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What is that mesmer burst which can one shot you?


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I'm not asking for nerfs just looking for ways to recognice and counter the burst. 


It is like out of the blu a bunch of clones appear around you and a mindwrack can eat up to 20K of your life. All that in less than a second. 


How it is done? Is it possible to avoid? How often can be cast? 

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Many possibilities tbh. Chrono, core or mirage?


Assuming Greatsword? ie mirror blade into F1 burst, in which case you can see/hear the mirror blade projectile if cast initiated from range and can dodge appropriately. If stealth straight into melee then need to be aware if mesmer in vicinity and audio for stealth - eg prestige, mass invis have very distinct audio even if you don't see them stealth can easily hear them. Can time it to counter stealth or mobility/dodge. In any case mirror blade needs to hit first to create 1 clone, and not like old style where after blinking in you'd dodge overhead with deceptive evasion to create second clone for F1.


Could be complete yolo mirror images into F1 which is only real way for instant burst out of nothing. Everything else requires at least a moment's setup.


Cooldown depends if taking Illusions trait line or not - in any case F1 in the ballpark of ~10s (12 untraited, and less bearing in mind eg alacrity on chrono), so can get a feel of the flow when they likely to come in for the burst and when they have nothing.


But I haven't played the game much or power shatter for ages so someone else could give a more accurate reason of what people use now days.

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If we're talking power, while there nowadays might be slightly varying set ups, all bursty Mesmer ambushes follow a similar approach. What they have in common: they blow a significant amount of cooldowns and leave the Mesmer vulnerable. None of them happen within a second. None of them are one-hit. And: they usually need to be able to target you.


Cururen mentioned different scenarios but if you want more help people will need more information about what happened.

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Actually i think is the greatsword-> F1 . I have a short video of 3s.


In this one the mesmer teleport closer to me, spawn the clones, daze me with Powerlock (interrupting any action)  and call the burst in less than a second. It is not the best example thou, other times the clones manage to spawn closer to me so the F1 is instant. 


It seems to be a full utility bar action and single target thou and i am not asking for any nerfs. Just to know if there is any counterplay for this burst. 



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I can see several skills used in that vid but its your typical glass chrono shatter combo (slow indicating delayed reaction)

GS4 berserkers + GS2 (mid cast) with blink to close range + power lock + power spike 1-2x + F1.

Traitlines/utility based on the conditions/boon stripped you received would be something like this but incomplete, maybe deceptive evasion over superiority complex but who knows.


It'll be unfair to catch that burst in WvW among zerg fight tbh, but as you see it has next to no sustain/condi cleanse.

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I do a lot of WvW (Mesmer main) and bump into the usual burst Mesmers lol 🤣🙄. It's a fragile build but gets the job done ONLY to unsuspecting targets, however, there's alot of professions that have "emergency" invulnerability, dodges, high health bars etc... so regardless if you unload everything and it doesn't kill your target, you're literally a sitting duck and have nothing to defend yourself with.


So, as "advice" especially in a WvW scenario, it's always important to have skills that offer: mobility, break stun and cleanses, either running solo or in a group. Usually my role in WvW is just picking off the enemy backline and downs.

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17 minutes ago, Tseison.4659 said:

I do a lot of WvW (Mesmer main) and bump into the usual burst Mesmers lol 🤣🙄. It's a fragile build but gets the job done ONLY to unsuspecting targets, however, there's alot of professions that have "emergency" invulnerability, dodges, high health bars etc... so regardless if you unload everything and it doesn't kill your target, you're literally a sitting duck and have nothing to defend yourself with.


So, as "advice" especially in a WvW scenario, it's always important to have skills that offer: mobility, break stun and cleanses, either running solo or in a group. Usually my role in WvW is just picking off the enemy backline and downs.


Agree it mainly work on unsuspected. GS4 and GS2 has clear animation and it is mostly followed up with blink for burst, but sometimes mesmer can stow-cancel cast to bait out dodges. If mesmer use stealth via elite/offhand torch you know it may come within the next 3s so you can stack protection/stability or use any active defense/time dodges.


Having stability would cut down this burst by at 20%-30% damage (reduces vulnerability stacks and inactive bonus damage bonuses) and maybe give you enough time to dodge rest of combo. Sticking close to your zerg may also receive protection which again cuts damage by 30% and dissipates GS2 bounces/insta-destroy clone.


Most importantly its a one-trick pony and lack sustain, so it does end quickly...one way or the other. I wouldn't beat myself too much if caught offguard with all the visuals/zerg fights.

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NICENIKESHOE has covered it pretty well - looks like they precast GS4 with two izerkers spawning on you immediately and then blink/mirror blade with mantras into F1 and GS3 by the looks of it.


This is pretty unlucky as in wvw there's a lot to keep an eye out for, as well as longer play sessions typically causing slight loss in sharpness than eg in pvp, nevermind lag in big fights which is horrible when it comes to reacting to this kind of burst. And the additional pve stats so is possible to do massive damage in the right build.


However in an ideal situation as soon as you noticed a mesmer blink up to you I'd reaction dodge into them immediately. Of course this is easy to say vs do, though the point is the burst was not instant and is possible to react to (again bearing in mind additional challenge in wvw as mentioned above).


The #1 rule of thumb - if you see any mesmer blink to you, expect a burst and respond immediately - they're not going to waste vital cooldown like that for no reason.


And if you survive - they have nothing so are free to pressure/kill unless they gtfo or have allies. 🙂

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You use that gs throw skills, blink, f3 to get some vulnerably and maybe lucky interrupt sigil proc, power spike, f1. If enemy standing you can use f2, mind stab and change weapon to get icy burst from sigil. Good player probably would look what enemy doing and start with gs4 when enemy is out of dodges and stuff. 

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