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Having Great difficulty getting back into the game!

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I used to play 5 years ago, played daily did arenas etc. Left for years and have come back to continue the story, however I boosted my Ranger instead of continuing with my Warrior and most story quests are in areas I cannot get to... I find myself running around zones only to find I cannot continue North or South because I am in a gorge or a mountain is in the way.


The quests do not explain how to get to that area it merely places a green star on the map and its ponderous! Very discouraging, I even purchased the map way point opening things whatever they are called and still cannot continue my story. Now I am at trying to use the Nochloch portal stones but I cannot unless I complete the Tangled Path which I cannot get to.


I wish you guys would help players it would increase popularity and maybe get the game population up? I try, I am running around helping fight beasts in the forgotten city area, but I have no idea why I am there and what I am trying to accomplish?


I just know thats where others are so I feel I am part of something, so I stay there.


I only have a Bear and a Panther, I cannot seem to find any new pets, Even the Pet wiki shows pets in areas I cannot get to?


I am uncertain if I am the only one like this, I bet there are others like me. Add to that the endless amounts of junk in my inventory that I delete and or sell having no idea what to do with it all. The game is fun, but its daunting with no direction!

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It sounds like you came back to the game and immediately went into Heart of Thorns or possibly Path of Fire storylines. That would explain both why you don't understand what's going on and why you're finding it so confusing. The expansion maps and stories are designed for players who have completed much of the base game and are already familiar with how things work, and the stories themselves go in order with each one building on the previous storylines events.


My advice is to take your new character back to the core game maps and play through the personal story first as that will help you re-learn how the game works and get used to basic navigation, then after that go through expansion maps by following the storylines which will make sure you have the necessary movement masteries trained up to reach your destination and give you time at appropriate points to explore and get used to how navigation works in those areas.


If you want to do the entire story in order so you understand what's going on the intended order is Personal Story > Season 1 recap > Season 2 > Heart of Thorns > Season 3 > Path of Fire > Season 4 > Icebrood Saga.


Alternatively if you want to carry on with what you're trying to do now tell us the story step you're currently on and someone here will be able to give you directions.

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Excuse me for saying this, but it sounds a bit like you are trying to play the game back to front. You are diving into an expansion story line (Heart of Thorns) and its associated areas (sounds like you are in the Auric Basin at the moment) without being familiar with the game's basics. Of course that's doable if that's how you like to play, but you will find a lot of situations where the game just expects the player to be familiar with certain basic concepts and mechanics that you are still missing.


One of the big design philosophies of this game is that the choice of where to go and what to do is mainly with the player. It's not one of the games that lead you every step of the way. The story is just a (small) part of what you can do, and as such neither meant to nor sufficient to lead you seamlessly through your gameplay. In core Tyria, the part of the game that we got with the original release, the story comes in chapters that unlock every 10 character levels. To reach those levels you need to go out, explore the world, and gather experience (which comes automatically from exploring and interacting with the world, no need to grind anything).


The expansion areas are designed for max-level (80) characters. In place of character levels, you now have account-wide mastery levels that unlock abilities, again by feeding them with experience, as well as mastery points that you can gain across the maps. Many of these mastery abilities open up new forms of movement, and in turn you sometimes need these abilities to access further parts of the map. Like character levels and personal story in the core maps, your best bet is to just go out, explore the maps, poke around until you figure out where a path leads or how to overcome an obstacle. Participate in events and adventures you stumble across. Find out what you enjoy about the game and its world. All of this gives you experience, which in turn levels your masteries, as well as making you figure out how to get to the next area.


As for ranger pets, most of these can be found in the core maps. Start with your race's starting city. Each of those should have three different ranger pets to tame, sometimes in plain sight, sometimes hidden. Every one of the core Tyria maps has pets you can tame. Go out into the world, explore, and keep your eyes open for those juvenile pets, and you will soon find them all over the place.


The expansions are a bit different in that there are only 5 (?) new ranger pets per expansion. These are spread across the 4-5 expansion maps, but mostly a bit hidden. Expansion pets are definitely harder to find and unlock than core pets, so my advice would be to take your ranger back to Lion's Arch or whatever racial city you prefer, step out of the gates, and just go out and explore whatever map you stumble into.


This game really is the kind where you "take a direction and just run". Exploration is a big part of it, direction not so much. Just run aimlessly until you find an event, join in, then when the event is over, stick around for a bit to see if the npc has anything else to say, maybe offers something for sale, or kicks off a follow-up event. There are many event chains around that are little mini-stories by themselves, and npc that have nice stories to tell if you talk to them. It's all there for you to discover. Have fun!

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49 minutes ago, Shieldbash.5304 said:

I used to play 5 years ago, played daily did arenas etc. Left for years and have come back to continue the story, however I boosted my Ranger instead of continuing with my Warrior and most story quests are in areas I cannot get to... I find myself running around zones only to find I cannot continue North or South because I am in a gorge or a mountain is in the way.


The quests do not explain how to get to that area it merely places a green star on the map and its ponderous! Very discouraging, I even purchased the map way point opening things whatever they are called and still cannot continue my story. Now I am at trying to use the Nochloch portal stones but I cannot unless I complete the Tangled Path which I cannot get to.


I wish you guys would help players it would increase popularity and maybe get the game population up? I try, I am running around helping fight beasts in the forgotten city area, but I have no idea why I am there and what I am trying to accomplish?


I just know thats where others are so I feel I am part of something, so I stay there.


I only have a Bear and a Panther, I cannot seem to find any new pets, Even the Pet wiki shows pets in areas I cannot get to?


I am uncertain if I am the only one like this, I bet there are others like me. Add to that the endless amounts of junk in my inventory that I delete and or sell having no idea what to do with it all. The game is fun, but its daunting with no direction!

Play the stories in their chronological order and the game helps you with getting where you need to be.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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Most of what needed to be said already has been. I would like to add one caveat: if you have not already done so, unlocking basic gliding (1 HoT mastery point required) and the raptor mount (first PoF instance story + maybe first renown heart in Crystal Oasis) are worth it. Then return to base.

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I did this. My second child was born not long after i started gw2 and I went on a similar hiatus. There is sound advice here. I think what I did was create a new character and started as if I just got the game. This worked out well. And yes playing in order does reduce confusion, but nothing will detract from the fact that the end of the zhaitan story is one of the most painful experiences in an mmo I have had... The level 70-80 bits destroy my love for the game every time I go through with another character 😅

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I did as instructed thank you, I have managed to do more story which has indeed opened more areas otherwise was closed and has allowed me to tame some more cool pets which has made the game fun and exciting again! 


I did enough story to complete that kitten Nuhoch portal and am trying to kill Mordremeth in the dream sequence now, but I keep getting dced half way through.


Seeing more areas and having more options with pets has re-invigorated me!

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On 6/3/2021 at 8:20 AM, Tiamat.8254 said:

I did this. My second child was born not long after i started gw2 and I went on a similar hiatus. There is sound advice here. I think what I did was create a new character and started as if I just got the game. This worked out well. And yes playing in order does reduce confusion, but nothing will detract from the fact that the end of the zhaitan story is one of the most painful experiences in an mmo I have had... The level 70-80 bits destroy my love for the game every time I go through with another character 😅

That's what I do whenever I go back to a game I haven't played for months or years. Even if I'm planning to switch back to my existing character/save file/whatever when I'm ready I find playing the early bits as if I'm new to it helps familiarise me with the game again without it being overwhelming or having to worry that I'll mess something up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: Have tamed a bunch of pets now, completed 2 entire stories and opened up more map. Having a blast!, seriously just running around exploring with my pets soloing and helping kill Legendary bosses and stuff when they appear.


Still don't have an idea on crafting or jobs skills etc. But that will come.

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