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Resurrection speed is completely out of control

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Worst thing about this disproportionate revive power is that it is becoming much much more difficult to actually win 1v2s. It used to be where a p+ player could consistently win 1v2s against gold opponents, but now all they have to do is land 1 CC at the right time against the p2 and that is enough time to res their downed partner with full health again.

Getting to be pretty cringe tbh.

Even in WvW lately, this revive kitten is pretty much the opposite of "no downstate". During "no downstate" events, stronger roamers can easily win 1v2s or 1v3s. But with this ridiculous revive meta, a strong roamer can rarely actually finish 1v2s because dudes revive each other too fast.

It's creating a bad feel to the game imo, where it feels like a handicap has been placed vs. veteran players to where sheer numbers just cancels your level of experience over other players. I don't like this effect personally.

This was the point of the downstate mechanic right from the start. People don't want to hear it, but Guild Wars 2 was at the start marketed as a more casual mmo, and the devs added the downstate mechanic because it acts as a sort of "comeback mechanic" for bad/casual players, so they wouldn't get punished too hard and get frustrated.

I completely agree with there being a downstate mechanic for that very reason as well as others. I do not advocate removing downstate by any means. It would cause way way way too many DEEP balance issues that people are not quite recognizing, the ones who do advocate removing downstate that is.

My point is that the downstate should make it "easy" for two casuals to beat a strong veteran 2v1, but it shouldn't "guarantee" that they can beat a strong veteran 2v1.

Yeah they should obviously not just remove downstate straight up, however I would love to see a no-downstate miniseason. To me, miniseasons are there to try shit out, and this seems like a perfect thing to try. No-rally would also be interesting.

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Whenever I see one or multiple people trying to revive someone while in the middle of enemy cleave, I see the reviver(s) going down more often than than not. They're committed to that revive, not doing anything else. Except, I guess, instant casts. The only exception is a bit of sneaky stealth play (sneak gyro, shadow refuge, search and rescue + druid stealth, smoke field blast etc). As the opposition, it's nice to see a bunch of people huddled together in easy cleave range. Those Scourges that used to shit endless barrier for days now try to ply their transfuse trade and instead usually bite the dust themselves. A bit of karma for all of the bunker abuse pre-nerf, I guess, but I suppose my point is there are counterplay options. Control/interrupts, AoE/cleave damage & poison will go a long way -- especially against foes who aren't fighting back.

Honestly the best revive mechanics are instant revive mechanics, and even those are hardly perfect.

If I have an ally in down state and no clean way to try and revive them, I'll try and take the opportunity to focus someone else low while they're committed to that stomp. If I fail, usually I'm outnumbered and will move off point.

All of this comes from my experience in gold 3, mind, it might feel different in higher and lower ranks.

~ Kovu

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With all the aoes you find in teamfights there often is a risk that you have to consider. There are a lot of situations where it is better to not rez or just revive a little to prevent bleeding and then go back to racing to get a kill. I really like that. The only part I do not like is having to wait while I am bleeding but it also helped me winning some games sooooooo...Also this season I do not see that many rez with the amount of cc my chrono has :lol:

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