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all around pve build DH or FB?


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5 hours ago, stuntkiller.2980 said:

ppl for current pve  events and solo history/content what build should i use on guardian i see alot of builds but no one says  this is a build for pve they poit to 10 at the same time...

what is currently best at open world pve/history?




The 'best' build is the one you actually enjoy playing. I like this DH build for open world/story. For me, an OW build has to work well soloing in HoT. I like the mobility from Sword2 and Judges Intervention: 



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12 hours ago, stuntkiller.2980 said:

ppl for current pve  events and solo history/content what build should i use on guardian i see alot of builds but no one says  this is a build for pve they poit to 10 at the same time...

what is currently best at open world pve/history?



   In the past for PvE I used a power Herald with traps and zerk + marauder stats and Zeal (2,2,2) Virtues (1,2,3) Dragonhunter (1,1,2) with greatsword & long bow. But lately I've been playing two Firebrand builds. One does direct damage and is based on the Hizen's build:




   Mostly Marauder + Cavalier with Radiance, Valor and FB. Has rich mechanics and combos but requires a good management of the quickness. The drawback is that the damage is ok but not great.


   The other one (which I play the most) is a burn FB based on the Roul's build:




   Full trailblazer + either Balthazar or Traveler runes (extra damage or mobility). Does damage way faster than the power one and melts most of things before they are even able to damage you. My only complain is that is not as fast breaking defiance bars as the Revenant builds I use (or at least I'm not as good at that task with my Guardians compared to my Revs). Anyway, the damage is insane (at least until the nerf of the next week).

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Full trailblazer firebrand is currently the most efficient and secure build to play, because monsters in openworld present some real challenges for full dps builds. You will have to play against champions and hard hitting monsters (like snipers in HoT) and you really don't want to be squishy, especially if you are aiming to do certain achievements where your survival is a requirement.

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   By the way I would add that the nerfs to the burn procs from symbols and Sword of Justice weren't that bad in PvE because ANet also buffed the power damage to Exposed enemies a 30% but a 100% with condition damage. So, with burn being so bursty even the lower procs result in similar damage; typically you can kill a veteran aberration before they even cast their counter attack barrier (break the defiant bar, drop your attacks and nuke it in seconds).

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I tend to enjoy DH over FB, but that's more to DH being easier for me to figure out as it wasn't a huge departure gameplay wise from the Core build I played prior to HoT. 


FB I just never got the hang of all the books and such. What's funny is back in the Core days we had elite skills that were defensive and offensive tomes. One of these days I might try FB again.

Edited by Faridah.8431
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