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Is the 11k health full glass cannon DH longbow Trapper build op?


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  1. 1. Zerk DH op?

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56 minutes ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

The part of the brain that can analyze "space" and "time".


The only trap in this build that can potentially force you off a node is Procession of Blades. This trap does not actually cover the entire node, so if you position correctly you're fine. Also it only lasts 2 seconds, so you can trigger it, move away for 2 seconds, and then re-engage.


And, more importantly, if the DH is using Procession of Blades to pressure the node, that means he cannot ALSO be using it to gain stealth and kite or setup LB bursts. Infact, the smart play is to intentionally trigger the trap and take the first tick of damage, since this will reveal the DH and nullify the advantage of trapper rune.


Fun fact, this is the best way to nullify LB-trapper DH. Just stick to him at all times and trigger the traps as soon as he drops them, which means he's permanently revealed. The only class that might have any trouble sticking to a DH and instantly popping the traps is necro, and they're not exactly struggling at the moment. Mesmers and Rangers are even able to do this without going anywhere near a trap themselves.


I guarantee, that when a DH is wanting to kite away and drops a trap to do so, and you instantly deny it by proc'ing the trap and reveal him, that DH is internally screaming "fkfkfkfkfkfkfk".

100% this!! People complain the build is braindead but fail to see that their own braindead playstyle is whats getting them killed. Them come to the forums for nerfs.

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7 hours ago, Crozame.4098 said:

I have nothing to say mate... If having ranged dmg, F2, F3, 2 ports, RF, and traps cannot help you to survive, then git gut I guess.


Also, take thief for example. Even though it has teammates, it cannot stay in a team fight too long, because its main dmg is melee and it takes AOE damage...

I think you need to try the spec yourself if you don't understand how limiting 11k health is.

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5 hours ago, Exile.8160 said:

100% this!! People complain the build is braindead but fail to see that their own braindead playstyle is whats getting them killed. Them come to the forums for nerfs.

You are so right. This is the first time ranked became littered with a build that was difficult and skillful. It is so difficult to have impact and survive with this build. I should let the 2-4 Dragonhunters I have in every single game know this. 


1 hour ago, DanSH.6143 said:

I think you need to try the spec yourself if you don't understand how limiting 11k health is.

Been playing this build for the past 10 months or so. Back when the 11k health was somewhat limiting. With Holo, Renegade, and Thief tuned down and not running rampant every match, it has more than enough survivability. It is actual easy mode right now. 

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12 minutes ago, Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

You are so right. This is the first time ranked became littered with a build that was difficult and skillful. It is so difficult to have impact and survive with this build. I should let the 2-4 Dragonhunters I have in every single game know this. 


Been playing this build for the past 10 months or so. Back when the 11k health was somewhat limiting. With Holo, Renegade, and Thief tuned down and not running rampant every match, it has more than enough survivability. It is actual easy mode right now. 

Lool holo and scourge are more of a problem in ranked specially the nec. Saying guard is op in this meta means nothing!

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Just now, Exile.8160 said:

Cant be plat, cuz all I see there are scourges holos, revs and rangers.

Same experience, though in gold I did see a lot of DH. Some games did have 2-4. But half of them were Burn DH. 

Anyway this whole issue imo is people mistake annoying with op.

DH is an annoying noob stomper but overall a weak build. The rise in popularity was very weird, and it got me a lot of wins since they're easy kills.

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On 6/8/2021 at 6:09 PM, DanSH.6143 said:

What rank do you play at? 

I play in P1. You can turn on any streamer that is P2+ and see the exact same thing. 


I really don't understand why you don't want to admit it is a powerful build. Naru listed it as an S-tier build for ranked. The top tier of  builds you can play in ranked. If you don't know who Naru is he is pretty much always ranked in the top 3 NA. It is so disgustingly biased to not acknowledge just how cheese the build is and strong the build is. 



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It’s is insanely strong. It however sadly is a build only the top 1% should play due to difficulty. If u can ezily work around it’s mechanics it’ll feel brain dead ez for carrying ranked, but again that’s the top 1%.


it however is around the area of op, don’t let it’s difficulty fool you

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Meanwhile, an epic battle was taking place. 


DH: Aha! You have fallen into my trap. Prepare to become mincemeat!


Prot Holo: ...


DH: Wait. What are you doing...


Prot Holo: [Raises arm slightly]


DH: Not that! anything but--


Prot Holo: [Shield 5]


DH: *convulsion noises*

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