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This may be wishful thinking. Since we all know mystic coins keep going up on the TP and i’ve noticed most legendaries have gone up on the TP as well. In addition, the supply of both have gone down. I wonder if some people know the legendary armory is coming very soon. Possibly at the end of the ice brood saga which would cause both of said items to go a lot higher.i really don’t think they can realease the armorary with the expansion as it ties into already bought build templates.So my guess is at the end of this month! Hope i’m right...

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The supply of Mystic Coins has gone down? Excuse me? They're still daily rewards and WvW/PvP/Fractal/Leyline rewards, i don't think they removed one particular method of obtaining them. So supply is still the same as ever, not sure what you're on about there...

That's a pretty huge speculation though, just based on some TP fluctuation...

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The main reason why mystic coins went up is that someone (likely a TP baron) put a wall of buy orders on the TP that will take years to possibly work through. The result of this means there's artificial demand with the buy price never dropping (indeed actually getting nudged up by players who want MC sooner rather than later) and the sell price creeping up with the supply being the same as before the buy wall.

The increase in price falls within average TP fluctuations, especially with increased demand that outpaces supply.

The only thing I can think of that may be having a (small) effect of the price is people speculating that the finale of IBS will have a legendary item that will need MCs to make and are stocking up ahead of time.

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@Roda.7468 said:Maybe I'm missing something, but why would it cause the items to go higher?Doesn't the armory remove the need to craft more than one legendary if you don't want to inventory shuffle every time you chance a character?It does, but when/if the armory comes you know there will be a huuuuge initial rush to make more legendaries so people can fill their slots. When that rush is over the demand will be less and prices will probably drop. So of course people with money to spare would be smart to stockpile now. Wouldnt surprise me if MC spike to 5g+ the first week of release, lol.

On top of that you have the expansion incoming which probably have new legendaries.

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You may be on something, but I don't think Legendary Armory will be the next Mystic Coin sinker. But with last Champion Episode a new legendary may be added, a new trinket or a breather or something. Legendary Armory is a very good selling point for next expansion I don't think they will waste it on a minor update.

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who care price? imore easy buy weapon insta from TPAnd if craft lef armor, no matter wvw or spvp - enough clover from tracks.Pve raid armor use long story and need raids, so more btter skip it. So in this way you cant worrry about prices, and if realize armory if you keep some mind - nothing bad happen for you

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There's been no Announcements or even updates since September 2020.People have been speculating that it'll be coming soon for over a year. We all hope that It'll be released with or close to the expansion but in reality we don't know anything.

The Mystic coin prices is an unrelated thing that has been an ongoing thing for a couple of months now.

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