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Npc Request: asura with unusually deep voice

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I apologize if this has been requested before but in the future may we have a random background/ambient male asura character with an unusually deep voice? 
It would really make my day honestly; especially if he were slightly hidden so as to be a treat when you find him. The dialogue is up to you, but it would be extremely funny if he was playing with Ploint's norn growth hormone formula.   I...just really gotta hear a male asura with a deep voice. 

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I think you may enjoy a bit of FF14.

The potatoes don't look much like Asura, but some of their males have some of the deepest voices in the game (at least in the Japanese dub).


But having Asura with deep voices could be scarier than anything Arenanet tried (and failed to make even slightly unnerving) in the Icebrood Saga.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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He wouldn't have to have a deep voice for a nefarious reason like dragon corruption. Like I said, it could have just been a science experiment gone wrong or maybe that's just the way he was born. I really want writers to bring back some of the discovery and levity that the game used to have in its earlier days. I think my suggestion would contribute to that. 

I feel that after all the darkness in the last two years -  we could really do with a touch more wholesome humor here and there. 

Edited by Obfuscate.6430
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43 minutes ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

He wouldn't have to have a deep voice for a nefarious reason like dragon corruption. Like I said, it could have just been a science experiment gone wrong or maybe that's just the way he was born. I really want writers to bring back some of the discovery and levity that the game used to have in its earlier days. I think my suggestion would contribute to that. 

I feel that after all the darkness in the last two years -  we could really do with a touch more wholesome humor here and there. 

He doesn't have to be scary per se.

But suddenly having a deep-voiced Asura would take people off guard, and give them a small scare (which still is more than the Icebrood Saga as I mentioned, which literally had zero scares).

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5 minutes ago, Eraden.8740 said:

My god, that would be hilarious to hear an Asura talking like that. I would also have to kill it very quickly as it is most likely very evil!

If we aren't even allowed to kill those Quaggan monstrosities, I doubt we'd be able to kill sane Asura NPCs.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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I can honestly say I don't understand the fear or violence suggested in these responses. I just thought it would be a nice surprise. 
In the earlier days of Guild Wars 2, turning a corner in to a cave or alcove while exploring, and discovering an asura with unique dialogue has always been a highlight. Like the asura who raises rabbits secretly, or the asura who longs to be a baker. Would it not be wonderful to hear of  some poor asuran lad who ran away from home to avoid the bullying because of his voice? Maybe he always dreamed of being an opera singer, with his Basso Cantante

Edited by Obfuscate.6430
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14 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I doubt that this request would be honored as Anet would need to hire a voice actor and record everything new.

No, they will not have to hire a voice actor specifically for this. They can use the voice actor they use for Charr for example, or the actor they use for the male Elonians. This is for a tiny 2 or 3 line novelty hidden away, just for fun.  The voice acting is the least labor intensive part of my request. The more difficult part is adding the npc itself, making a script -not just for it's lines but for whoever interacts with it,  finding a spot for it, and working out how and when it triggers. It is worse when you consider what may or may not be finished already. I was half hoping they could slip it in to the new expansion somewhere. 

 I understand the difficulty involved in  honoring my request. It is not a demand. I am well aware that people would rather have resources go to more important issues like updating WvW, or adding a new raid wing, as well as a myriad of other issues like bug fixing and optimization. 

I just really thought this was a sweet, fun idea that really takes up some of the flavor that has sort of been missing for the last year or so.


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On 6/29/2021 at 2:46 AM, Obfuscate.6430 said:

They can use the voice actor they use for Charr for example, or the actor they use for the male Elonians.

Don't forget about the one who's voicing the Quaggan abominations.

I think that's one of the deepest voices they can get.

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17 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Ok, so maybe not a new voice actor; however, someone would have to be paid to do it as well as the engineers to put it together.  It's an added cost that probably isn't in the budget.  /shrug

I completely understand.  Although, without knowing exactly anything about the cost of adding something as small as an npc with a different voice I wouldn't say "it isn't in the budget". They added SAB after all, and that probably "wasn't in the budget" too at it's inception. 

This  probably isn't a request you're interested in at all - but I also believe it's important for the community to see and share fun ideas that build upon and contribute to the general feel and nuance of the world Guild Wars 2 has.    

Small, fun ideas are kind of near the heart of this game. I don't see the harm in sharing or supporting them!
But thank you so much for you input!

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On 7/4/2021 at 12:46 AM, Ultramex.1506 said:

There were few Asura with deep voice, like Tonn  and that one asura discuss about golem rebellion in Rata Sum, they both share same VA

Oh, no I mean deeper than that. Deep enough to create a comedic effect but not so deep that it sounds like a digitally altered voice. XD

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