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The fate of the Kurzicks and Luxons?


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So with EoD on the way, What do you guys think we'll learn regarding fates of the Kurzicks and Luxons in Cantha? Do you guys think they're still around in one way or another?


My own guess is that many were forcibly assimilated into Canthan culture while others were either killed or forced to flee either out to sea or go underground to escape persecution. And if either of those groups of people are in hiding, they might have put aside old grudges to form a resistance against the current regime and the Ministry of Purity

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They have been militarily taken-over and integrated into the Dragon Empire.


I don't think we will see much more, aside from remnants of their former buildings.

I'd be surprised if Arenanet actually put in any narrative effort into remnants resisting the Empire.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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2 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

They have been militarily taken-over and integrated into the Dragon Empire.


I don't think we will see much more, aside from remnants of their former buildings.

I'd be surprised if Arenanet actually put in any narrative effort into remnants resisting the Empire.

If they're smart they would include some sort of narrative of Underground Luxons and Kurzicks, if not as an outright resistance group than at least people of each merely secretly keeping their culture alive.

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I would love if the Luxon survived hidden in the Jade Sea.


It is their home and with the Jade Sea turning back into water, it seems possible. The Luxon were pretty advanced with their vehicles in GW1, the leviathans they built were great considering the overall level of technology. Maybe they advanced long enough to build a city under water in the Jade Sea?

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I would assume that even if they have been assimilated into the main Canthan empire, they would still live in the Echovold/Jade Sea. Kurzicks probably still have at least some of their Cathedrals if the Jade Wind hasn't been entirely reversed and Luxons have their Leviathans/turtles to navigate with (On that note, it would be awesome if there was a Luxon city/settlement built entirely on the backs of turtle(s)).

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Emperor Usoku unified Cantha by force, eliminating the Luxons and Kurzicks and quashing any rebellions and non-human settlements/factions such as exiling the Tengu.


To imagine this forceful unification of an Empire - albeit enforced by the Ministry of Purity and the Seven Canthan Spears - would remain uncontested is rather foolish. If several minorities in a population are suppressed, it is only a matter of time until a resistance will slowly start to build up, and I wouldn't be surprised to see civil unrest of some sort be part of the storyline in EoD.


Several groups I'd be excited to see again - in addition to the Canthans themselves - and these would include the Luxons and the Kurzicks, the Tengu, the Wardens of the Forest and the Nagas to name a few.

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In the year 1127 AE, Emperor Usoku, successor to Kisu, took a firm hold of his nation. He raised the Canthan military, spending millions in gold to arm his troops, and then swept the countryside. He defeated the Luxons and the Kurzick, incorporating these disparate people back into his nation. Usoku unified Cantha behind a strong national identity and began to drive out all non-humans. His regime was ironclad, tyrannical, and fierce. Those Canthans who did not agree with the emperor's dictates were given no choice but to leave their homeland, seeking refuge and sanctuary in Elona and Tyria.

As a result, Cantha became extremely isolationist. Once Orr rose from the ocean, those tendencies were reinforced by an inability to safely sail the western seas. Any ships venturing near the Strait of Malchor are sunk by the black ships, then dredged from the ocean floor by the Orrian dragon and commandeered into service. Thus, completely cut off from Kryta, Cantha vanished entirely. Travelers, refugees, and even Xunlai agents residing within Tyrian

heard nothing more from Cantha.

Sporadic sailors have washed ashore on the southern coast of the Maguuma jungles

, but that is the only evidence that Cantha even exists past the cataclysmic event that cut it off from Tyria. It can only be assumed that Usoku's successors continued his dictatorial, isolationist rule, and that Cantha continues beneath the iron fist of the emperor, as ever.


From: The Movement of the World

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9 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

Emperor Usoku unified Cantha by force, eliminating the Luxons and Kurzicks and quashing any rebellions and non-human settlements/factions such as exiling the Tengu.


To imagine this forceful unification of an Empire - albeit enforced by the Ministry of Purity and the Seven Canthan Spears - would remain uncontested is rather foolish. If several minorities in a population are suppressed, it is only a matter of time until a resistance will slowly start to build up, and I wouldn't be surprised to see civil unrest of some sort be part of the storyline in EoD.


Several groups I'd be excited to see again - in addition to the Canthans themselves - and these would include the Luxons and the Kurzicks, the Tengu, the Wardens of the Forest and the Nagas to name a few.

What is/are this "Seven Canthan Spears" you refer to?

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9 minutes ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

What is/are this "Seven Canthan Spears" you refer to?


Part of - or another name for - Emperor Usoku's Royal Guard iirc from the article I read. New lore gleaned from a journal entry that was released in Sunqua Peak Fractal.


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On 5/25/2021 at 6:42 AM, Dondarrion.2748 said:

To imagine this forceful unification of an Empire - albeit enforced by the Ministry of Purity and the Seven Canthan Spears - would remain uncontested is rather foolish. If several minorities in a population are suppressed, it is only a matter of time until a resistance will slowly start to build up, and I wouldn't be surprised to see civil unrest of some sort be part of the storyline in EoD.

I also think we'll see some dissenting opinions in the background during EoD, but I don't think there would be enough room in the expac to deal with an uprising plot. LWS6, however, would be a good place to do that imo, particularly gathering new Canthan allies in a rebellion against the empire (assuming it's still as oppressive against foreigners/out groups as it was in GW1, and apparently afterwards as well, based on the Sunqua Peak Fractal stories). Some of the potential allies could be Tengu, Luxons/Kurzicks, possibly some of the remaining gang survivors' descendants that survived the mass extermination in GW1, and/or any other non-human races that have succeeded in hiding from the Empire.


I also wonder whether the Tengu will get their ancestral lands back either in EoD or in LWS6, as that would be nice to see.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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