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please please please can we have some way to turn off the flapping skyscale wings

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19 hours ago, Ardenwolfe.8590 said:

Let's see:


1. No aura effects.

2. No wings.

3. No backpacks.

4. And now no flapping wings from mounts.


Anything else we need to remove? Maybe, no Guild Wars 2? I know, I know. Players are so inconsiderate of your needs. 

Actually everything that is not essential information for combat :P At least for competitive modes.

That's how we did it when the games still allowed. You edited the configuration files and stripped everything that reduced fps or was not need to know information for combat. Lowest detail, highest contrast and no redundant elements, textures... 

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The OP and the others listed ask players to change their play style and behavior because the OP’s computer can’t handle the graphics or are annoyed they must move. In other words, “Change the game's settings or your behavior, so I don’t have to alter mine.”


And the answer is no.

Edited by Ardenwolfe.8590
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I don't think the OP said one thing about their computer having an issue.


I'm also highly bothered by the flapping wings even on my own skyscale.  Any repetitive motion that makes my eye jitter to follow it -- be it RL ceiling fans, or on-screen flapping, circling, etc -- can pretty rapidly send me into queasy nausea.  I also get queasy if my camera's not zoomed out quite a bit.  That combination makes it very hard to avoid seeing skyscale wings in motion, though I do my best to move aside and rotate my camera.


I don't blame people who don't have nausea issues for wanting to hover on their skyscale.  Doing it right over people's heads, barely above the ground, though?  That's rude.  Especially if they are super politely and non-demandingly asked to move a bit as they are causing illness and they just laugh and deliberately move to get right on top of the person asking, as happened to me at Fire Ele one time.


If there were an optional setting to freeze skyscale wings in place from your perspective, easily toggled so you can see the proper animations when you're able to handle it, that would help tremendously.  Am I asking the devs to spend time on it?  Nope.  But I'm not going to roll my eyes at people asking for relief from deliberate (or inadvertent) visual assaults.

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It's a matter of when you're waiting for a world boss, and everyone is piled up in the same spot, you will get a pack of fluttering, flapping skyscales...Teq is a cloud of them hovering over the turrets.  You can move out of the way, you can move your camera, but if you're waiting on a turret, for example, it's hard to avoid.  


It doesn't mean someone needs a better pc, it doesn't mean they want to ban all things game, bouncing mounts and a sea of mentor tags also make it hard for players to see.  Just skyscales are very much at camera level though, making it harder to see past when you have a cluster of like minded players.  It started as a way to show off the mounts when they first came out and has since worn out it's joy.  


I love flying around, I like hovering, however when waiting for an event, I prefer to land or perch someplace because I don't enjoy ten minutes of watching my own mount flap.  

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2 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

I don't think the OP said one thing about their computer having an issue.

It’s not all-encompassing to the OP. It’s all the requests made recently because of graphic issues. Regardless, if it bothers anyone to the point of nausea?


Don’t play.


Harsh, I know. But please don’t ask the entire community to change its behavior in a graphic-intense game because you’re forced to move or because it annoys and upsets anyone for various reasons. I don’t hover, myself. And I'm not too fond of the daily clown show in Divinity’s Reach near the Auction House. But I’m not requesting they stop.


Their time. Their money. Their call.


I ignore them and move along. And I suggest, if it bothers anyone enough, they do the same.

Edited by Ardenwolfe.8590
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11 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I'm not disputing that.  I was merely agreeing that those who hover low (seemingly on purpose, just to annoy) can be seen as inconsiderate.  I have my skyscale, and I don't hover low where players congregate.  Do you?  If so, why? 

Do people really do that on purpose? I usually, if i afk on a Skyscale before the event, go as high up as my stamina will allow it, then just wait there, and that's where i see all or most other Skyscale players waiting as well. I don't think i've seen anyone be as close to the ground so that their Skyscale is kicking up dust in other people's faces. I mean, i suppose there's someone out there doing ti on purpose but i probably didn't see it.


Maybe it's the EU/NA thing. Judging from the forums, NA region tends to grief more. All the stories i read about griefing i almost never saw on EU where i am... Maybe i'm just not playing so many events to notice, idk...

10 hours ago, Yggranya.5201 said:

By not being "very much above the ground", instead parking themselves squarely on top of other people. There is nothing accidental about that at all and they know exactly what they're doing.

I suppose someone is probably doing it on purpose, but i haven't seen any people doing it honestly...

Then again, you can just move. It's easier to just move than to expect someone else who may or may not be doing it on purpose to move for you.

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23 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

this IS an MMO, you can't expect to be completely alone

I 100% agree and think that the whining on the forums everyday for a toggle to switch anything off that has to do with other players is ridiculous. Anet caters too heavily to these anti-social players as it is and they think they should be allowed to play the entire game, an MMO, like they were the only ones that exist or matter.


Seriously guys, go play a single player game if you can't be bothered to see other players progress or shinnies.

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