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Roleplay Character Roster

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Character’s in-game name: Ivaadi Salwa


Character’s gender/pronouns: She/They


Character’s species: Norn


Briefly describe their physical appearance if it differs from their character model: (see image of character below)


Is there any place a stranger might have seen them before in passing? Mostly frequents the Free City of Amnoon, sometimes seen in Lions Arch and Divinity's Reach.


Is there any gossip a stranger might have heard about them, whether true or false? 

"I hear that after they came back from the Mists, they now have some sort of psychic power."

"She abandoned her martial duty to become a wandering doomsayer."


Additional info: Ivaadi is available for oracle readings around Tyria. These readings are performed IRL with actual cards and shuffled and drawn for the seeker. Tyrian coin is appreciated for time offered.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Character’s in-game name: Sven Delacroix


Character’s gender/pronouns: Male, he/him


Character’s species: Norn


Briefly describe their physical appearance if it differs from their character model:  Not much other than he is unusually muscular


Is there any place a stranger might have seen them before in passing?


-Lion's Arch

-Havoc's Heir Airship

-The Eye of the North


Is there any gossip a stranger might have heard about them, whether true or false?


"He's surprisingly fast for a beefy man in bulky armor"


Additional info:

   Sven was found, abandoned in the freezing cold, and raised by a human guardian named Alexander Delacroix, who raised him in a monastery in the mountains that trained guardians of various races. Alex gave him his first name (as it was the only norn-like name he could think of), but Sven chose to take on the name "Delacroix" after his adoptive father. When he came of age, Sven left the monastery a fledgling guardian, as if blessed by Bear herself, determined to make his legend as a protector to those in need


   When a jotun wielding the ancient hammer known as The Juggernaut was wreaking havoc throughout the Shiverpeaks, Sven battled them in single combat and defeated them. He spared the jotun and took the hammer as his prize. It has always been at his side ever since 




Edited by Mediahead.3542
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  • 3 months later...

Character’s in-game name: Aelius Wrenne (Aelius.1624 (EU))


Character’s gender/pronouns: He/Him


Character’s species: Sylvari


Briefly describe their physical appearance if it differs from their character model:
An elegant like structure that represents the cold dark winter that Aelius was risen from, during the Night. 

Formed by winter branches and darkwood skin, this Sylvari was born with rapid branches that can be used for Archery, as a result of being a chosen Ranger for the Wyld Hunt.


Is there any place a stranger might have seen them before in passing?

- This Sylvari has a large amount of curiosity and tends to wonder all around the map of Tyria, seeking for something to fulfill his curiosity.


Is there any gossip a stranger might have heard about them, whether true or false?

- This strange Sylvari is noted to be a Soundless, whether true or false remains a mystery as it is only a rumour. 

- He glows the brightest at night, as he was awoken during the cycle of Night. 



Additional info:



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  • 7 months later...

Character’s in-game name: Matthias Halloway


Character’s gender/pronouns: Male, He/Him


Character’s species: Human


Briefly describe their physical appearance if it differs from their character model: Matthias has a few scars along the right side of his face with one just barely missing his right eye. Body is littered with even more scars from over the years he has been traveling around. Hair is mostly black with a few strands of gray mixed into it.


  • Is there any place a stranger might have seen them before in passing?
  • Divinity's Reach
  • Lion's Arch
  • Kessek Hills
  • Gendarran Fields


Is there any gossip a stranger might have heard about them, whether true or false?

"The Halloway family? kitten shame what happened to that family. They were good, upstanding farmers once but that eldest son is something else."

"Matthias Halloway used to be such a good guy. As of late though he seems to be nothing but trouble. Always hanging around taverns and drinking."

"Oh that Halloway guy? I swear he looks like he is trying to pass for some kind of bandit yet he recently helped me chase off a bunch of thieves from my land."

"I heard about this traveling sales man who sells all kinds of bombs, grenades and fireworks. Think his name starts with an 'M'?"


Additional info:

Matthias can be hired for assassin work or bodyguard work. He can also be hired as an explosive/demo expert along with the fact that he sells his own set of explosives that range from actually dangerous to 'for fun' prank type use. Matthias tends to travel around ALOT and is always willing to strike up a conversation. Especially if drinking is involved.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Character’s in-game name: Lord Biz


Character’s gender/pronouns: Male He/Him


Character’s species: Human/Goddess


Briefly describe their physical appearance if it differs from their character model: 


He is a very fit and agile man who can run at the speed of a cheetah, and has the strength of a rhino. He uses the ability goddess blessing, which makes keeps his physical appearance at 30 when he is actually much older. He is missing both of his arms, but has made illusion arms out of the rite of the mesmer.


Is there any place a stranger might have seen them before in passing?


- Often found in Divinity's Reach (Plaza Of Dwayna) 

- Commonly travels through the mists

- Can be found in Windswept Haven, the headquarters of his guild, (TKOP)

- has been spotted several times in Lake Doric 



Is there any gossip a stranger might have heard about them, whether true or false?


- They are are a herald of Dwayna

- They are century's old

- They are half goddess

- They have huge soft white wings

- They avoid talking to all races 

- Not much is known about them besides their physcial appearance 


Additional info:

Biz was born a very helpful and kind human, he would help lost and undead souls find their way back and avoid conflict as much as possible. He was recognized for his actions by the goddess of life, Dwayna. Because of his good deeds Dwayna made him her herald. After an argument with Balthazar, Dwayna was furious and Balthazar offered a solution, a duel. Dwayna accepted, however the duel was not between themselves but rather their heralds. Biz fought and lost, his punishment was being burned alive. After the duel Dwayna was racked with guilt as she had practically killed her herald, so she casted a forbidden spell of life, bringing Biz back to life with the a fraction of Dwayna's powers and his own. Although he became immensely stronger, he also lost some of his emotions as a result. He became cold and would kill often in the name of the light. Dwayna kept him her herald nonetheless. He challenged Balthazars herald once more, and this time he won. He purged what was left of her soul out of exsistence, killing her.  He has carried out Dwayna's duties for over 400 years. 

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  • 3 months later...

Character’s in-game name:
Lin Xia

Character’s gender/pronouns:
Female/ She or Her

Character’s species:

Briefly describe their physical appearance if it differs from their character model:
Lin Xia is a Canthan, hence she exhibits an East Asian physical appearance. 

Is there any place a stranger might have seen them before in passing?
She is often found at Divinity's Reach, Lion's Arch, Marshwatch Haven or Stormbluff Isle (Bloodtide Coast) and Claypool (Queensdale)

Is there any gossip a stranger might have heard about them, whether true or false?
She might seem reserved and cold at first, but once you get to know her, she can be very friendly and chatty.

Additional info:
She was born in Seitung Province and raised in Kryta. Her choice of armor reflects her heritage and the place she grew up - Monastery Coat, Shoulderpads and Gloves combined with Noble Pants, Rawhide Boots and Marauder Mask.

Screenshot & Profile: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xmt3wrCUYD96h0IOx320R_qHUQRyilRz/view?usp=share_link

Edited by epiphanyli.6514
Spacing issue.
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Character’s in-game name: Kandykanes


Character’s gender/pronouns: female/she/her/girl/lady


Character’s species: Human


Briefly describe their physical appearance if it differs from their character model: Skin slightly tanned for spending much of her time in the wilds. Her hair is a bright red afro and she loves it.


(There are pictures, but I dont know how to insert them)


She somehow sprouted golden wings that appear at times (she is a little embarressed about them).


Is there any place a stranger might have seen them before in passing? She frequents Divinity's Reach at the Ministers Waypoint. She had been spotted at Lions Arch and The Silverwastes.


Is there any gossip a stranger might have heard about them, whether true or false?

  1. Rumour is that she let her best friend die while saving orphans. While it is true that she saved orphans, she did NOT let her friend die. It was something she had no control of, but she had her revenge by poking the murdere in the eye with an arrow.
  2. Some say that she is an aquaintance of the queen... but how could that be, she is only a commoner.
  3. They say she communes with animals. This is true, she has a companion animal (leopard) called Lollypop that never leaves her side and will fight alongside her.
  4. Kandykanes is an amazing archer and always carries a bow on her back.
  5. There are whispers of her being a member of a secret society, one that fights in the shadows for the queen.
  6. People stand in awe at her golden wings. Kandkanes does not know where they came from and is a little embarressed about them. Her friends say that she was blessed by the Gods and should be proud of them.

Additional info:  Home World:  Darkhaven


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Character’s in-game name: 


(Zinnaren whenever he does not have iboga with him)


Character’s gender/pronouns:

Tir is male



Character’s species: 



Briefly describe their physical appearance if it differs from their character model:

Tirmaric's face is smooth, and does not have the assymetric lines the in-game model has.

Most notably, he lacks the typical nose with two nostrils. Instead, he has a rather smooth face with six slits. These slits are virtually invisible until he becomes annoyed or smiles widely, and they flare out.

He also possesses a split tongue, which further serves to make his features appear more reptilian.

The unusual appearances of his face and tongue strongly suggest they are the result of shaping.

Less pleasant looking are scars where he had been pruned, which now form coppery bands between his original body and the regrown parts. The bands can be seen clearly halfway both ears, and at seven of his fingers. Both thumbs and the index finger of his right hand do not have these scars.


Is there any place a stranger might have seen them before in passing?

Highly likely: anyone who has visited Brigid's Overlook.

Quite likely: those frequenting the area around Ventry Bay.

Likely: the Grove, and the paths between the Grove and the Sperrins.

Less likely: Lion's Arch, and some locations throughout Tyria where he and his captain organised a market.


Is there any gossip a stranger might have heard about them, whether true or false?

"The Black Coroner never sleeps. I heard it's because of his conscience. You know, the experiments.."

"So he's got these trees, or so the rumours go, and he can grow sylvari on them. They don't have a mind, but they're close to the real deal as you can get. I'm telling you - there's something off about him!"

"Word has it he escaped a court, and that's why he hates everything Nightmare."

"There are no limits. He will give his all when modifying you. Actually, I'm considering having him grow me another set of arms. I know he can do it. Can you imagine the look on the Mother's face when I show her?"

"All I's 'ear' 'bout 'im is 'e's a smartir one. Ain' gonn' be keepin' secrits 'roun' 'im. Ah so's they sayin'."

"In possession of remarkably blood-thirsty vegetation. My informants have determined his pet parasites have a more intractable culmination than previously anticipated: humanoid shape with similar motoric capacities, and the same desire for animal based nutrition."

"The best prosthetics in all of Tyria! And when you're sylvari, it's not just the removable ones, but they can be grafted on you! How cool is that?"

"Deals with criminals. I heard whispers he's been doing business with this one charr in the Arch. It's big, I'm telling you!"

"More arrogant than the average asura, but a bit more forgiving as well. Usually. Sometimes? Just don't annoy him."


Additional info:

  • Tir is a warden coroner, and second in command to Warden Captain Staelwyr at Brigid's Overlook.
  • When not investigating deaths, can be found teaching and mending.
  • His specialisations are in regards to restoration and halting of physical deterioration.
  • Exceptionally skilled with mending, shaping, and cooking.
  • This person plays a huge role in the warden-owned  company Two of Cups.
  • Truly dislikes Nightmare - he will never mend somebody who has fallen.
  • Distrusts Soundless sylvari until he is entirely certain they are Dreamers.
  • If you need any of the items from any of the pages of Two of Cup's widely spread list of products and services, or need to have something similar produced, reaching out to Tir may be helpful to you.



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  • 3 months later...
9 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


How can I do that myself?

You need to create a page in carrd site. It's easy to learn how to use it, though you will be limited in terms of how much you can put in there unless you subscribe to it.

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Character’s in-game name:

Pegasus Skyguardian


Character’s gender/pronouns:

Male He/Him


Character’s species:

Human (Former Guardian Angel)



Guardian  (Dragon Hunter) , formely Paragon


Briefly describe their physical appearance if it differs from their character model:

Used to have real angel wings and an Halo.

Occasionally displays spirit wings.


Is there any place a stranger might have seen them before in passing?

Worshipping Statues of the previous 5 Gods spread around Tyria and Especially in Divinity's Reach.

Occasionally visits Ascalon...

He likes to walk all the distance from Lion's Arch to Ascalon, using the North Route; and vice versa.


Is there any gossip a stranger might have heard about them, whether true or false?

"He was a Guardian Angel once. Working directly with the Gods of Tyria"

"He and another 9 original members of STG Guild are from the past; when there were still dwarves"

"I swear I can see an halo above his head"

"Sometimes he displays wings..."

"Even though he is a leader of a Guild, he avoids combat"


Additional info:

Pegasus was once a Guardian Angel that watched over the members of STG Guild. When prince Rurick died to assure the survivors made it to Kryta, Pegasus gave up his Holy status, realising he could better serve humanity by being at their side, as a human.


In the transition from Holy being to Human, Abaddon tried to snatch him, but found Varesh Instead, so he let go of him.

Pegasus appeared in Elona and was taken into the sunspears where he taught them the Art of Holy War: The Paragon.

He Joined the Soul Temple Guardians, formely commanded by a warrior known only as Cerberus.

When Cerberus mysteriously disappeared around Droknar's Forge, Pegasus became the leader of the guild, who later after defeating The Great destroyer was called by kormir who told them they needed to travel to the future to help fight the Dragons.

She opened a portal and so the original ten members travelled to future Tyria just in time to start fighting the Dragons.

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Character’s in-game name:

Raziel Soulreaver

Character’s gender/pronouns:

Male He/Him

Character’s species:

Revenant. Formely Human, Vampire, Wraith


Revenant in actuality .

Warrior as a Human Saraphan.

Necromancer as a Vampire.

Elemental Glyphs as a Wraith.

Briefly describe their physical appearance if it differs from their character model:

Raziel has deep blue colour body, displaying mostly muscle tissue under the thin layer of skin.

Has vampiric features such as pointy ears and fangs.

Three Claws instead of fingers.

Two thick frontal Talons instead of toes and a shorter thicker one instead of a heel.

Has boneless broken and ripped wings that hang down his back but can be used as a glider.

His Jaw is missing, which he covers up with his side cape.


Is there any place a stranger might have seen them before in passing?

Going in and out portals to the underworld and the spirit realm.

Visits Glint's former den and the pillars in North Elona. 

Also seen in the tomb of the primeval kings.


Is there any gossip a stranger might have heard about them, whether true or false?

"Wasn't he a vampire once?"

"A vampire? Wasn't he human?"

"Wasn't he a wraith once that consumed enemy's souls?"


Additional info:

Raziel was born into a clan named the Saraphan, in a time where the war against the vampires was at its peak.

In a sense of irony, Raziel as a wraith killed his human version and his brothers in arms.

He was Raised from the dead by Kain, the vampire balance Guardian to the pillars of Nosgoth.

Raziel served him a millennium as a vampire and first lieutenant. 

In a desperate move, kain teared raziel's wings and threw him in the Abyss.

Centuries later, Raziel is reborn as a revenant wraith by a mysterious God, who gave raziel special abilities and encourage him to seek vengeance. 

Raziel encountered kain, who opened a portal to another time in Nosgoth and Raziel pursued him... only to find they both appeared in an entire different timeline than theirs, in a place called tyria.

Leaving all of Nosgorh drama behind, they now fight alongside eachother and the species of tyria against the dragons.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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