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Why reviving speed is actually kitten

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I think revival needs serious buffs in this game. Getting killed in PvP is demoralising, and may plant harmful violent tendencies in our youth, having killed in a video game. Make it more realistic, like getting government aid or loan from a relative when you're about to go down.

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Just my opinion - I think reviving speed is fine in most cases, the only spec that seems to be reviving not only fast but most successfully is Bunker Scourge, and Core Support guard second.

I think these two builds need their reviving abilities toned down as right now, having both in a team fight makes fights extremely long and exhausting as players keep getting revived on both sides.

I'm not sure how Scourge could be appropriately toned down in this regard so I don't have any suggestions, but I think Core Guard's rezz signet could be toned down by either 1 of the following options:

- least probable option as it would make it more distinct from its PvE version: Make it so you can't move while casting the signet, making it more noticeable and harder to pull off.

- Another good solution would be make the animation more noticeable and increase the sound cue as well.

- Increase the cooldown.

- increase the cast time.


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1 hour ago, DanSH.6143 said:

Just my opinion - I think reviving speed is fine in most cases, the only spec that seems to be reviving not only fast but most successfully is Bunker Scourge, and Core Support guard second.

I think these two builds need their reviving abilities toned down as right now, having both in a team fight makes fights extremely long and exhausting as players keep getting revived on both sides.

I'm not sure how Scourge could be appropriately toned down in this regard so I don't have any suggestions, but I think Core Guard's rezz signet could be toned down by either 1 of the following options:

- least probable option as it would make it more distinct from its PvE version: Make it so you can't move while casting the signet, making it more noticeable and harder to pull off.

- Another good solution would be make the animation more noticeable and increase the sound cue as well.

- Increase the cooldown.

- increase the cast time.


Healbreaker and support tempest both can revive pretty well too, tempest can revive while immune, just this 2 are not that viable at the current meta.


I dont think guard signet need to be nerfed. It pretty obvious that the support guardian is going to yry to use it if his aly goes down and a big simbol over his head appears when he do.

Edited by razaelll.8324
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6 minutes ago, DanSH.6143 said:

Tempest Aura Share is very viable in this meta.

The synergy between guardian and scourge is better imo thats why they are played a bit more i believe, but my point is tempest has a ress same as guardian, so why you target only guardians signet? Also warrior has banner...

But this abilities has pretty long CD so i think they are fine and the problem is more in the ress healing it self and scourge tankiness while doing so than in this skills.

Edited by razaelll.8324
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Just to point out how fast revival speed is right now, i downed an enemy with warrior rifle and at the exact same instance as an enemy attempted to revive, I used stomp utility ability to knock them away, by the time I even get through the stomp the target is already revived thus punishing me for taking the correct action in attemting to prevent the revival.

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On 6/2/2021 at 3:01 PM, Spellhunter.9675 said:

There is no point to make constructive dialogue with people who compain on forum without proper arguments but emotions only. Like "I CaNt ClEaVe oR StOmP pLz NeRf"

lmao. Seriously, what's wrong with you?


1) Blood ress can port the downed.

2) try to cleave as DPS against classes with ress traits. Oh, try to cleave solo against any class who is ressing.

3) try to cleave as 2 DPS against classes with ress traits -- Mesmer / scrapper / ele / guard / necro.

4) Do you see the MAT finals where prestige tried to cleave out worms?  (they were playing 5 DPS btw.)

5) Stomp? LMAO. First, not everyone has on demand stab. Second, you think no one will boon stripe the stab?


You are assuming others are as simple minded as you are, try to think one step further...

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