pulls towards the curtain so try placing the curtain close to players for pull but on outside part of walls so it yoinks them off.

Yep, that's what I've been trying. Good to know I'm in the ballpark.

@Veprovina.4876 said:Also, if you're failing to pull somoene, that might be because they have Stability on or they dodged. The pull doesn't work 100% of the time, you might do everything right and still fail to pull.

@Tseison.4659 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:Also, if you're failing to pull somoene, that might be because they have Stability on or they dodged. The pull doesn't work 100% of the time, you might do everything right and still fail to pull.

Just adding as well if they have aegis, it won't work either. :)

Yeah, I've seen the "Blocked" message several times, so I guess I did it right and they just avoided it. I have successfully pulled one time and it was so satisfying :) I'll keep at it.

I'll keep in mind the advice given here.

Is anyone else really, really, REALLY tired of all the complaints about anet hating Mesmers? As a new WvW player I almost didn't even try because of all the negative posts. I understand the frustration, but either find a solution or switch to another profession. So, I tried and found some posts with helpful comments, worked out a build and playstyle I like and am having a good time in WvW. Yeah, I wish we were OP like Thieves, but you use what you got.

Thanks again for the helpful replies.

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@Sarpan.9074 said:

@hanabal lecter.2495 said:Remember it always pulls towards the curtain so try placing the curtain close to players for pull but on outside part of walls so it yoinks them off.

Yep, that's what I've been trying. Good to know I'm in the ballpark.

@Veprovina.4876 said:Also, if you're failing to pull somoene, that might be because they have Stability on or they dodged. The pull doesn't work 100% of the time, you might do everything right and still fail to pull.

@Veprovina.4876 said:Also, if you're failing to pull somoene, that might be because they have Stability on or they dodged. The pull doesn't work 100% of the time, you might do everything right and still fail to pull.

Just adding as well if they have aegis, it won't work either. :)

Yeah, I've seen the "Blocked" message several times, so I guess I did it right and they just avoided it. I have successfully pulled one time and it was so satisfying :) I'll keep at it.

I'll keep in mind the advice given here.

Is anyone else really, really, REALLY tired of all the complaints about anet hating Mesmers? As a new WvW player I almost didn't even try because of all the negative posts. I understand the frustration, but either find a solution or switch to another profession. So, I tried and found some posts with helpful comments, worked out a build and playstyle I like and am having a good time in WvW. Yeah, I wish we were OP like Thieves, but you use what you got.

Thanks again for the helpful replies.

Cool! Keep at it! It can be very satisfying when pulled off right. Especially when you mix it with other pulls then Gravity well on the keep wall and just watch your squad bomb the poor sods who had the misfortune of being near the edge lol. :tongue:

Also, yeah people are frustrated, but it's not up to us to fix it. All people can really do is complain and hope Anet fixes mesmers.And for a lot of people, switching a profession isn't so easy as you think.No one is asking for anything OP, just to fix the core problems with the mesmer and the unreliable skills.

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What's funny is any time anyone gets pulled off a wall, they immediately blame mesmers in voice chat, when it probably wasn't a mesmer because A) The mesmer focus pull doesn't pull a set distance anymore and hasn't for some time, so its way way way less reliable and B) for every 1 mesmer in a squad of 50, there's 10 necros and 2-5 dragonhunters can that yank you from the stairs when you thought you'd pop over the wall for 2 seconds.

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@Kirrund.2654 said:What's funny is any time anyone gets pulled off a wall, they immediately blame mesmers in voice chat, when it probably wasn't a mesmer because A) The mesmer focus pull doesn't pull a set distance anymore and hasn't for some time, so its way way way less reliable and B) for every 1 mesmer in a squad of 50, there's 10 necros and 2-5 dragonhunters can that yank you from the stairs when you thought you'd pop over the wall for 2 seconds.

And these ladies and gentlemen are the hard facts that fall off deaf ears. Such is the Guild Wars 2 community that loves to blame Mesmers for everything when that's besides the case...

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@Tseison.4659 said:

@Kirrund.2654 said:What's funny is any time anyone gets pulled off a wall, they immediately blame mesmers in voice chat, when it probably wasn't a mesmer because A) The mesmer focus pull doesn't pull a set distance anymore and hasn't for some time, so its way way way less reliable and B) for every 1 mesmer in a squad of 50, there's 10 necros and 2-5 dragonhunters can that yank you from the stairs when you thought you'd pop over the wall for 2 seconds.

And these ladies and gentlemen are the hard facts that fall off deaf ears. Such is the Guild Wars 2 community that loves to blame Mesmers for everything when that's besides the case...

And then Anet listens to the community in basically the only instance where Anet listens to anyone, and that is when the community cries about Mesmers so Anet, without any though whatsoever, just caves in.

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