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PSA: Forest beast


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Conquest is a game of map control. For the love of god please stop forcing your team to fight outnumbered or give up nodes to kill beasts. It's not an objective that is worth giving map control for, even if it's counterintuitive. Killing beast is the last thing you need to be thinking about doing the vast majority of the time. I don't care if you think "the game was only close because you killed beasts", regardless of how close the game was, your denying your team momentum. Without momentum, you won't ever get a lead so whether the game was close or not doesn't mean anything at all. Just don't do it.


The fact that it's the only objective that gives points and is also not worth going for is bad design in a game where you win by points. It's bad because it shouldn't be that counterintuitive and imo it needs to be reworked to have more impact. Maybe some kind of killable objective that spawns at beach, isn't easily soloable and gives enough value to be worth killing. It would have to be designed in a way where it wouldn't favor teams with the most teamfight potential like most other objectives. I'd like to see something that forces teams to split up to accomplish it, rather than ball up and spam AoEs.

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beasts ARE worth going for, they are simply not ALWAYS worth going for
it will usually boil down to
1 team wins big fight
2 get 2 nodes and a decap
3 pull back and grab a beast and regroup
4 now you have 2 nodes, extra stats and 25 points, gj.
+ some builds can wreck them in like 10s which is really nice.

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I'm not saying to not kill it ever, I'm saying that if you're a player that thinks you should be killing beasts when they spawn, you need to shift your mindset to focus on map control rather than points. Also, even when you think it's a good time to kill beast (like winning a big teamfight), there's almost always another play that would result in more map control. Like, can your team swing by far to get another kill on their sidenoder? Can you swing 1 or 2 players beach and catch their first respawn? All I'm asking is that people put killing beast at the bottom of the list of their decision stack.


7 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

There's plenty occasions where beast is viable. Usually when having enemies on respawn.

In the majority of cases where the enemy has respawns, you're still better off playing the map rather than go for beast. There really aren't "plenty of occasions".

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I think the problem isn't that people go for the beasts. The problem is that the WRONG kinds of players go for the beasts. In general, you should avoid detouring out of your way to kill beasts unless a) you are capable of killing the beast solo in less than 10 seconds, or b) you and teammate(s) just won a fight at the side, the beast is up, and you can kill the beast in <10s on your way back to mid. However, I often see people go fight the beasts and take far longer than that (or even down to the beast), and in those cases the 25 points plus the buff isn't worth the lost map presence (since within those 10 seconds an enemy can have decapped a side point and be halfway on their way to capping it before you can return.)

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