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Piken Square WvW

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Seems EU has the same problem as NA, servers with blobs and fight groups bitchin about weaker servers not giving them free bags and playing to win by ppt. Players that want fights should become roamers, but then they have to rely on their own skills and not leeching off a group so that never happens. PPT and PPK both contribute to war score and both have adherents that are usually at odds with each other instead of working in  synchrony. Zerglings  stacking servers until they lop side the matches so much they transfer to other servers for more fights/ Blobits stacking for easy wins and K Trains. Defenders are usually more server stable and seemly more prideful but often at odds with Blobits and Zerglings when objectives are lost due to the aforementioned being spending an hour fighting at one spot and not responding to callouts. Roamers usually are also defenders but include gankers and duelers, they seem to be server stable but occasionally move. All these groups should be working together, when they don't it makes for a bad gaming experience for all.

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I think I know now who the op is. The guy that is bad mouthing all the Piken commanders for whatever purpose.

Piken has quite a mature community, working people, parents. Chilled people, very nice community, not hardcore at all. Not really caring that much, just having fun. Some really funny commanders. TS, Discord is usually chatter about random stuff, not really about the game. 

When op starts with his no life rants its really pitiful. I think most people pity him that he is so caught up in his ingame agenda all the time. 

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