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How big deal was the changes to guardian in pvp recent changes?


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"Stand Your Ground!": Increased cooldown from 45 seconds to 60 seconds in PvP only.Pure of Heart: Reduced heal scaling from 0.3 to 0.15 in PvP only.Virtue of Resolve: Reduced heal scaling from 1.4 to 1.0 in PvP only.Shield of Judgment: Reduced protection duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.Permeating Wrath: Reduced burning duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.Eternal Armory: Reduced burning duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.Sword of Justice: Reduced ammunition count from 3 to 2 in PvP only. Increased cooldown between skill uses from 1 second to 5 seconds in PvP only.

The burn reduction sounds pretty noticeable since its half the amount so are you guys still able to do good burn damage? Would you say its merited?

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@"Axl.8924" said:"Stand Your Ground!": Increased cooldown from 45 seconds to 60 seconds in PvP only.Over nerf.Pure of Heart: Reduced heal scaling from 0.3 to 0.15 in PvP only./mehVirtue of Resolve: Reduced heal scaling from 1.4 to 1.0 in PvP only.Big reduction right there.Shield of Judgment: Reduced protection duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.A CD increase would have been more appropriate.Permeating Wrath: Reduced burning duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.It was put to 1.5s in WvW and I still melted people with it.Eternal Armory: Reduced burning duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.Its 2.5 s in WvW, and I still melted people with it.Sword of Justice: Reduced ammunition count from 3 to 2 in PvP only. Increased cooldown between skill uses from 1 second to 5 seconds in PvP only.This is acutally the big damage nerf. Part of WHY burn DH works well is the nonstop pew pew. SoJ ->Focus 4-> SoJ -> Scepter 3 ->Scepter 2 -> SoJ -> Swap Sword 2 -> SoJ -> F. The ammo reduction isn't that big of a deal. Its the 5s CD between uses that kills the skill. But then it being LESS spammy is kind of a good thing, both nerfs weren't needed though.The burn reduction sounds pretty noticeable since its half the amount so are you guys still able to do good burn damage? Would you say its merited?The burn reductions are not what will hurt Burn DH. Its SoJ having 500% less uptime that will hurt it.

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@Axl.8924 said:Can you guys still kill with burn DH?

Since the damage itself hasn't been touched and people usually died well before the four seconds were over, the duration nerf doesn't feel like it's much of consequence.People will probably soon find a way to fill the hole left by Sword of Justice nerfs.

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Support Guardian only were "a thing" in comformed teams, so the support nerfs will only certify that Guardian was dead in that role for most of the PvP players.Burn DH was the only popular/effective guardian build and I didn't liked it due how easy to counter was, so I barely play this class the last 4 months (in PvP).

I don't count to see a viable Guardian until at least the EoD release, but doesn't bothers me due I main Rev at PvP since HoT.

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Permeating Wrath traited, base duration is now 2 seconds worth of burn ticks. Without the trait it goes up to 4 seconds base duration.(burn duration tooltips are not updated in the game with the Permeating Wrath nerf so this can be confusing for some)

@Lan Deathrider.5910 It's not about the people who already melt from conditions, it's about the players who don't. The players who generally don't have issues with conditions will cleanse their condis off in 2 to 3 second after condis are applied but I know of plenty of situations where a thief/rev/engi runs off with stacks of conditions on themselves, downing them right before the burn duration ends.

A bit bitter about the nerf but in all honesty this should have been applied a long time ago.... I would have gladly taken this nerf instead of them nerfing Amplified Wrath damage. Still not happy about that lol.

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@Saiyan.1704 said:Permeating Wrath traited, base duration is now 2 seconds worth of burn ticks. Without the trait it goes up to 4 seconds base duration.(burn duration tooltips are not updated in the game with the Permeating Wrath nerf so this can be confusing for some)

@Lan Deathrider.5910 It's not about the people who already melt from conditions, it's about the players who don't. The players who generally don't have issues with conditions will cleanse their condis off in 2 to 3 second after condis are applied but I know of plenty of situations where a thief/rev/engi runs off with stacks of conditions on themselves, downing them right before the burn duration ends.If they weren't going to melt before they aren't going to now, those that allowed themsleves to be melted will still be melted. Those thieves/rev/engis that ran off before to die are the players that let themselves get melted, but had the sense to at least run at some point. You'll still kill a few of them but some will get away now, which is fine I suppose.A bit bitter about the nerf but in all honesty this should have been applied a long time ago.... I would have gladly taken this nerf instead of them nerfing Amplified Wrath damage. Still not happy about that lol.The nerf did need to happen its true, but at this point Anet needs to start buffing things instead of nerfing.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Permeating Wrath
traited, base duration is now 2 seconds worth of burn ticks. Without the trait it goes up to 4 seconds base duration.(burn duration tooltips are not updated in the game with the Permeating Wrath nerf so this can be confusing for some)

@Lan Deathrider.5910 It's not about the people who already melt from conditions, it's about the players who don't. The players who generally don't have issues with conditions will cleanse their condis off in 2 to 3 second after condis are applied but I know of plenty of situations where a thief/rev/engi runs off with stacks of conditions on themselves, downing them right before the burn duration ends.If they weren't going to melt before they aren't going to now, those that allowed themsleves to be melted will still be melted. Those thieves/rev/engis that ran off before to die are the players that let themselves get melted, but had the sense to at least run at some point. You'll still kill a few of them but some will get away now, which is fine I suppose.A bit bitter about the nerf but in all honesty this should have been applied a long time ago.... I would have gladly taken this nerf instead of them nerfing
Amplified Wrath
damage. Still not happy about that lol.The nerf did need to happen its true, but at this point Anet needs to start buffing things instead of nerfing.

Sounds like folks complaining about lb2 on ranger, the kinda folk who stand in range don-t hide behind stuff then complain when they take tons of damage.

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@Axl.8924 said:

Permeating Wrath
traited, base duration is now 2 seconds worth of burn ticks. Without the trait it goes up to 4 seconds base duration.(burn duration tooltips are not updated in the game with the Permeating Wrath nerf so this can be confusing for some)

@Lan Deathrider.5910 It's not about the people who already melt from conditions, it's about the players who don't. The players who generally don't have issues with conditions will cleanse their condis off in 2 to 3 second after condis are applied but I know of plenty of situations where a thief/rev/engi runs off with stacks of conditions on themselves, downing them right before the burn duration ends.If they weren't going to melt before they aren't going to now, those that allowed themsleves to be melted will still be melted. Those thieves/rev/engis that ran off before to die are the players that let themselves get melted, but had the sense to at least run at some point. You'll still kill a few of them but some will get away now, which is fine I suppose.A bit bitter about the nerf but in all honesty this should have been applied a long time ago.... I would have gladly taken this nerf instead of them nerfing
Amplified Wrath
damage. Still not happy about that lol.The nerf did need to happen its true, but at this point Anet needs to start buffing things instead of nerfing.

Sounds like folks complaining about lb2 on ranger, the kinda folk who stand in range don-t hide behind stuff then complain when they take tons of damage.

Or Volley for that matter.

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