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Aqua legendary mask soon?


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How I understand in EoD can also be extended water content, and can come one of greatest thing - legendary aquatic mask.So probably time not selll all MC after day reward come .. I am not sure but probably we will need 250 for mask, so time to keep it.Also ofc some gold :)If anyone have additional info about it - welcome

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I think you are misguided about EoD consisting of extended water content. There is nothing indicating this.What do we know (with relevance to this subject)?

  • EoD plays in Cantha, a continent to the south of elona. This is a landmass.
  • There is an island off the coast we have visited in GW1 and they released concept art about that area.
  • There is also an inland sea we visited in gw1, but it was solified due to the jade wind. There are indication it might have been turned liquid again.
  • There are three of the elder dragons still in existence right now. Primordus, Jormag and the unknown deep sea dragon. There is also the dragon Kuunavang who was talking in the trailer to what people assume to be the deep sea dragon.

Some people read these things as an indication that due to the involvement of the deep sea dragon, that there would also be content in the ocean. This is not certain and might be based on hope. Reality is that GW2 didn't do a lot about underwater combat and environments since it's launch. Much content released since launch had shallow water in the playable parts of the maps or deadly waters. there are no new weapon sets for underwater combat. They did release some QoL updates to it, but it is mostly a niche. The main reason is that a good amount of people do not like underwater combat and find it dissorientating. Although there is also a good amount of people who like the format, the first group is considered more important. For them it is a gamebreaker.

So all in all, in my expectations, there will hardly be any underwater combat and environments in EoD

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@mercury ranique.2170 said:I think you are misguided about EoD consisting of extended water content. There is nothing indicating this.5 years ago we predict that in next expansion will be aqua raid. It is only predictions. But who know? Will see.

What do we know (with relevance to this subject)?we know what around any land - water

So all in all, in my expectations, there will hardly be any underwater combat and environments in EoDit not disturb realize legendary mask

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@"mercury ranique.2170" said:I think you are misguided about EoD consisting of extended water content. There is nothing indicating this.

OP said "can also be extended water content", not "will be extended water content" ;)

That being said myself I don't have any hopes or predictions - what will be there, will be there, we shall see when we will start getting more info.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@HappyHubris.1096 said:No more underwater content ever, please. The daily fractals are bad enough.many people wait water raid wing :) yes not all ready for that, but who say that all content should be liked from everyone?

Yea I dont think it is as many as you belive mate.

lol i will do, the only real problem with underwater content is a lack of skills/buff, with rework it's could become good, (make alternate verison of skill you can't use in underwater like the ele tornado for exemple).

I'm even up for a cm of twin largos underwater.

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A Legendary dive helmet would be nice for those OCD people who MUST finish their collections.

Maybe the Jade Sea is only solid on the surface and is hollow underneath with new (jade) monsters.

This would make use of the skimmer and maybe upgraded underwater combat skills.

And, fingers crossed, a next generation for each of the Legendary trident, spear, and harpoon gun.

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